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29th November 2009
This week a suggestion from Authentic Kaizen, who suggests having a neon styled platform game, with bubble bobble style components. The game has taken a few turns during the week, changing from spike induced terror, a game with a frog like creature, and a whole lot more besides! It now appears to be settling down quite nicely into some kind of obscure chaos. Hurray for chaos!! Coming Tuesday : NeonPlat!
Views 56, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
27th November 2009
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Socoder Newsletter -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-      "Bonus Round"           #031 - 27th November 2009                      <form method="get" action="https://groups.google.com/group/socoder-newsletter/boxsubscribe" target=_blank style="background-color: #ffc; width: 320px; padding: 2px 4px">...
Views 41, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog
26th November 2009
I get to this point once every few months, and .. well.. here we are again! A few things are getting me here, this time around. Let's list the reasons, then think of some solutions..
Views 81, Upvotes 10  
2010 Framework
24th November 2009
*phew* Just about!!! <img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Munky_Blocks_DS_20091124A_thumb.png"> Munky Blocks DS, a complete remake of the original that can even make use of the level files from the PC edition, but also adds in a little mix of "Munky's Block" levels, too. In the end, it's turned out as a lovely little game, but BOY was that a rushed ending! Missing a day didn't help things, and the entire editor (top to bottom) had to be coded yesterday!! Surprised I even man...
Views 170, Upvotes 21  
20th November 2009
This week, I've decided to try something a wee bit different. If you're a fan of previous AGameAWeek games, you'll notice that I'm more than a little crap at designing levels. It's a slight issue, but one that I've never bothered to care about. Usually, any games that NEED levels will include a built in level editor. And folk who like the games will spend minutes trying to make one, and that'll be half the fun. The trouble with this theory, of course, is that half the ti...
Views 80, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog
17th November 2009
Last week was Bonfire Night in the UK, and as such RetroRemakes.com had a little challenge. (They've started to do a monthly challenge..) Create a game/story/etc with Fireworks in it. Here's my game. <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Firework_Chaos_20091117A.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Firework_Chaos_20091117A_thumb.png"></a>
Views 170, Upvotes 22  
12th November 2009
<a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/JNKx15.zip">Download JNKx15 Right Here</a> A nice neat 36Mb download, with 15 lovely little games included. Download, Unzip, Play away!
Views 581, Upvotes 24  
Daily Blog
10th November 2009
In a world where Ninjas roam, there are many things to be aware of. Ducks are deadly, be sure to have your sword!! (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Ninja__Duck__20091110B.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Ninja__Duck__20091110B_thumb.png"> Z to swish, Left and right to run, Up to jump and Down to duck/slide. You can (URL "https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Ninja__Duck__20091110.zip">Download Ninja, Duck! here), and get a super h...
Views 142, Upvotes 35  
9th November 2009
So, after having attempted to create a racing game and a word game, I've finally settled on a game that appears to be coming together nicely. Ninja Duck (temporary name, but they usually tend to stick) is about a Ninja who has a sword, and an oncoming swarm of ducks, frogs and birds. Simple stuff, on a nice small arena. <a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/arghfrog.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/arghfrog_thumb.png"></a> Not really too much gameplay, but just enoug...
Views 38, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
7th November 2009
Sometimes you can start a game and it grows and grows and is wonderful. Other times, you get about 10% through, and realise it's just not working out. Game Idea 1 This week started with a word game. A decent enough idea, place the tiles in a scrabble-esque crossword style, and make words. Each tile would have two points, Point A, the letter, and Point B, the link. The link is either to the left or below the letter. Tiles could only link to each other, so rather than having a grid...
Views 86, Upvotes 13  
Daily Blog
3rd November 2009
Blimey, Blockman got big! 5Mb!! FIVE!! That's not like me! But with over 350 great big (for me!) 64x64 pixel sprites, the game was bound to get a little bit bigger than usual. Oh, and a bitmap font, too! I've really gone all out, this week! <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Blockman_Gets_More_20091103B.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Blockman_Gets_More_20091103B_thumb.png"></a> To be fair, it's taken about 2 weeks to get this all done, but I ...
Views 382, Upvotes 38  
2nd November 2009
Blimey, that got complex! <a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/blockmansGreatBigMenu.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/blockmansGreatBigMenu_thumb.png"></a> Starting with "World 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1" I built a set of sideways Arcade menu start points. Then I added the old "J/K" gameplay options in the style of World 10-1 and World 25-1.. Although from 6-1 and after, the theme isn't predetermined, and it's just picking random themes each time! Each world conta...
Views 71, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
1st November 2009
Or rather, he needs one, but doesn't quite have one. That's on tomorrow morning/tonight's list of things to do. Otherwise we've got sounds, graphics, music, levels, level progression, bonus level sets and more. Everything's nice and happy! Blockman is happy, too! <a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Firestarter.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/Firestarter_thumb.png"></a> (Finally added scores to the bottom of the screen!!) One thing I'm sl...
Views 35, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
30th October 2009
Like I suggested yesterday, those one-way arrows could lead to some serious deadends, so rather than allowing the game to plonk them down willy-nilly, I've brought back Path Mode's AI. Path Mode will work the way it used to, a trail of dots leading to an eventual deadend.. But we'll also be using it to find paths for the arrows. Find a path, pick 4 or 5 points at random, add the arrows. Nice and simple. Of course, if you leave all the arrows in, it does get a little bit...
Views 35, Upvotes 14  
Daily Blog
29th October 2009
Sometimes you have really productive days. Occasionally, though, those really productive days seem to drag on and on, and not actually produce much at all! Here's what I've done today. 1. We're up to 5 skins, since I added a plain rock+lava one. Plenty of graphical variety, but only as much as it's still a bunch of squares making up a maze! 2. Added the nice filter down level drop effect back into the game. It's a nice enough effect. No need to jazz it up, nor remove it. It ...
Views 54, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
28th October 2009
<a href="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/KingPelLittsTomb.png"><img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/KingPelLittsTomb_thumb.png"></a> Poor Blockman, all alone in a gigantic maze. If only there were a way to zoom into the action..
Views 91, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
27th October 2009
A nice and simple game, this week, inspired by this week's Wednesday Workshop (#224) Board Game challenge. Rather than having plain Questions and Answers, I've taken all the results from Socoder's daily polls, and rounded them up into the game. Can you select the option that the most people at Socoder did?! <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Guesstimates_20091027A.png"><img src="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/Guesstimates_20091027A_thumb.png"></a> Pick the best to ...
Views 123, Upvotes 17  
24th October 2009
Blockman Gets More is coming along nicely, with one slight issue to be aware of. I've got the bloomin' Swine Flu, so don't expect a miracle super game by Tuesday. Dangit.. I should have a game done by Tuesday, but it won't be Blockman Gets More, that's currently waiting until such a time that I can actually think straight, and not struggle to type! Flu sucks, especially once it's got into your head. Bah! This week's game will be probably be the poll-based board game tha...
Views 78, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
20th October 2009
This week, due to popular demand, Blockman's Getting More. As you may have read, I attempted a new art style (fweeDee!!) last week, which really didn't work out at all. So, this week I'm aiming for the Pseudo popped-out-a-bit art style, and all seems happy in the world of Blockman. <img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/blockmangetsmoreb.png">
Views 107, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
20th October 2009
Prepare for disappointment! This week's been a bit of a disaster, really. I started with Arcade Slots, and actually managed to get quite far into it, but eventually realised there wasn't anything new to add to the mix. So that got scrapped. After that came a brand new Blockman graphic style, which was far too angled, and resulted in the maze being completely obscured. No good! So, after those two, you'd think I'd suddenly come up gold. Third time lucky, right? Nope. <a hr...
Views 108, Upvotes 19  
19th October 2009
If you're currently coping with a bad bout of depression, it's probably not a great idea to download this week's AGameAWeek game, because.. quite frankly.. it sucks! As I type this, the game currently consists of a badly drawn dog, a badly drawn bit of grass, and a few badly drawn birds. I've hit a dead end as far as this game goes. I also hit a dead end with Arcade Slots, and I even hit a major blockage with Blockman Gets More. All in all, this week has sucked! I've got practically nothing imagina...
Views 47, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
16th October 2009
I got the basic slot machine reels working. A couple of nice functions. 1 to fill them up, 1 to draw them. Nudges work, Holds work. Everything vaguely important works.. Then I added the Pacman sprites. <img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/pacslot.png"> and started to get that "I've already done this, there's nothing new I can add..." feeling. I think I'm done with Arcade Slots. I've already done it.. There's nothing new to add. :sad face:
Views 59, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog
16th October 2009
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Socoder Newsletter -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-      "GET IT OUT OF MY EYE!"           #025 - 16th October 2009                      <form method="get" action="https://groups.google.com/group/socoder-newsletter/boxsubscribe" target=_blank style="background-color: #ffc; width: 320px; padding: 2p...
Views 66, Upvotes 8  
Daily Blog
13th October 2009
Thursday 8th of October 2009 01:46:19 PM Name : Nam Idea : May I suggest a "Tower of Druaga" mode for Arcade Slots? It's been a long while since I played inside the Arcade Slots source. If I remember rightly, there was some odd little issue in the code that made adding more stuff a little difficult. Can't remember entirely. Who knows.. I do remember trying to come up with drastically different gameplay styles for each game, so that the pla...
Views 93, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
13th October 2009
The last time we tried Munky Blocks we had 1 munky and many blocks. Munky had to collect the blocks, piece them together to form coloured areas, and blammo, they vanished. This time, we only have one block. Munky needs to pick up that block, and place it on top of the red button, to open up the red exit, and then he can leave. A simple enough concept, but one that took so long to build I didn't really have time to build a decent set of levels. A shame. <a href="https://AGameAWeek.com/complete/M...
Views 215, Upvotes 18  
11th October 2009
<img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/munkysblockb.png" style="float:left;"> Munky's Block is graphically coming along nicely, but unfortunately I've yet to actually start making levels. So far it's all been "Niceness" stuff, and as a result things are lacking a bit. Probably should've stuck to the blocky background like last time. Oh well, no matter. With only one day remaining, I'll be spending tomorrow messing around with the blocks, and trying to come up with some ...
Views 89, Upvotes 15  
Daily Blog
9th October 2009
Ok, let's try that Munky thing again, shall we!? I've scrapped the "Portal" style stuff, and am instead focusing on a Munky Blocks styled affair. Munky's Block seems an apt title, so we'll stick with that. Currently I have only 1 setpiece, and 1 silly simple test level. Woo! <img src="https://socoder.net/uploads/1/munkysblock.png"> But the engine's up and running, and Munky's hopping around about the same as he did in the last game. So, yeah, things are definitely ...
Views 57, Upvotes 11  
Daily Blog
6397 results 0 1 2 3 ... 226 (227) 228 ... 234 235 236 Prev Next
Site credits : This was all done by Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 133

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai