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JSE - Pop the Lock v1.1 Blog
17th June 2021
Michael Fernie updated his Pop the Lock JSE-based game, to v1.1


Changed the color of the the target.
Added a triangle to it to make it stand out more.
Fixed all the text scaling issues.
Sweep movement is a slower and ramps up slower.
Sound Tracker changes the song every level 3rd level instead of every level.
Changed a few color choices to make them stand out more like the dial numbers.
Bumped up the version number to 1.1 and changed the date.

// Pop The Lock v1.1 // by Michael Fernie // Created 6/17/2021 Symbol 0,"2__0_002_20_0_0,2_2,0_0_0220_0220_0@220_0,220_0/220_0,220_0/220_0,220_0/220_0,220_0/220_0,220_0/220_0,220_0/2_2/0_0!220_0?220_0.220_0/220_00220_0_220_220_0_00220/220_0220_0220?220_02.0_0220.220@2@0@220,2,0@20!20@2,002,0/220!220/2,002,0!2,0022002,0!2,002,0!2,0022002,0!2,002,0/220!220/2,0,220@20!20@220.220@2@0@220?220_2.0_220/220_220_220_220_0_220_00220_0/220_0.220_0?220_0!220_0,220_0@2_2?0_0_02_2,"; MelodyString="G16E32F32G16E16G32G32G32A32G16E32F32G16E32F32G16E16D32D32D32E32D16C16|G8G8F8F8E8E8F8E16F16|C8r16C16E16r16G16r16A16A+16A16F16G8r8|r1|[d]|C16G+16D16G+16C16G+16D16D16C16G+16D16G+16G+16C16D16C32D32|C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16C16|r8A4A4A4A8|r1|" Graphics 1024, 720, 2 AA Off #CONST $GAMESTATE_TITLE=0 #CONST $GAMESTATE_MAIN_GAME=1 #CONST $GAMESTATE_GAME_OVER=2 #CONST $GAMESTATE_LEVEL_COMPLETE=3 #CONST $SWEEP_SPEED_START=2.25 #CONST $SWEEP_SPEED_INC=0.035 Gosub ResetGame //***** Main Loop ***** Repeat if GameState==$GAMESTATE_TITLE then Gosub TitleScreen if GameState==$GAMESTATE_MAIN_GAME then Gosub MainGame if GameState==$GAMESTATE_LEVEL_COMPLETE then Gosub LevelComplete if GameState==$GAMESTATE_GAME_OVER then Gosub GameOverScreen Flip Forever //***** Title Screen ***** @TitleScreen CLS ResetDraw SetColor Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255) TextStr="*** Pop The Lock ***" SetFontSizeFit(TextStr, ScreenWidth*0.75, ScreenHeight*0.75) Text ScreenWidth*0.5, ScreenHeight*0.2, TextStr, 1 SetColor 255, 255, 255 TextStr="High Score: " + HighScore + " Level High: " + LevelHigh SetFontSizeFit(TextStr, ScreenWidth*0.75, ScreenHeight*0.75) Text ScreenWidth*0.5, (ScreenHeight*0.4)+68, TextStr, 1 SetFontSize 8 Text ScreenWidth-200, ScreenHeight-25, "Michael Fernie 6/17/21", 0 Text ScreenWidth-200, ScreenHeight-15, "JSE by Jayenkai", 0 if MouseHit() or KeyHit() or GamepadHit() Gosub ResetGame GameState=$GAMESTATE_MAIN_GAME endif SetSize 0.70 Starfield 2, 0, 0, 1 Return //***** Reset Level ***** @ResetLevel SeedRnd //Fix For OR Bug t1=0 if (Level mod 3==0) then t1=1 if (Level==1) then t1=1 if t1==1 then JMTrackr((Rand(1, 4)*5)+90, 0, MelodyString) LockX=ScreenWidth()*0.5 LockY=ScreenHeight()-185 ClaspX=LockX-74 ClaspY=(LockY-LockH)+14 SweepAngle=0 TargetAngle=Rand(45, 105) WipeAngle=0 SweepSpeed=$SWEEP_SPEED_START Return //***** Reset Game ***** @ResetGame GameState=$GAMESTATE_TITLE LockW=300 LockH=300 Level=1 LevelHigh=1 Score=0 HighScore=0 TargetsToGo=1 Gosub ResetLevel if FileExists==1 LoadFile HighScore=ReadFile(1) LevelHigh=ReadFile(2) endif Return //***** Main Game ***** @MainGame CLS ResetDraw Gosub DrawLock if MouseHit() or KeyHit() or GamepadHit() dist=Distance(SweepX, SweepY, TargetX, TargetY) if dist>18 GameState=$GAMESTATE_GAME_OVER Return else SetSize 2 for p=0 to 5 ThrowParticle TargetX+Rnd(-30,30), TargetY+Rnd(-30,30), 7, Rnd(-15, 15), .35, 0, Rand(0, 9), 0 next SetSize 1 Score=Score+(1*Level) TargetsToGo=TargetsToGo-1 if TargetsToGo==0 GameState=$GAMESTATE_LEVEL_COMPLETE Level=Level+1 TargetsToGo=Level PlaySFX("Beeper_Rise", 1, 0.25) Return endif PlaySFX("Beeper_Fruit_Bonus", 1, 0.25) AngleOffset=Rand(35, 105) SweepSpeed=-SweepSpeed if (SweepSpeed<0) TargetAngle=TargetAngle-AngleOffset SweepSpeed=SweepSpeed-$SWEEP_SPEED_INC else TargetAngle=TargetAngle+AngleOffset SweepSpeed=SweepSpeed+$SWEEP_SPEED_INC endif endif Return endif Gosub UpdateSpinner SetColor 180, 255, 180 SetFontSize 20 Text ScreenWidth*0.5, 30, "Score: " + Score + " Level: " + Level, 1 SetColor 0, 255, 0 SetFontSize 25 Text ScreenWidth*0.5, LockY-220, TargetsToGo, 1 SweepAngle=SweepAngle+SweepSpeed //Fix For OR Bug t1=(SweepSpeed < 0 and SweepAngle < (TargetAngle-10)) t2=(SweepSpeed > 0 and SweepAngle > (TargetAngle+10)) if t1 or t2 GameState=$GAMESTATE_GAME_OVER endif Return //***** Draw Lock ***** @DrawLock SetColor 255, 128, 0 SetThick 24 drawRect ClaspX, ClaspY, LockW*0.5, LockH*0.5, 0 SetColor 0, 0, 0 Rect ClaspX-20, ClaspY+137, 190, 40, 0 SetColor 255, 128, 0 SetThick 50 DrawOval LockX, LockY, LockW, LockH, 30 SetThick 20 DrawOval LockX, LockY, LockW*0.333, LockH*0.333, 12 SetFontSize 10 SetThick 2 SetColor 0, 255, 255 f=0 for d=0 to 35 step 5 dx=(Sin(f)*92)+LockX dy=(0-(Cos(f)*92))+2+LockY Text(dx, dy, d, 1) f=f+45 next SetThick 1 SetColor 255, 255, 255 for a=0 to 360 step 9 ss=Sin(a) cc=Cos(a) dx=(ss*105)+LockX dy=(0-(cc*105))+LockY Line dx+(ss*8), dy-(cc*8), dx+ss, dy-cc next Return //***** Update Spinner ***** @UpdateSpinner lineLen=150 targLen=172 TargetX=LockX+(Sin(TargetAngle)*lineLen) TargetY=LockY-(Cos(TargetAngle)*lineLen) ss=Sin(SweepAngle) cc=Cos(SweepAngle) SweepX=LockX+(ss*lineLen) SweepY=LockY-(cc*lineLen) SetColor 153, 0, 0 SetThick 8 SetSize 1.5 Oval TargetX, TargetY, 20, 20, 15 SetColor 0, 255, 0 Triangle TargetX, TargetY, 10, 10 SetSize 1 SetColor 0, 255, 0 SetThick 8 Line LockX+(ss*targLen), LockY-(cc*targLen), LockX+ss, LockY-cc SetColor 0, 0, 255 SetThick 8 DrawOval SweepX, SweepY, 2, 2, 15 Return //***** Level Complete ****** @LevelComplete CLS ResetDraw Gosub DrawLock dy=Abs(ClaspY-LockY) if dy<=320 ClaspY=ClaspY-10 if dy==306 KillParticles PlaySFX("Metal_3", 1, 1.0) endif else ClaspX=ClaspX-45 LockX=LockX-45 if LockX<-255 Wait .25 Gosub ResetLevel GameState=$GAMESTATE_MAIN_GAME endif endif Return //***** Game Over Screen ***** @GameOverScreen if WipeAngle==0 PlaySFX("Explode_High_4", 0.5) KillParticles if Score>HighScore then HighScore=Score if Level>LevelHigh then LevelHigh=Level WriteFile 1, HighScore WriteFile 2, LevelHigh SaveFile endif if WipeAngle <> 181 SetThick 6 WipeAngle=0 l=320 w=0 SetColor 0, 0, 0 repeat ss=Sin(WipeAngle) cc=Cos(WipeAngle) ss2=Sin(WipeAngle+180) cc2=Cos(WipeAngle+180) dx=ss+LockX dy=(0-cc)+LockY Line dx+(ss*l), dy-(cc*l), dx+ss, dy-cc w=w+1 if (w>1) WipeAngle=WipeAngle+1 w=0 endif dx2=ss2+LockX dy2=(0-cc2)+LockY Line dx2+(ss2*l), dy2-(cc2*l), dx2+(ss2), dy2-(cc2) if WipeAngle mod 10==0 then Flip until WipeAngle>180 Wait .25 else CLS ResetDraw TextStr="Score: " + Score + " High Score: " + HighScore + " Level: " + Level + " Level High: " + LevelHigh SetFontSizeFit(TextStr, ScreenWidth*0.75, ScreenHeight*0.75) Text ScreenWidth*0.5, (ScreenHeight*0.4)+68, TextStr, 1 SetColor Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255) Text ScreenWidth*0.5, (ScreenHeight*0.2)+92, "<<< Game Over! >>>", 1 if MouseHit() or KeyHit() or GamepadHit() Gosub ResetGame GameState=$GAMESTATE_TITLE_SCREEN endif endif SetSize 0.70 Starfield 2, 0, 0, 1 Return

Views 86, Upvotes 10  
Jse , Games
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Site credits : Site built from the ground up, in php, using Programmer's Notepad 2, and a very bored Jayenkai.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed

Blog - JSE - Pop the Lock v1.1 - AGameAWeek