Program Flow

If (condition) Then (code to execute)

Executes the code on the line, if the condition is met. Does not execute the code if the condition is false.

Print "Hello" If Rand(1,3)==1 then Print "One in Three Chance" If Rand(1,6)==1 then Print "One in Six Chance" If Rand(1,12)<7 then Print "One in Two Chance"

If (condition) ... (code to execute) ... Endif

Executes the code inbetween the If and the Endif, if the condition is met. Does not execute the code if the condition is false. If/Endif sections may be nested for added complexity.

Print "Hello" If Rand(1,3)==1 Print "One in Three Chance" If Rand(1,2)==1 Print "You're having a lucky day!" Endif Endif

If (condition) ... (code to execute) ... Else ... (alternative code) ... Endif

Executes the code inbetween the If and the Else, if the condition is met. If the condition is untrue, the code between Else and Endif is executed, instead. If/Else/Endif sections may be nested for added complexity.

Print "Hello" If Rand(1,3)==1 Print "One in Three Chance" If Rand(1,2)==1 Print "You're having a lucky day!" Else Print "Is this luck?" Endif Else Print "Sorry, it isn't your lucky day." Endif

For variable=start To end [Step n] ... Next

Creates a loop between For and Next, which increases the variable named, starting at start and ending the loop once the end value has been reached. By default the variable is increased by 1 at the end of each loop, however an additional Step size can be added to increase or decrease the variable at the given rate.

For n=2 To 8 Step 2 Print n Next Print "Who do we appreciate?"


Stops code execution for the rest of the current for-loop, and moves on to the next iteration of the loop.

For n=1 to 10 if n==5 then Print "Alive!":Continue Print "Number "+n Next

Exit [Number of exits=1]

Alternative Spellings : Break

Stops code execution for the rest of the current for-loop, and then exits the loop entirely. You may additionally add a parameter to break out of multiple layers of loops.

For n=1 to 10 if n==5 then Exit Print "Number "+n Next Print "Alive!" Print For n=1 to 10 For m=1 to 10 Write m+":"+n+" " if m==5 and n==5 then Exit(2) Next Print Next Print "Exited at 5:5"


Sets the start point of a repeating loop

Repeat Print "Hello World" Flip Forever


Causes the previously set Repeat point to loop forever.

Repeat Print "Hello World" Flip Forever

Until (condition!=0)

Causes the previously set Repeat point to loop until a condition is met.

m=0 Repeat m=m+1 Print "Hello World "+m Flip Until m>9

Wait (seconds)

Freezes the program for the requested number of seconds. You may use floating-point values for more precision, with the lowest value being around 0.016

Repeat Print "Hello Second" Flip Wait 1 Forever

Goto Label

Jumps to the label given. Labels can be defined using either a @, . or # at the start of a line. In addition, for added retroness, you can type in line numbers and use those instead.

10 Print "Hello World" 20 Goto 10

Gosub Label

Jumps to the label given, with the option to "Return" at a later point. Labels can be defined using either a @, . or # at the start of a line. In addition, for added retroness, you can type in line numbers and use those instead.

5 Graphics 512,512,0 10 Print "Hello World" 11 a=Rand(1,10) 12 if a==1 then Gosub SmileBASICStyleLabel 13 if a==3 then Gosub BlitzStyleLabel 14 if a==5 then Gosub BMaxStyleLabel 15 if a==7 then Gosub 30 16 Wait 0.1 20 Goto 10 30 Print "Hello >> Line Thirty"; Return @SmileBASICStyleLabel Print "Hello >> SmileBASIC";Return .BlitzStyleLabel Print "Hello >> Blitz";Return #BMaxStyleLabel Print "Hello >> BlitzMax";Return


Returns to the point of the previous Gosub command.

Print "Hello" Gosub There Print "Fin" End .There Print "Oooh" Return


Ends the program.

Repeat CLS Print Mills() If MouseDown()>0 then End Flip Forever



Returns the character of the last pressed key on the keyboard. Note that using this command will flush the current keyboard buffer. (But that's ok, 'cos I currently haven't coded anything else to use it yet!!)

Graphics 512,512,1 LastKey=" "; Typed="" Repeat CLS 30,30,80,0.2 ThisKey=Inkey() if ThisKey!="" then LastKey=ThisKey:Typed=Right$(Typed+LastKey,32) if ThisKey=="" then ThisKey=" " SetFontSize 32 Text 256,200,"Current Key "+ThisKey,2 Text 256,150,"Previous Key "+LastKey,2 SetFontSize 24 Text 256,100,Typed,2 Flip Forever

KeyDown(Key value)

Returns whether the key is currently held or not. Most scancodes are equivalent to a key's ASCII value, but .. not all keys work like that. Also be aware that different keyboard layouts (eg AZERTY), as well as different System/Browser configurations, will likely mess these codes up quite a bit. Additionally, some key results change when you hold shift, whilst others don't. It's all a bit of a mess, really. Basically, this command shouldn't be relied upon. Please try to use the Gamepad functions wherever possible.

// KeyDown Tester // by Jayenkai // Created 2021/7/1 Graphics 820,480,1 SetFontSize 12 Repeat CLS for x=0 to 15 for y=0 to 7 k=(y*16)+x dx=(x+0.5)*51 dy=(y+0.5)*51 SetCol 255,255,255:Rect dx,dy,50,50,1 SetCol 0,0,0 if KeyDown(k) then SetCol 40,80,120 Rect dx,dy,46,46,1 SetCol 255,255,255 Text dx,dy-10,k,1 Text dx,dy+10,Chr$(k),1 next next if KeyDown(Asc("G")) then Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()-32,"HOLDING G!",1 Flip Forever


Waits for an event before moving on. WaitMouse waits for a click. WaitKey waits for a keypress. WaitGamepad waits for a button (not dpad or thumbstick) WaitAny waits for any of the above. Note : To reduce the possibility of your program locking up on mobile devices, WaitKey and WaitGamepad will also register a touchscreen tap.

Print "Click the Mouse" WaitMouse Print "Woot!" Print Print "Hit a key" WaitKey Print "Woot!!" Print Print "Tap a gamepad button" WaitGamePad Print "Woot!!!" Print Print "Now do anything!" WaitAny Print "Woot!!!!!!"


Returns true if the Mouse, Keyboard or a Gamepad Face Button have been hit since the last check. The value will then instantly reset to 0, so be sure to store it in a variable if you're using it in a few places. Note : To reduce the possibility of locking up on mobile devices, KeyHit and GamepadHit will also register a touchscreen tap.

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS If MouseHit() then sizea=96 sizea=sizea-10 If sizea<32 then sizea=32 Rect 85,256,sizea,sizea,1 Text 85,320,"MouseHit",1 If KeyHit() then sizeb=96 sizeb=sizeb-10 If sizeb<32 then sizeb=32 Rect 256,256,sizeb,sizeb,10 Text 256,320,"KeyHit",1 If GamepadHit() then sizec=96 sizec=sizec-10 If sizec<32 then sizec=32 Rect 425,256,sizec,sizec,1 Text 425,320,"GamepadHit",1 Flip Forever

MouseX()Returns a scaled Mouse's X co-ordinate. Add a 1 value to track the true co-ordinates.
MouseY()Returns a scaled Mouse's Y co-ordinate. Add a 1 value to track the true co-ordinates.
MouseDown()Returns whether the left mouse button is clicked.
MDown()An alternative to MouseDown()
TouchX(0-9)Returns the scaled co-ordinates of a finger on the touchscreen. Use TouchDown(n) to tell if the finger's onscreen or not.
TouchY(0-9)Returns the scaled co-ordinates of a finger on the touchscreen. Use TouchDown(n) to tell if the finger's onscreen or not.
TouchDown(0-9)Returns whether the numbered finger is onscreen or not.

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS 60,60,60; ResetDraw Print Print "Scaled Mouse Co-Ordinates" Print MouseX()+","+MouseY() Print Print "Real Mouse Co-Ordinates" Print MouseX(1)+","+MouseY(1) Print Print "Mouse Button "+MouseDown() SetFontSize(64) Text MouseX(),MouseY(),MDown(),1 Flip Forever


Alternative spellings : MouseInRectMouseIn_Rect

Returns 1 if the mouse (or a touch) is inside the rectangular area.

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS SetCol(30,30,80) if MouseIn(256,256,150,200,1)==1 SetCol(80,80,180) if MouseDown() then SetCol(180,80,80) endif Rect 256,256,150,200,1 Flip Forever


Alternative Spellings : MouseIn_Circle,MouseIn_Radius

Returns 1 if the mouse (or a touch) is inside the circular area.

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS SetCol(30,30,80) if MouseInCircle(256,256,250)==1 SetCol(80,80,180) if MouseDown() then SetCol(180,80,80) endif Oval 256,256,250,250,64 Flip Forever

Gamepad(button,[ port])

Returns a value based on the requested Gamepad input. Ports 0 to 3 are the four default gamepad ports. A player should tap the A-Button on a controller before it is available to the engine. Port 4 is a quick and dirty keyboard input. WASD or Cursors are available as directions, Z or K as Button A, J or X as Button B, L or C as Button Y, I or V as Button X. Return works as the Start button, B as the Back/Select button, and U and O (or N and M) work as the left and right triggers. Port 5 is for onscreen controls. There's a thumbpad on the bottom left, which registers as both analogue and a DPad. There are also (at the time of writing) two buttons on the right, for A and B. Port -1 (Default) contains an amalgamation of all of the controllers, linked into a single one. If you're making single player games, this is probably the best option. Whatever control method the player's using, it should mostly all work with your controller code. Please note, the layout of some of the buttons might be incorrect, depending on the browser's configuration and the type of controller being used.

Graphics 640,640,1 Repeat CLS ang=360/7 port=0-1 Repeat desc="" dx=320+(Sin((port+1)*ang)*200) dy=320-(Cos((port+1)*ang)*200) If port==(0-1) then desc="Everything Combined" If port==4 then desc="Keyboard" If port==5 then desc="Onscreen Controls" Text dx,dy-48,"Port "+port,1 Text dx,dy-36,desc,1 // Combined DPad and Left Thumbstick SetCol 255,255,128;Oval dx+((GamePad(ButtonRight,port)-GamePad(ButtonLeft,port))*16),dy+((GamePad(ButtonDown,port)-GamePad(ButtonUp,port))*16),20,20,8 // Just the DPad SetCol 255,255,255;Oval dx+((GamePad(DPadRight,port)-GamePad(DpadLeft,port))*50),dy+((GamePad(DPadDown,port)-GamePad(DPadUp,port))*50),16,16,3 // Left Thumbstick SetCol 255,128,255;Oval dx+(GamePad(StickLX,port)*16)-64,dy+(GamePad(StickLY,port)*16)+24,18,18,8 // Right Thumbstick SetCol 128,255,255;Oval dx+(GamePad(StickRX,port)*16)+64,dy+(GamePad(StickRY,port)*16)+24,16,16,8 // Face Buttons s=4+(GamePad(ButtonA,port)*8);SetCol 0,255,0;Oval dx-18,dy+16,s,s,8 s=4+(GamePad(ButtonB,port)*8);SetCol 255,0,0;Oval dx-6,dy+16,s,s,8 s=4+(GamePad(ButtonY,port)*8);SetCol 64,64,255;Oval dx+6,dy+16,s,s,8 s=4+(GamePad(ButtonX,port)*8);SetCol 255,255,0;Oval dx+18,dy+16,s,s,8 // Triggers s=4+(GamePad(ButtonL1,port)*8);SetCol 255,255,255;Oval dx-18,dy-16,s,s,8 s=4+(GamePad(ButtonR1,port)*8);SetCol 255,255,255;Oval dx+18,dy-16,s,s,8 s=4+(GamePad(ButtonL2,port)*8);SetCol 255,255,255;Oval dx-24,dy-24,s,s,8 s=4+(GamePad(ButtonR2,port)*8);SetCol 255,255,255;Oval dx+24,dy-24,s,s,8 // Start and Select/Back s=4+(GamePad(ButtonStart,port)*8);SetCol 255,255,255;Oval dx+32,dy,s,s,8 s=4+(GamePad(ButtonSelect,port)*8);SetCol 255,255,255;Oval dx-32,dy,s,s,8 port=port+1 Until port>5 Flip Forever

GamepadDistance(input,[ port])

Alternative Spellings : GamepadDist

Returns a value for how far from the center, the dpad or thumbstick has been moved. input=0 will return both the dpad and the left thumbstick. input=1 will return the dpad. input=2 will return the left thumbstick. input=3 will return the right thumbstick. Ports are the same as those found in the Gamepad Command.

GamepadAngle(input,[ port])

Alternative Spellings : GamepadAng

Returns a value for the current angle of the dpad or thumbstick. input=0 will return both the dpad and the left thumbstick. input=1 will return the dpad. input=2 will return the left thumbstick. input=3 will return the right thumbstick. Ports are the same as those found in the Gamepad Command.

Graphics 512,512,1 Dim pos(3,2) For x=0 to 3 pos(x,1)=256 pos(x,2)=256 Next Repeat CLS For x=0 to 3 d=GamePadDist(x) a=GamePadAng(x) If d>0.25 pos(x,1)=pos(x,1)+Sin(a)*d*4 pos(x,2)=pos(x,2)-Cos(a)*d*4 Endif Oval pos(x,1),pos(x,2),16,16,16 Next Flip Forever


<Returns a 1 if the left value is less than the right one, otherwise returns 0.
<=Returns a 1 if the left value is less or equal to the right one, otherwise returns 0.
>Returns a 1 if the left value is greater than the right one, otherwise returns 0.
>=Returns a 1 if the left value is greater or equal to the right one, otherwise returns 0.
==Returns a 1 if the left value is equal to the right one, otherwise returns 0.
!= or ><Returns a 1 if the left value is not equal to the right one, otherwise returns 0.
Basic Maths
+Adds the left value to the right one.
-Subtracts the right value from the left one.
*Multiples the left and right values together.
/Divides the left value by the right one.
% or ModReturns the remainder (Modulus), after the left value is divided by the right one.
^ or PowRaises the left value to the power of the right one.
<< or shlShifts the bits of the left value, left, by the number of the right one.
>> or shrShifts the bits of the left value, right, by the number of the right one.
PiThe value of Pi to the number of decimal places that the player's system and browser configuration allows for.



Swaps the values of variables a and b.

a="World":b="Hello" Swap(a,b) Print a+" "+b


Dim ArrayName(ArraySize[, 2nd Dimension, 3rd Dimension, 4th Dimension])

Defines up a variable name as an Array, and defines the number of elements within. You can additionally add limits for 2nd, 3rd and 4th dimensions of the array.

Dim Name(4) Dim Age(4) i=0 Name(i)="Jay"; Age(i)=DateYear-1980; i=i+1 Name(i)="Platdude"; Age(i)=DateYear-1998; i=i+1 Name(i)="Greenie"; Age(i)=DateYear-1908; i=i+1 Name(i)="Spike"; Age(i)=DateYear-2010; i=i+1 Print Left(Name(3)+(" "*8),8)+" : "+Age(3) Print Left(Name(1)+(" "*8),8)+" : "+Age(1) Print Left(Name(0)+(" "*8),8)+" : "+Age(0) Print Left(Name(2)+(" "*8),8)+" : "+Age(2)

Explode(string, separator, array)

Splits a string into chunks, using the requested separator, and places the result into the array. The command will return the number of chunks that have been found. Note : The array must have already been declared, or the command will fail.

Txt="This is a string that I want to be split into individual words." Dim SplitArray(50) Count=Explode(Txt," ",SplitArray); For n=0 to Count Print SplitArray(n) Next

Join(Array[, JoinWith, start, finish])

Takes the values in Array, and joins them together into a single string. JoinWith can be any string, used to join chunks together.

Dim MyArray(10) MyArray(0)="This" MyArray(1)="is" MyArray(2)="a" MyArray(3)="String" MyArray(4)="Joining" MyArray(5)="example." Txt=Join(MyArray," ",0,5) Print Txt

EmptyArray(Array[, Value ] )

Resets all values of an array to 0, or the value specified.

Dim MyArray(2) MyArray(0)="Everything" MyArray(1)="Goes" MyArray(2)="Away" Print MyArray(0)+" "+MyArray(1)+" "+MyArray(2) EmptyArray(MyArray) Print MyArray(0)+" "+MyArray(1)+" "+MyArray(2) EmptyArray(MyArray,"Banana") Print MyArray(0)+" "+MyArray(1)+" "+MyArray(2)


Reverses the order of a single-dimensional array.

Dim MyArray(2) MyArray(0)="backwards" MyArray(1)="is" MyArray(2)="Everything" Print MyArray(0)+" "+MyArray(1)+" "+MyArray(2) ReverseArray(MyArray,1) Print MyArray(0)+" "+MyArray(1)+" "+MyArray(2)


Sorts a single-dimensional array. Order can be 0 for low to high, or 1 for high to low.

Dim MyArray(2) MyArray(0)="Sort" MyArray(1)="Order" MyArray(2)="Ascend" SortArray(MyArray) Print MyArray(0)+" "+MyArray(1)+" "+MyArray(2) SortArray(MyArray,1) Print MyArray(0)+" "+MyArray(1)+" "+MyArray(2)


Shuffles a single-dimensional array.

Dim MyArray(2) MyArray(0)="Shuffle" MyArray(1)="Swap" MyArray(2)="Jumble" for m=0 to 20 ShuffleArray(MyArray) Print MyArray(0)+" "+MyArray(1)+" "+MyArray(2) next



Returns the integer value of a string or float.

Print Int("17.6")


Returns the float value of a string.

Print Float("17.6")


Returns the positive value of a number.

Print Abs(-123)


Returns the negative value of a number.

Print Neg(123)


Alternative spellings : DecimalPlaces
, ToDecimalPlaces

Returns the value of a number, rounded to the nearest whole number, or decimal places requested.

Print Round(123.4) Print Round(123.5) Print Round(123.6) Print Round(123.455,1) Print Round(123.456,2) Print Round(123.456,3)


Returns 1 if a number is positive, -1 if the number is negative or otherwise 0.

Print Sgn(100) Print Sgn(-100) Print Sgn(0)


Returns the value of a number, rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Print Floor(123.4) Print Floor(123.5) Print Floor(123.6)


Returns the value of a number, rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Print Ceil(123.4) Print Ceil(123.5) Print Ceil(123.6)


Returns the value of a number, truncated to an integer, without any rounding whatsoever.

Print Trunc(123.4) Print Trunc(123.5) Print Trunc(123.6)


Ensures a value is between Lowest and Highest, making it equal to the limit when beyond it.

x=256 Repeat CLS x=x+(GamePad(ButtonRight)-Gamepad(ButtonLeft))*2.5 x=Limit(x,100,412) Text x,256,"O",1 Text 32,32,Floor(x),0 Flip Forever


Ensures a value is between Lowest and Highest, wrapping the number around, when outside the limit.

x=256 Repeat CLS x=x+(GamePad(ButtonRight)-Gamepad(ButtonLeft))*2.5 x=Wrap(x,100,412) Text x,256,"O",1 Text 32,32,Floor(x),0 Flip Forever

Min(value 1, value 2, [value 3--8])

Returns the lowest value of the given numbers. Only works with 8 maximum values.

Graphics 512,512,1 Print Min(7,3,5,60,6,66,2,1)

Max(value 1, value 2, [value 3--8])

Returns the Highest value of the given numbers. Only works with 8 maximum values.

Graphics 512,512,1 Print Max(7,3,5,60,6,66,2,1)


Adds amount to subvalue. If subvalue is above the highest threshold, removes the total from subvalue and adds it to value. This sounds extremely odd, but is actually really handy for moving objects around a tilemap, so that the main value is always a grid reference.

Graphics 512,512,1 px=8;pox=0 py=8;poy=0 Repeat CLS;ResetDraw pxs=GamePad(ButtonRight)-GamePad(ButtonLeft) pys=GamePad(ButtonDown)-GamePad(ButtonUp) px=AddThreshold(px,pox,pxs*0.1) py=AddThreshold(py,poy,pys*0.1) SetCol(96,96,96) Rect px*32,py*32,32,32,1 SetCol(255,255,255) Print px+":"+DecimalPlaces(pox,2)+" "+py+":"+DecimalPlaces(poy,2) Oval (px+pox)*32,(py+poy)*32,16,16,16 Flip Forever


Returns true (1) if the value is between or equal to the lowest and highest values, otherwise returns false (0)

x=256 Repeat CLS x=x+(GamePad(ButtonRight)-Gamepad(ButtonLeft))*2.5 Text x,256,"O",1 Text 32,32,Floor(x),0 If Between(x,100,412) then Text 32,64,"Between",0 Flip Forever

WrapTo(Value, Target Value, Low, High)

Alternative spellings : WhichWayDoIGo

Determines the quickest way to get from A to B, whilst taking Wrapping into account. eg, if two points are on the ground on a wrapping screen, is it quicker to move across the whole screen, or is it quicker to go the other way and wrap around the screen?!

// WrapTo Chase // by Jayenkai // Created 2021/6/10 Me=0 Baddy=180 Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS 30,30,80; ResetDraw // Circle For ang=0 to 35 // Circle of Dots dx=256+Sin(ang*10)*200:dy=256-Cos(ang*10)*200 Rect dx,dy,8,8,1 If MouseIn(dx,dy,32,32) then Me=ang*10 Next // Me SetCol 255,128,0 Oval 256+Sin(Me)*200,256-Cos(Me)*200,32,32 // Baddy SetCol 30,140,255 Oval 256+Sin(Baddy)*200,256-Cos(Baddy)*200,24,24 // Baddy Movement Direction=WrapTo(Baddy,Me,0,360) // Find the shortest distance from Baddy to me, taking wrapping into account // eg, whether it's shorter going clockwise or anticlockwise. Direction=Limit(Direction,-4,4) // Limit the direction's speed. Baddy=Wrap(Baddy+Direction,0,360) // Wrap the result. Flip Forever

SmoothTo(Value, Target Value[, Smooth Amount=8, Lock Amount=0.25])

Takes the value and divides the difference between Value and Target by Smooth. If Value is close to Target (by Lock Amount) then Value will equal Target

x=256;y=256 Repeat CLS 30,30,80,0.5 If MouseX()>-1 then x=SmoothTo(x,MouseX(),16,2);y=SmoothTo(y,MouseY(),16,2) Oval x,y,16,16 Text x+16,y-16,Floor(x)+","+Floor(y) Text MouseX()-16,MouseY()+16,Floor(MouseX())+","+Floor(MouseY()),2 Flip Forever


Alternative spellings : Sqr(value)

Returns the square root of a number.

Print Sqrt(16) Print Sqrt(12345)

Power(Number, Power)

Returns the power of Number, to the power of the Power. This can be replaced by using the "^" maths symbol.

Print Power(4,2) Print Power(4,4) Print 4^2


Returns the value of e to the power of Number, where e is Euler's Number.

Print Exp(0) Print Exp(1) Print Exp(2)


Returns the returns the natural logarithm of Number.

Print Log(625)/Log(5)


Returns the base 10 logarithm of Number.

Print Log10(100000)


Returns the number of powers of A that make up B. eg, Powers(2,8) = 3, because 2x2x2 = 8 Powers(5,625) = 4, because 5x5x5x5 = 625

Print Powers(2,8) Print Powers(5,625)

Perc(Number, Topmost Number [, Out of = 100 ])

Finds the percentage of Number, out of Topmost Number. For example Perc(30,60) would be 50%. The third value allows you to scale the returned value to any target other than 100%.

FilesToLoad=237; FilesLoaded=0 Repeat CLS 40,40,80 FilesLoaded=FilesLoaded+1 if FilesLoaded>FilesToLoad then FilesLoaded=0 Percentage=Perc(FilesLoaded,FilesToLoad) PercentageOfScreen=Perc(FilesLoaded,FilesToLoad,ScreenWidth()) SetCol 255,255,255 Text ScreenWidth()*0.5,ScreenHeight()*0.5-32,"Always Loading",1 Text ScreenWidth()*0.5,ScreenHeight()*0.5,FilesLoaded+" / "+FilesToLoad+" : "+Floor(Percentage)+"%",1 SetCol 100,255,100 Rect 0,ScreenHeight()*0.5+32,PercentageOfScreen,16 Flip Forever

Bin(integer[, length])

Returns the binary representation of a number, with a length specified.

Print Bin(1) Print Bin(2) Print Bin(138) Print Bin(37171650)

BinToInt(binary value)

Converts a binary number into a decimal integer

Print BinToInt("00000000") Print BinToInt("00000001") Print BinToInt("00010000") Print BinToInt("00010001")

Hex(integer[, length])

Returns the hexadecimal representation of a number, with a length specified.

Print Hex(15) Print Hex(28) Print Hex(4000) Print Hex(37171650)

HexToInt(hexadecimal value)

Converts a hexadecimal number into a decimal integer

Print HexToInt("F") Print HexToInt("0F") Print HexToInt("16AA") Print HexToInt("FACE")


Alternative spellings : Millisec([since]) or Millisecs([since])

Returns the number of Milliseconds since either... 0 (default) - A default value, dependent on the Javascript implementation. May be "since Jan 1970", "since this morning", "since the browser was loaded", or even "since the device was booted". Honestly, could be anything!! 1 - Number of Milliseconds since the program was started.

Repeat CLS Print "Mills "+Mills() Print "Mills since Run "+Mills(1) Flip Forever


Returns the number of frames that have been drawn since the program started.

Repeat CLS Print "FrameNumber "+Frames() Flip Forever


String Operands

You can Add strings together, + to concatenate them, or alternatively multiply them * to repeat a string a number of times.

H="Hello " W="World " HW=H+W Repeat Print HW*3:Flip Print:Flip Print H*6:Flip Print:Flip Print W*6:Flip Print:Flip Forever


Returns an ASCII character based on the value given.

Print Chr(74)+Chr(83)+Chr(69)

Asc(character or string)

Alternative spellings : Ord

Returns the ASCII value of the first character in the string.

Print Asc("J")+","+Asc("S")+","+Asc("E")


Returns the number of characters in the string.

Txt="JSE! " Print Txt Print Len(Txt) Txt=Txt*4 Print Txt Print Len(Txt)


Returns the width that the text will use, when printed to the screen.

txt="This is some text" y=12 For size=8 to 32 step 3 SetFontSize(size) w=TextWidth(txt) Text 0,y,txt,0 Rect 0,y+size/2,w,2 y=y+size*2 Next


Returns the height that the text will use, when printed to the screen.

txt="This is some text" y=12 scale=0.5 For size=8 to 32 step 3 SetFontSize(size) SetSize(1,scale) h=TextHeight(txt) Text 32,y,txt,0 SetSize(1,1) Rect 4,y,4,h,1 scale=scale+0.15 y=y+size*2 Next

Left(string, number of characters)

Returns the first characters from a string, up to the "number of characters"'th character.

Print Left("This is a really long string",9)

Right(string, number of characters)

Returns the rightmost characters from a string, of length "number of characters".

Print Right("This is a really long string",9)

Mid(string, start point, number of characters)

Returns characters from a string, starting at the start point, of length "number of characters".

Print Mid("This is a really long string",9,9)

Instr(string, search string[, start offset, case sensitive = 1 ])

If the search string is found within a string, returns it's position. If the search string is not found, returns -1. A start offset can be specified to skip sections of the string. You can additionally specify case sensitivity as a fourth parameter.

Print Instr("Friday","id") Print Instr("Friday","if") Print Instr("Friday is also a day","day") Print Instr("Friday is also a day","day",10) Print Instr("Giraffe","Raff",0,1) Print Instr("Giraffe","Raff",0,0)


returns the lowercase equivalent of the string.




Print Upper("Big me up, baby!")


Returns A String Where Every First Letter Is Capitalised.

Print Title("The great big pineapple ate my lovely cake.")


Trims off the whitespace (spaces, tabs, etc) from a string.

Crikey=" Crikey! "; Print "'"+Crikey+"'"; Print "'"+Trim(Crikey)+"'";

Replace(string, search, replace[, Case Insensitive])

Replaces the first occurrence of search within string with replace.

Print Replace("Duck duck duck Duck","duck","()<") Print Replace("Duck duck duck Duck","duck","()<",1)

ReplaceAll(string, search, replace[, Case Insensitive])

Replaces all occurrences of search within string with replace.

Print ReplaceAll("Duck duck duck Duck","duck","()<") Print ReplaceAll("Duck duck duck Duck","duck","()<",1)

ReplaceAt(string, replace, position)

Replaces part of string with replace, from position.

Print ReplaceAt("It is raining outside.","snowing",6)

InsertAt(string, insert, position)

Alternative Spellings : InsertString

Inserts a string within another string, at the given position.

Print InsertString("It is raining outside.","again ",14)


Shuffles the characters in a string.

txt="Shuffled" Repeat Print Shuffle(txt)+" "+Shuffle(txt)+" "+Shuffle(txt)+" "+Shuffle(txt)+" " Wait 0.1 Forever

Sort(string [, order])

Orders the characters in a string by their ASCII value, low to high. Setting order to 1 will instead order them high to low.

txt="Shuffled" Print Sort(txt) Print Sort(txt,1)


Reverses a string.

txt="!sdrawkcab si txet sihT" Print Reverse(txt)

SplitText(string, separator, nth)

Splits a string into chunks, then returns the nth chunk as a string.

Txt="This is a string that I want to be split into individual words." // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Write SplitText(Txt," ",1)+" " Write SplitText(Txt," ",2)+" " Write SplitText(Txt," ",10)+" " Write SplitText(Txt," ",11)+" " Write SplitText(Txt," ",5)+" " Write SplitText(Txt," ",4)+"."

Date and Time

DateStringReturns a handily formatted string with the current date. (dd-mm-yyyy)
DateWeekdayReturns the number of the day of the week. (1-7)
DateWeekdayNameReturns the name of the day of the week, based on the user's locale.
DateDayReturns the number of the day of the month. (1-xx)
DateMonthReturns the number of the month of the year. (1-12)
DateMonthNameReturns the name of the current month, based on the user's locale.
DateYearReturns the current year. (yyyy)
TimeStringReturns a handily formatted string with the current time. (hh:mm:ss)
TimeHoursReturns the current time's hour. (0-23)
TimeMinutesReturns the current time's minutes. (0-59)
TimeSecondsReturns the current time's seconds. (0-59)

Graphics 512,512,1 SetFont 27 Repeat CLS 0,0,160 SetCol 0,180,0 SetFontSize 48 Text 256,460,TimeString(),1 SetCol 255,255,255 SetFontSize 16 Text 256,20,DateString(),1 Text 256,40,DateWeekdayName()+", "+DateDay()+" of "+DateMonthName()+", "+DateYear(),1 SetCol 255,255,0 SetThick 12 Line 256,256,256+(Sin((TimeHour()*30)+(TimeMinute()*0.5))*140),256-(Cos((TimeHour()*30)+(TimeMinute()*0.5))*140) SetCol 255,128,0 SetThick 8 Line 256,256,256+(Sin(TimeMinute()*6)*220),256-(Cos(TimeMinute()*6)*220) SetCol 0,128,255 SetThick 2 BoingTo=TimeSecond()*6 If BoingTo<(Boing-180) Then Boing=Boing-360 Boing=Boing-((Boing-BoingTo)*1.3) Line 256+(Sin(Boing+180)*12),256-(Cos(Boing+180)*12),256+(Sin(Boing)*240),256-(Cos(Boing)*240) Flip Forever


Sin(angle in degrees)

Returns the Sine value of the given angle.

Repeat Print Sin(Mills()) Forever

Cos(angle in degrees)

Returns the Cosine value of the given angle.

Repeat Print Cos(Mills()) Forever

Tan(angle in degrees)

Returns the Tangent value of the given angle.

Repeat Print Tan(Mills()) Forever


Returns the Radians value of Degrees.

Print DegToRad(180)


Returns the Degrees value of Radians.

Print RadToDeg(Pi)


Returns the Pythagoras result of the two numbers. Square Root of ((a*a)+(b*b))

Print Pyth(100,100) Print Pyth(200,100)

Distance(x1,y1, x2,y2)

Returns the Distance between the two points.

Text 100,100,"A",1 Text 200,200,"B",1 Text 400,300,"C",1 Text 150,140,"A to B",1 Text 150,160,Distance(100,100, 200,200),1 Text 300,240,"B to C",1 Text 300,260,Distance(200,200, 400,300),1

ASin(-1.0 to 1.0)

Returns the Arc Sine value.

Print ASin(-1) Print ASin(1) Print ASin(0.37171650)

ACos(-1.0 to 1.0)

Returns the Arc Cos value.

Print ACos(-1) Print ACos(1) Print ACos(0.37171650)


Returns the Arc Tangent value of the given angle.

Repeat Print ATan(Mills()) Forever


Returns the angle of a given tangent.

Graphics 512,512,1 f=0 repeat f=f+10 dx=Sin(f)*240 dy=0-(Cos(f)*240) Text(255+dx,255+dy,Floor(ATan2(dx,0-dy)),1) until f>360

Random Numbers

Rand( [ min [, max ] ] )

Alternative spellings : jRand( min [, max ] ] )

Generates a random integer between (and including) either 0 and 1, 0 and Min, or Min and Max, depending on whether you include a Min and Max value.

Print Rand() Print Rand(100) Print Rand(0,100) Print Rand(50,100) Print Rand(75,100) Print Rand(99,100)

Rnd( min [, max ] ] )

Alternative spellings : jRnd( min [, max ] ] )

Generates a random floating point number between (and including) either 0 and 1, 0 and Min, or Min and Max, depending on whether you include a Min and Max value.

Print Rnd() Print Rnd(10) Print Rnd(0,100) Print Rnd(50,100) Print Rnd(75,100) Print Rnd(99,100)

RandP( [ min [, max ] ] )

Alternative spellings : jRandP( min [, max ] ] )

Generates a random integer between (and including) either 0 and 1, 0 and Min, or Min and Max, depending on whether you include a Min and Max value, but also randomly polarises the value from postive to negative or vice-versa.

Print RandP() Print RandP(100) Print RandP(0,100) Print RandP(50,100) Print RandP(75,100) Print RandP(99,100)

RndP( min [, max ] ] )

Alternative spellings : jRndP( min [, max ] ] )

Generates a random floating point number between (and including) either 0 and 1, 0 and Min, or Min and Max, depending on whether you include a Min and Max value, but also randomly polarises the value from postive to negative or vice-versa

Print RndP() Print RndP(10) Print RndP(0,100) Print RndP(50,100) Print RndP(75,100) Print RndP(99,100)

SeedRnd [Seed]

Alternative spellings : jRandSeed [seed]

Seeds the random number generator with the given number. Using the same seed will produce the same set of pseudo-random numbers in the same order. If no number is given, a unique number based on Milliseconds is used as the seed, to give as random selection as possible.

SeedRnd Print "Random" Print Rand(0,100) Print Rand(0,100) Print Rand(0,100) SeedRnd Print "Random" Print Rand(0,100) Print Rand(0,100) Print Rand(0,100) SeedRnd 100 Print "Seeded" Print Rand(0,100) Print Rand(0,100) Print Rand(0,100)


Graphics Width,Height [, ScaleMode ]

Sets the virtual resolution to the width and height requested. ScaleMode alters how the resolution is drawn to the screen. 0 = Direct, 1 to 1*, and centered on the screen. 1 = Scaled to as large as it can be, and centered on the screen. 2 = Scaled, but also rejigged to fill the current browser's viewport. Use ScreenWidth() and ScreenHeight() to find out the actual size of the screen, based upon the current scale. 3 = Scaled as large as it can be, centered on the screen, but more true-to-life pixel-to-pixel based rather than scaled maths. * - Will likely not be 1 to 1. Depends on hundreds of browser/system settings. Bah, humbug!!

Graphics 320,240,0 sc=0 Repeat CLS 40,80,128 Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2,"Scale Mode "+sc,1 Line 0,0,ScreenWidth(),ScreenHeight() Line ScreenWidth(),0,0,ScreenHeight() Rect 0,0,32,32,1 Rect ScreenWidth(),0,32,32,1 Rect ScreenWidth(),ScreenHeight(),32,32,1 Rect 0,ScreenHeight(),32,32,1 If MouseHit()==1 or KeyHit()==1 or GamepadHit()==1 sc=sc+1 if sc<0 or sc>2 then sc=0 Graphics 320,240,sc Endif Flip Forever

Mode n,["System", ScaleMode ]

Changes the virtual Graphics resolution to one of a number of preset modes. You can add "System" to set the resolution to a classic retro system's size. The ScaleMode is the same as that used in the Graphics command.

Mode 1,"CPC" Print " Amstrad 128K Microcomputer (v3)" Print Print " "+Chr$(164)+"1985 Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc" Print " and Locomotive Software Ltd." Print Print " Basic 1.1" Print Print "Ready"

SetBuffer BG/FG

Moves all drawing to the buffer specified. Standard drawing works on the FG buffer, and is drawn and then displayed to the player. If, however, you draw to the BG buffer, the result is not displayed to the user. Instead, switch back to the FG buffer, you can DrawBG (or WrapBG) to draw the buffer's contents onto the screen. You can use this to, for example, draw a looping background for your game. Similarly if you SetBuffer Lighting, you can draw certain lighting effects to that buffer. At the end of your loop, just before you flip, use the DrawLighting command to add the lighting to your scene. Note that the BG buffer is ALWAYS 1024x1024 pixels in size, and the Lighting buffer is always the size of the screen.

Graphics 640,480,1 AntiAlias Off // Write Hello World once to the BG SetBuffer BG CLS;ResetDraw;SetFontSize 8 Text 512,512,"Hello World",1 // Redraw a hundred of the BG to the FG SetBuffer FG CLS;ResetDraw For m=0 to 100 SetSize Rand(0.5,4) SetRot Rand(0,360) DrawBG Rand(0,640),Rand(0,480) Next

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS 128,128,128;ResetDraw d=128+Sin(Mills()*0.1)*128 AmbientLight d,d,d SetCol 255,0,0;SetFontSize 64 Text 256,256,"Hello",1 SetBuffer Lighting SetCol 255,255,255 Light MouseX(),MouseY(),128 SetBuffer FG Light 512-MouseX(),512-MouseY(),128 DrawLighting Flip Forever

UsePalette PaletteOption

Forces all colour commands to limit themselves to those of the colour palette of the requested system. Although the palette is (hopefully) as accurate as can be, there's no limit on how many of the colours you can use. It isn't like a real classic system, where you can only draw with 4 colours at a time. It's just for fun, really. Also be aware that any Alpha values will mess this illusion up, as will the anti-aliasing that Javascript has a habit of doing. Available palettes are 32Bit, CPC, C64, ZX (spectrum) and BBC (micro), as well as NES, SMS (Sega Master System) and Atari (VCS/2600)

Graphics 512,480,3 CLS for y=0 to 7 if y==0 then Name$="32bit" if y==1 then Name$="CPC" if y==2 then Name$="C64" if y==3 then Name$="ZX" if y==4 then Name$="BBC" if y==5 then Name$="NES" if y==6 then Name$="SMS" if y==7 then Name$="Atari" UsePalette Name$ for x=0 to 360 for br=0 to 10 InkRot x,1,br/10 Rect x+b*2,y*50+br*2,2,2 Next for br=0 to 10 InkRot x,1-br/10,1 Rect x+b*2,y*50+20+br*2,2,2 Next Next Text 370,y*50+20,Name$,0 Flip Next


Also Use : DrawLighting

When you use these two commands in combination, you can end up creating some nice lighting effects for your game. Set the AmbientLight at the start of your frame after your CLS, and then DrawLighting at the end before your Flip, and anything drawn onto SetBuffer Lighting will be overlaid afterwards, creating a nice set of lighting features. However, do be aware that some browsers can struggle with some of these sorts of features, so if you do use them, do so sparingly.

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS 128,128,128;ResetDraw d=128+Sin(Mills()*0.1)*128 AmbientLight d,d,d SetCol 255,0,0;SetFontSize 64 Text 256,256,"Hello",1 SetBuffer Lighting SetCol 255,255,255 Light MouseX(),MouseY(),128 SetBuffer FG Light 512-MouseX(),512-MouseY(),128 DrawLighting Flip Forever

ScreenEffect("Effect List",Amount 0.0-1.0)

Turns on one of a few effects. Available effects are.. Noise Adds noise. Scanlines Adds scanlines. VLine Adds a white line that flickers up the screen. Soft Adds an overall blur to the screen. Glitch Jumps things around a bit.

Graphics 512,512,2 a=0 txt="Click to Test" Repeat CLS 255,255,255:SetCol 64,64,64:Rect 0,0,ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight() ResetDraw() SetFontSizeFit(txt,ScreenWidth()*0.75,ScreenHeight()) SetCol 255,0,0:Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()*0.25,txt,1 SetCol 0,255,0:Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()*0.5,txt,1 SetCol 0,0,255:Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()*0.75,txt,1 if MouseHit() a=(a+1) mod 11 if a==0 then txt="Click to Test" if a==1 then txt="Noise" if a==2 then txt="Scanlines" if a==3 then txt="Noise+Scanlines" if a==4 then txt="VLines" if a==5 then txt="Noise+VLines" if a==6 then txt="Noise+Scanlines+VLines" if a==7 then txt="Glitch" if a==8 then txt="Glitch+Noise" if a==9 then txt="Glitch+Noise+Scanlines+VLines" if a==10 then txt="Soft" ScreenEffect(txt,1) Endif Flip Forever

Antialias On/Off

Alternative spellings : AA On/Off/Fast

Enables or Disables Antialiasing for future draw commands. Note that this is a per-draw command, not per-frame, so, for example, you could draw blurry antialiased backgrounds with crisp aliased sprites on top. The Fast option should use a mix of both, depending on which is faster to draw.

Symbol 0,"0__0_0@404040204040,204,040,4040402"; Graphics 512,512,1 SetScale 8,8 AntiAlias On DrawImage 128,256,0 AntiAlias Off DrawImage 384,256,0

CLS [ Red,Green,Blue[ ,Alpha]]

Clears the screen. You can additionally set Red, Green, Blue and Alpha values to clear the screen in a specific color. Note : If you've SetBuffer BG, using the CLS command will also clear the alpha channel, making the BG buffer entirely transparent.

Graphics 512,512 SetFontSize 16 Print "This will get erased" Wait 1 CLS Print "Bang" Print "And the text is gone"

SetCLSColour Red/255, Green/255, Blue/255

Alternative spellings : SetCLSColor, SetCLSCol, SetCLSRGB, SetCLSRGBA

Sets the colour that future CLS commands will use.

Graphics 512,512 SetCLSColor 30,30,80 SetFontSize 16 Print "This will get erased" Wait 1 CLS Print "Bang" Print "And the text is gone"

SetCLSHue Hue/360,Saturation/1.0,Light/1.0

Alternative spellings : CLSInkRot, SetCLSHSV, SetCLSHSVA

Sets the colour that future CLS commands will use, based on Hue, Saturation and Light, rather than Red, Green and Blue.

Graphics 512,512 Repeat CLS Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2,"Click for Hues!",1 If MouseHit() then SetCLSHue Rand(0,360),0.8,0.3 Flip Forever

Paper colour

Sets the CLS Colour to one of the current palette's colours. See the Pen command for a list of all available colours.

Mode 1,"CPC" Repeat n=Floor(Mills(1)/500) mod 27 Paper n CLS Text 160,120,"Paper "+n,1 Flip Forever

Border [ Red/255, Green/255, Blue/255 ]

Sets the colour of the overlaid border which fits snuggly around the display area, during scale modes 0 and 1.

Graphics 512,512,0 Border 255,200,160 CLS 160,200,255 SetCol 0,0,0 Print "Colourful!"

Border colour

Sets the Border Colour to one of the current palette's colours. See the Pen command for a list of all available colours.

Mode 1,"CPC" Repeat n=Floor(Mills(1)/500) mod 27 Border n CLS Text 160,120,"Border "+n,1 Flip Forever


Alternative spellings : Frame, WaitVbl

Draws the current frame to the screen, then waits for the next Vbl before carrying on. Use this at the end of every frame to keep things as smooth as they can be.

Graphics 512,512 Repeat Print "Hello World" Flip Until CursorY>400


Alternative spellings : jscrw

Returns the currently available drawing width. This will usually be the width set using the Graphic command. When using Scale Mode 2, it will depend on the player's browser, its dimensions and its ratio.

Graphics 512,512,2 Print ScreenWidth()+","+ScreenHeight() Flip


Alternative spellings : jscrh

Returns the currently available drawing height. This will usually be the height set using the Graphic command. When using Scale Mode 2, it will depend on the player's browser, its dimensions and its ratio.

Graphics 512,512,2 Print ScreenWidth()+","+ScreenHeight() Flip


Returns the ratio of the currently available drawing area. This will usually be the ratio of the width and height set using the Graphic command. When using Scale Mode 2, it will depend on the player's browser, its dimensions and its ratio.

Graphics 512,512,2 Print ScreenWidth()+","+ScreenHeight() Print ScreenRatio() Flip

Drawing Settings


Resets all drawing settings to White, Full Alpha, 1 Scale, Font Size 12, and 0 Rotation. It's best to use this command after a CLS, or the start of a new frame, so that each repeat of the script starts with the same values.

SetColor 255,0,0 SetFontSize 50;SetRotation 12 Print "Test" ResetDraw Print "Test"

SetColor Red/255,Green/255,Blue/255 [, Alpha/1.0 ]

Alternative spellings : SetColour, SetCol, SetRGB, SetRGBA, or just plain Color

Sets the drawing color, using RGB(A) values, for future drawing commands. Alternatively, you can SetColor RGB(r,g,b), store RGB(r,g,b) into a variable and use SetColor MyColour, or even SetColor #rrggbb.

SetColor 255,0,0 Print "Hello World" SetColour 0,255,0 Print "Hello World" SetCol 0,0,255 Print "Hello World"


Returns an integer value (#RRGGBB) for the given RGB colour

Graphics 512,512,1 c=RGB(255,0,255) SetCol c,1 Print Hex$(c)


Alternative spellings : HSV,

Returns an integer value (#RRGGBB) for the given HSL colour

Graphics 512,512,1 cyan=HSL(180,0.5,1) SetCol cyan,1 Print Hex$(cyan)

Pen colour

Alternative spellings : Ink

Sets the drawing color, using a palette colour, for future drawing commands. The palette can be changed with UsePalette to one of the available system palettes, or by default uses the Amstrad CPC's set of colours.

Mode 1,"CPC" Repeat n=Floor(Mills(1)/500) mod 27 CLS Pen 24:Write "Hello " Pen 26:Write "World" Pen n:Write "!!!" Flip Forever


Gets the value of the current Red colour.

SetCol 182,96,64 Print GetRed()+","+GetGreen()+","+GetBlue()


Gets the value of the current Green colour.

SetCol 182,96,64 Print GetRed()+","+GetGreen()+","+GetBlue()


Gets the value of the current Blue colour.

SetCol 182,96,64 Print GetRed()+","+GetGreen()+","+GetBlue()


Gets the value of the current Alpha colour.

SetCol 182,96,64 SetAlpha 0.5 Print GetAlpha()

SetHue Hue/360,Saturation/1.0,Light/1.0 [, Alpha/1.0 ]

Alternative spellings : InkRot, SetHSV, SetHSVA

Sets the drawing color, using HSV values, for future drawing commands.

SetHue 0,1,1 Print "Hello World" SetHSV 120,1,1 Print "Hello World" InkRot 240,1,1 Print "Hello World"

SetAlpha Alpha/1.0

Sets the Alpha Transparency for future drawing commands.

SetAlpha 1 Print "Hello World" SetAlpha 0.6 Print "Hello World" SetAlpha 0.3 Print "Hello World"

SetGradient Red/255,Green/255,Blue/255 [,Alpha/1.0] ,Red2/255,Green2/255,Blue2/255 [,Alpha2/1.0] [,Angle]

Alternative spellings : SetGrad

Sets a gradient for a few of the drawing commands. This isn't a universal command, but does at least work with Rectangles, Ovals, Triangles and Text commands, giving you the ability to quickly draw a few gradients in your game, like sky backgrounds and the like. Try not to overuse this command, though, as it's terrible for the engine's speed!

Graphics 512,512,1 ang=0 Repeat CLS ang=ang+4 SetGradient 0,0,0,20,40,80 Rect 0,0,jscrw,jscrh SetGradient 180,220,255,0,0,255,180 SetFontSizeFit "[More Colour]" Text jscrw/2,100,"[More Colour]",1 SetGradient 255,0,0,0,0,255,ang Rect jscrw/2,jscrh/2,100,100,1 SetGradient 255,0,0,0,0,255,ang+180 Oval jscrw/2,jscrh/2,100,100,32 Flip Forever

SetShadow OffsetX,OffsetY,[ Alpha]

Sets the position and alpha of shadows, when using the ShadowImage command.

Symbol 0,"0__40!404044040,40040,404404004044040,40040,404404040!4"; Graphics 512,512,1 CLS 96,80,64;AA False;SetSize 4 ShadowImg 128,128,0 ShadowImg 128,384,0,0,1 SetShadow 8,8,1 ShadowImg 384,128,0 ShadowImg 384,384,0,0,1

SetGlow Alpha,[Scale]

Sets the alpha amount, and additionally the scale size, of glows when using the GlowImage command.

Symbol 0,"0__40!404044040,40040,404404004044040,40040,404404040!4"; Graphics 512,512,1 CLS 96,80,64;AA False;SetSize 4 SetGlow 0.5 GlowImg 128,128,0 SetGlow 1 GlowImg 384,128,0 SetGlow 0.5,2 GlowImg 128,384,0 SetGlow 1,2 GlowImg 384,384,0

SetBlend BlendMode

The available blend modes are..
0 - "Normal"Standard blending.
1 - "Light"Adds brightness.
2 - "Multiply"Removes darkness.
3 - "Overlay"Dark colours get darker, light colours lighter.
4 - "Soft"A much more subtle variation of the Light effect.
5 - "Difference"Reverses colours, subtracting new colours from old.
6 - "Screen"Inverted Multiply, to significantly increase brightness.
7 - "Dodge"Makes things brighter, when the image is bright.
8 - "Burn"Makes things darker when the image is dark.
9 - "Hue"Changes the hue to that being drawn.
10 - "Sat"Changes the saturation to that being drawn.
11 - "Lum"Changes the luminance to that being drawn.
You can retrieve the name of a blend mode using the BlendName command.

Symbol 0,"0__aaMMccOOaaMMccOO11FF33HH11FF33HHggSSeeQQggSSeeQQ77LL55JJ77LL55JJ"; Symbol 1,"0__;.v.;.v.;.v.;.v@;.v.;.v.;.v.;."; Blend=0 Graphics 512,512,1 AntiAlias Off Repeat Cls ResetDraw() // Blend Toggle If MouseHit() then Blend=Blend+1 If Blend>11 then Blend=0 Gosub Background dx=MouseX();dy=MouseY(); a=(dy-140)/200; SetCol(0,128,255); SetAlpha(a); SetBlend(Blend); SetSize(4); DrawImg(dx-128,dy,1);DrawImg(dx,dy,0);DrawImg(dx+128,dy,1) Flip Forever // Background @Background g=ScreenWidth()/8 n=0 sx=Sin(Mills()*0.05)*g sy=0-Cos(Mills()*0.03)*g // Grid For x=0-g to ScreenWidth()+g step g For y=0-g to ScreenHeight()+g step g n=(n+1) mod 2 if n==0 then SetCol 255,255,255 if n==1 then SetCol 0,0,0 Rect x+sx,y+sy,g+1,g+1 Next Next SetAlpha 0.9 // Blue Box SetCol(0,128,255); Rect(256,256,420,420,1) // Orange Box SetCol(255,128,0); Rect(256,256,256,256,1) SetAlpha 1 // Text at the Top SetFontSize(16) SetCol(0,0,0); Text ScreenWidth()/2+2,18,"Blend Mode : "+BlendName(Blend),1 SetCol(150,128,90); Text ScreenWidth()/2,16,"Blend Mode : "+BlendName(Blend),1 Return

SetScale XScale/1.0 [,YScale/1.0]

Alternative spellings : SetSize

Sets the scale factor for future drawing commands. If the Y value is left out, the X value will be used to scale, squared.

SetScale 0.5 Text 250,80,"Scaled",1 Rect 100,40,20,20 SetScale 2.0 Text 250,180,"Scaled",1 Rect 100,140,20,20 SetScale 4,0.5 Text 250,280,"Stretched",1 Rect 100,240,20,20

SetRotation Rotation/360.0

Alternative spellings : SetRot

Sets the Rotation for future drawing commands.

SetRot 0 Text 100,100,"Rot 0",100 SetRot 45 Text 300,100,"Rot 45",100 SetRot 90 Text 500,100,"Rot 90",100

SetSkew XSkew,YSkew

Sets the Skew for future drawing commands.

Symbol 0,"0__I_d!IIdI.dIIdIddIdIIdIddIdIIdI.dIId!I_"; Graphics 512,512,1 AntiAlias Off Repeat CLS sx=Sin(Mills()*0.1);sy=0;txt="X Skew" if Mills() mod 4000<2000 then sx=0;sy=0-Cos(Mills()*0.1);txt="Y Skew" SetSize 8 SetSkew sx,sy DrawImg 256,256,0 ResetDraw Text 256,480,txt,1 Flip Forever

SetThick Thickness

Alternative spellings : SetLineThickness, SetWidth, SetLineWidth

Sets the thickness for future drawing commands. Note that this thickness depends on the screen resolution, scaling and more, so probably shouldn't be assumed as being a specific number of pixels.

SetCol 255,255,0;SetThick 4 Line 100,100,400,120 SetCol 255,128,0; SetThick 8 Line 100,200,450,220 SetCol 0,128,255; SetThick 16 Line 100,300,500,320

SetFont FontNumber or "FontName"

Sets the font for future text commands. You can choose a font from 0 to 33.

Graphics 1280,900,1 Border 128,128,128;CLS 160,160,160;SetCol 0,0,0 SetFontSize 40 x=16;y=16 For n=0 to 33 SetFont n Text x,y+20,Right$("00"+n,2)+" "+FontName(),0 y=y+52 If n==16 then y=16:x=x+640 Next

SetFontSize Size

Sets the font size for future text commands.

SetFontSize 16 Print "Hello World" SetFontSize 32 Print "Hello World" SetFontSize 64 Print "Hello World"

SetFontSizeFit String,Width,Height

Alternative Spellings : SetFontSize_Fit

Finds, sets, and returns the best font size to fit the text within the space requested, taking the current Scale X and Y into account.

Graphics 800,600,1 CLS 30,30,80 txt="This is some text" SetFontSizeFit(txt,ScreenWidth(),ScreenHeight()) Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2,txt,1


Returns the name of the current font.

Graphics 1280,900,1 Border 128,128,128;CLS 160,160,160;SetCol 0,0,0 SetFontSize 40 x=16;y=16 For n=0 to 33 SetFont n Text x,y+20,Right$("00"+n,2)+" "+FontName(),0 y=y+52 If n==16 then y=16:x=x+640 Next

Symbol Number, Image Data

Draws the compressed image data onto the Spritesheet, at the given slot number. Symbols can be drawn using the inbuilt Symbol Editor.

Symbol 0,"0__0I!0II0.I,0!II0!II0!II0!I,0.II0I!"; Symbol 1,"0__0_0_0BB0?B.0.B.0?BB"; Graphics 512,512,0 SetAntiAlias False Repeat CLS SetScale 14,14 DrawImage 256,256,0 DrawImage 256+(64*Sin(Mills()/4)),256-(64*Cos(Mills()/3)),1 Flip Forever

Scroll X Speed, Y Speed

Attempts to scroll the display by the given offset. Note that whether this works, and how well it works, depends on a number of factors, like the browser, the browser's settings, the operating system, the device and more. It can also cause a fair amount of slowdown, too!

Symbol 0,"0__0I!0II0.I,0!II0!II0!II0!I,0.II0I!"; Symbol 1,"0__0_0_0BB0?B.0.B.0?BB"; Graphics 512,512,0 SetAntiAlias False Repeat CLS 0,0,0,0.05 SetScale 14,14 DrawImage 256,256,0 DrawImage 256+(64*Sin(Mills()/4)),256-(64*Cos(Mills()/3)),1 Flip Scroll 0-2,0-2 Forever

Drawing Commands

Print String

Prints the requested string to the screen at the current CursorX and CursorY position, then moves the cursor down to the next line afterwards.

Print "Hello World!" Print "Hello again!"

Write String

Writes the requested string to the screen at the current CursorX and CursorY position, without moving the cursor down to the next line afterwards.

Write "Hello World!" Write "Hello again!"

Locate X,Y

Sets the cursor's position, for the next Print command. Note that, unlike retro systems, this is a pixel-based value, not a grid-based one.

Print "Hello World!" Locate 100,100 Print "Hello Again!"


Returns the current X position of the text cursor.

Locate 50,100 Print CursorX()


Returns the current Y position of the text cursor.

Locate 50,100 Print Print CursorY()

Text x,y,String [, Alignment=0]

Alternative Spellings : DrawText, FillText

Draws text to the screen using the current drawing settings. The Alignment shifts the text vertically. When 0, the X co-ordinate will be the left of the text, with the text flowing from that point. 1 will center the text at the given co-ordinate. 2 will align the text so the end of the string meets the co-ordinate.

Line 200,160,200,240 SetCol 255,0,0 Text 200,180,"Red",0 SetCol 0,255,0 Text 200,200,"Green",1 SetCol 0,0,255 Text 200,220,"Blue",2

OutlineText x,y,String [, Alignment=0]

Draws an outline of text to the screen using the current drawing settings. The Alignment shifts the text vertically. When 0, the X co-ordinate will be the left of the text, with the text flowing from that point. 1 will center the text at the given co-ordinate. 2 will align the text so the end of the string meets the co-ordinate.

Line 200,160,200,240 SetCol 255,0,0 OutlineText 200,180,"Red",0 SetCol 0,255,0 OutlineText 200,200,"Green",1 SetCol 0,0,255 OutlineText 200,220,"Blue",2

ScrollerText Y, X Speed

Alternative Spellings : ScrollText

Use this to scroll the current scroll-message on the screen at the given Y position.

Graphics 512,512,1 SetScrollText "<<<---Hello World--->>>" Repeat CLS;ResetDraw ScrollText 256,-2 Flip Forever

Emoji x,y,Emoji "U+1Fnnn" code

Draws the requested Emoji onscreen. Emoji codes can be found here. Please be aware that not all emoji will display on all browser/system combinations. Try to use the emoji on the site that are listed for as many setups as possible. Every emoji should have a "U+1Fnnn" code associated with it, on the left of the table. These are the codes to use. If the Emoji doesn't have a "U+1Fnnn" code, then it will not work. This limitation has been added for security reasons. If you find a code that you'd like to use, please let me know which it is, and I'll add a special clause for it. Size wise, Emoji should be "roughly" the size of the current font, but .. In the world of Emoji's.. Expect chaos, and frequent misalignments! In addition, colour and alpha settings should not be expected to work. Sometimes they do, but not in all browsers.

Graphics 320,240,2 // Sky CLS 80,150,255;SetFontSize 32 // Grass SetCol 0,120,0;Rect 0,ScreenHeight()-48,ScreenWidth(),48 // Sun Emoji(ScreenWidth()*0.7,ScreenHeight()*0.2,"U+1F31E") // Flowers For x=0 to ScreenWidth() step 32 Emoji(x,ScreenHeight()-64,"1F33B") Next

TextScore x,y[, Alignment=1]

Writes the current score to the screen at the specified position. This function assumes the score is stored in a variable named Score, and will tick the display upwards, towards the value. The function uses the variable ShowScore to store the currently displayed value The Alignment shifts the text horizontally. When 0, the X co-ordinate will be the left of the text, with the text flowing from that point. 1 will center the text at the given co-ordinate. 2 will align the text so the end of the string meets the co-ordinate.

Score=0 Repeat Cls TextScore ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2 Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2+40,Score,1 If MouseHit then Score=Score+75 Flip Forever

DrawImage X,Y,Symbol Number [,Recolour Setting]

Alternative spellings : DrawImg, DrawSprite, DrawSymbol

Draws the requested image frame, centered at the specified co-ordinates. Alpha, Rotation and Scaling are accounted for, but due to Javascript being a bit rubbish at recolouring, any SetCol setting is ignored. Instead, the recolour value allows for 9 different recolourings of your sprite. 0 = Original (Red pixels in the sprite will be Red.) 1 = Hues offset by 30 degrees (Red = Orange) 2 = Hues offset by 60 degrees (Red = Yellow) 3 = Hues offset by 120 degrees (Red = Green) 4 = Hues offset by 210 degrees (Red = Cyan) 5 = Hues offset by 240 degrees (Red = Blue) 6 = Hues offset by 270 degrees (Red = Indigo) 7 = Hues offset by 330 degrees (Red = Purple) 8 = Light Grayscale 9 = Inverted Grayscale These recolourings can be seen in the Symbol Editor.

Symbol 0,"0__20!203044030,30030,404404004044040,30030,304403020!2"; Graphics 512,512,1 AntiAlias off // Switch on for a blurry mess!! DrawImage 100,100,0 DrawImage 150,150,0 SetRot 45 DrawImage 200,200,0 SetScale 4,4 DrawImage 300,300,0

ShadowImage X,Y,Symbol Number [,Recolour Setting]

Alternative spellings : ShadowImg, ShadowSprite, ShadowSymbol

Draws the requested image frame, with a shadow underneath it. See DrawImage for all the parameters.

Symbol 0,"0__40!404044040,40040,404404004044040,40040,404404040!4"; Graphics 512,512,1 CLS 96,80,64;AA False;SetSize 4 ShadowImg 128,128,0 ShadowImg 128,384,0,0,1 SetShadow 8,8,1 ShadowImg 384,128,0 ShadowImg 384,384,0,0,1

GlowImage X,Y,Symbol Number [, Recolour Setting] [, Glow Behind]

Alternative spellings : GlowImg, GlowSprite, GlowSymbol

Draws the requested image frame, with a lit glow underneath it. See DrawImage for all the parameters. Setting the additional Glow Behind value to 1 will move the glow behind the drawn image, rather than in front, for a slightly different look.

Symbol 0,"0__4BIPWdkrBBIPWdkrI,PWdkrP.WdkrW?dkrd!krk/r_"; Graphics 512,512,1 CLS 96,80,64;AA False;SetSize 4 SetGlow 0.5 GlowImg 128,128,0 SetGlow 1 GlowImg 384,128,0 SetGlow 0.5,2 GlowImg 128,384,0 SetGlow 1,1 GlowImg 384,268,0 GlowImg 384,408,0,0,1

BlurImage X,Y,Symbol Number [,Recolour Setting]

Alternative spellings : BlurImg, BlurSprite, BlurSymbol

Draws a blurry version of an image. See DrawImage for all the parameters.

Symbol 0,"0__40!404044040,40040,404404004044040,40040,404404040!4"; Graphics 512,512,1 CLS 96,80,64;AA False;SetSize 4 DrawImg 128,256,0 BlurImg 384,256,0

DrawBG X,Y

Draws the contents of the BG layer (See SetBuffer) onto the current buffer. You can use this to, for example, draw a generic background without having to repeat all the draw commands every frame.

Graphics 1920,1080,2 // Draw a repeating texture onto the BG Buffer SetBuffer BG CLS;ResetDraw;SetFontSize 8;SetRot 0-30 For x=0-1024 to 1024 step 64 For y=0-1024 to 1024 step 64 Text x,y,"Hello World",1 Next Next // Redraw the BG to the FG at the Mouse Co-Ords SetBuffer FG Repeat CLS;ResetDraw DrawBG MouseX(),MouseY() Flip Forever

WrapBG X,Y

Draws the contents of the BG layer (See SetBuffer) onto the current buffer, and attempts to wrap the contents in an endlessly repeating pattern. Please note, however, that a few instances can break the illusion. Wrapped BG's don't currently rotate very well (I'm currently trying to figure out the maths for this! Aargh, Mafffs!) In addition, if you have too small of a BG (eg SetSize 0.5) against too big of a screen (Graphics 1920,1080,2), it probably won't draw enough of the BG to cover the entire screen.

Graphics 1920,1080,2 // Draw a repeating texture onto the BG Buffer SetBuffer BG CLS;ResetDraw;SetFontSize 8;SetRot 0-30 For x=0-1024 to 1024 step 64 For y=0-1024 to 1024 step 64 Text x,y,"Hello World",1 Next Next // Redraw the BG to the FG at the Mouse Co-Ords SetBuffer FG Repeat CLS;ResetDraw DrawBG MouseX(),MouseY() Flip Forever

Move X,Y

Moves the Graphics Pointer to the specified co-ordinates

Move 100,100 DrawTo 200,200

MoveR X,Y

Moves the Graphics Pointer to the specified co-ordinates, relative to the current co-ordinates

Move 100,100 PlotR 10,10 MoveR 50,10 DrawTo 200,200

Plot X,Y

Plots a point on the screen at the given co-ordinates.

Plot 100,100

PlotR Direction X, Direction Y

Moves the graphic pointer in the direction given, then plots a point.

Graphics 128,128,1 CLS 40,40,80 Move 64,64 Repeat if GamePad(ButtonRight)>0 then PlotR 1,0 if GamePad(ButtonLeft)>0 then PlotR Neg(-1),0 if GamePad(ButtonUp)>0 then PlotR 0,Neg(1) if GamePad(ButtonDown)>0 then PlotR 0,1 Flip Forever

ReadPixel X,Y,ReadType

Alternative Spellings : GetPixel

Attempts to read the pixel colour at the current co-ordinates. Please be aware that various Browser Incompatibilities may cause this command to fail in any number of situations! ReadTypes are .. 0. For the Red value 1. For the Green value 2. For the Blue value -1/default. For the complete ARGB value. Please note that Alpha values are frequently messed up on the canvas, so shouldn't ever be trusted!

Repeat CLS SetCol 255,180,100 Rect 100,100,200,200 Print "Red "+ReadPixel(MouseX(),MouseY(),0) Print "Green "+ReadPixel(MouseX(),MouseY(),1) Print "Blue "+ReadPixel(MouseX(),MouseY(),2) Print "Hex "+Right("00000000"+Hex$(ReadPixel(MouseX(),MouseY() )),8) Flip Forever

Line X1,Y1, X2,Y2

Alternative spellings : DrawLine

Draws a line between two points, using the current drawing settings.

SetCol 255,255,0;SetThick 4 Line 100,100,400,120 SetCol 255,128,0; SetThick 8 Line 100,200,450,220 SetCol 0,128,255; SetThick 16 Line 100,300,500,320

LineTo X,Y

Alternative spellings : DrawTo

Draws a line from the current Graphics Position, to the requested one.

Graphics 512,512,1 CLS 40,40,80 Move 256,256 Repeat If MouseDown() then LineTo MouseX(),MouseY() Flip Forever

LineR Direction X, Direction Y

Alternative spellings : DrawR

Draws a line from the current Graphics Position, in the requested direction.

Graphics 128,128,1 CLS 40,40,80 Move 64,64 Repeat DirectionX=Gamepad(ButtonRight)-Gamepad(ButtonLeft) DirectionY=Gamepad(ButtonDown)-Gamepad(ButtonUp) LineR DirectionX,DirectionY Flip Forever

Rect X,Y,Width,Height [,Centered=0]

Alternative spellings : FillRect, DrawRect

Draws a rectangle using the current drawing settings. You can alternatively use DrawRect to draw the outline of the rectangle.

SetCol 255,180,180 Rect 100,100,100,100 SetCol 180,255,180 DrawRect 300,100,100,100 SetCol 180,180,255 Rect 500,100,100,100,1

Oval X,Y,Width,Height [,Sides=24]

Alternative spellings : FillOval, DrawOval, Circle, FillCircle, DrawCircle

Draws an Oval using the current drawing settings. You can alternatively use DrawOval to draw the outline of the Oval. Adding a Sides parameter will allow you to draw pentagons, hexagons, octagons and the like.

SetCol 255,0,0 Oval 200,60,100,100 Oval 400,60,100,100,8 SetCol 255,128,0 DrawOval 200,180,100,100 DrawOval 400,180,100,100,8 SetCol 0,255,0 Oval 200,300,100,100 Oval 400,300,100,100,8

Star X,Y,Outer Radius[, Inner Radius, Points=5]

Alternative spellings : FillStar, DrawStar

Draws a Star using the current drawing settings. You can use the Inner Radius parameter to make the star appear fatter. You can alternatively use DrawStar to draw the outline of the star.

SetCol 255,0,0 Star 200,60,100,50 Star 400,60,100,70,8 SetCol 255,128,0 DrawStar 200,180,100,70 DrawStar 400,180,100,50,8 SetCol 0,255,0 Star 200,300,100,20 Star 400,300,100,80,8

Triangle X,Y,Width,Height

Alternative spellings : FillTriangle, DrawTriangle

Draws a Triangle using the current drawing settings. You can alternatively use DrawTriangle to draw the outline of the Triangle.

SetCol 255,255,0 Triangle 100,60,100,100 SetCol 255,128,0 DrawTriangle 200,180,100,100 SetCol 0,128,255 Triangle 300,300,100,100

Light X,Y, Radius, Strength (0.0-1.0)

Draws a gradiented circle, fading to full transparency, using the current drawing settings. Works best with SetBlend "Light"

Repeat CLS SetBlend "Light" SetCol 0,255,0 Light MouseX(),MouseY(),128,0.8 SetCol 255,0,0 Light 320,240,128,0.8 Flip Forever

Starfield ScrollX,ScrollY [, Symbol=0 ,Colourful On/Off]

Draws a starfield that can be scrolled around the screen. Once stars are offscreen, they'll be given a new random placement, so the starfield is constantly random. Select a Symbol (defaults to Symbol 0) for the starfield, and the stars can either all use Colour 0, or rotate between all of the available colours

Symbol 0,"0__0,220!220,2@02!0,,2200220020.2"; Graphics 1280,720,2 Repeat CLS ResetDraw y=0 Repeat SetCol 0,y*0.05,y*0.2 Rect 0,y,ScreenWidth(),17 y=y+16 Until y>ScreenHeight() SetSize 0.5 Starfield 2,0,0,1;ResetDraw; Flip Forever

LoadingBar Percentage,"Message","Style"

Draws a Loading Bar onto the screen. You can choose from the following styles. "Normal" : Just a loading bar. "Twirl" : Spinning text with a criss-cross loading bar. "Arc" : Text spins in a circle, around a circular loading bar. "Triangular" : Text is repeated in a triangle, with a rotating triangle forming the loading bar. "Slinky" : Multicoloured text, scaling up and down in a sine-wave, that dims to represent the loading. "Ribbon" : A spiral ribbon of text, changing to green to represent the loading. If you'd prefer not to figure out the percentage of your loading, just use 0 and it'll still draw a nice pattern.

Graphics 1024,768,1 loaded=0 Repeat CLS Show=loaded mod 100 if loaded<100 then LoadingBar Show if loaded>=100 and loaded<200 then LoadingBar Show,"Loading...","Twirl" if loaded>=200 and loaded<300 then LoadingBar Show,"Loading (still)","Arc" if loaded>=300 and loaded<400 then LoadingBar Show,"Loading (Weeee!)","Triangular" if loaded>=400 and loaded<500 then LoadingBar Show,"Loading Forever","Slinky" if loaded>=500 and loaded<600 then LoadingBar Show,"Endless Loading","Ribbon" if loaded>=600 then loaded=0 loaded=loaded+0.4 Flip Forever


DrawTilemap Top Left x,y

Draws the current tilemap with the top left tile being centered at the given co-ordinates. Current Scale and Alpha settings are respected, but not Rotate, because ...Maths!!!

Symbol 0,"0__1_5!115!115!115!115!115!1_"; Symbol 1,"0__006.0,64.6064!664!664!664!6064.60,6."; SetTilemapSize 64,64 SetTile(0,0,0) SetTile(1,0,0);SetTile(2,0,0) SetTile(0,1,0);SetTile(0,2,0) SetTile(63,63,1) SetTile(62,63,1);SetTile(61,63,1) SetTile(63,62,1);SetTile(63,61,1) Repeat CLS x=MouseX() ; y=MouseY() if x<0 then x=0 if y<0 then y=0 if x>ScreenWidth() then x=ScreenWidth() if y>ScreenHeight() then y=ScreenHeight() DrawTilemap x,y Flip Forever

WrapTilemap Top Left x,y

Draws the current tilemap with the top left tile being centered at the given co-ordinates. The tilemap will wrap around the screen's limits, though each tile will only be drawn once. Current Scale and Alpha settings are respected, but not Rotate, because ...Maths!!!

Symbol 0,"0__1_5!115!115!115!115!115!1_"; Symbol 1,"0__006.0,64.6064!664!664!664!6064.60,6."; SetTilemapSize 64,64 SetTile(0,0,0) SetTile(1,0,0);SetTile(2,0,0) SetTile(0,1,0);SetTile(0,2,0) SetTile(63,63,1) SetTile(62,63,1);SetTile(61,63,1) SetTile(63,62,1);SetTile(63,61,1) Repeat CLS x=MouseX() ; y=MouseY() if x<0 then x=0 if y<0 then y=0 if x>ScreenWidth() then x=ScreenWidth() if y>ScreenHeight() then y=ScreenHeight() WrapTilemap x,y Flip Forever

SetTilemapSize w,h

Sets up a Tilemap with the given size. Currently the maximum size is 256*256 tiles. (Although this may be in any orientation, eg 1024*64 works.) I'll add more space at a later date, but the drawing needs to be optimised, first!

Symbol 0,"0__1_5!115!115!115!115!115!1_"; Symbol 1,"0__006.0,64.6064!664!664!664!6064.60,6."; SetTilemapSize 64,64 SetTile(5,5,0) SetTile(9,5,0) SetTile(7,7,1) SetTile(5,8,0);SetTile(6,9,0);SetTile(7,9,0);SetTile(8,9,0);SetTile(9,8,0); DrawTilemap 0,0


Returns the current tilemap's width or height

Symbol 0,"0__1_5!115!115!115!115!115!1_"; Symbol 1,"0__006.0,64.6064!664!664!664!6064.60,6."; SetTilemapSize 64,32 SetTile(5,5,0) SetTile(9,5,0) SetTile(7,7,1) SetTile(5,8,0);SetTile(6,9,0);SetTile(7,9,0);SetTile(8,9,0);SetTile(9,8,0); DrawTilemap 0,0 Print TilemapWidth()+":"+TilemapHeight()

SetTile w,h,Symbol Number

Sets the chosen tile to be the number specified. Tiles set between 0 and 99 will display the Symbol selected. Anything below 0 or above 99 will not display anything. Use GetTile(x,y) to retrieve the value of a tile.

Symbol 0,"0__1_5!115!115!115!115!115!1_"; Symbol 1,"0__006.0,64.6064!664!664!664!6064.60,6."; SetTilemapSize 64,64 SetTile(5,5,0) SetTile(9,5,0) SetTile(7,7,1) SetTile(5,8,0);SetTile(6,9,0);SetTile(7,9,0);SetTile(8,9,0);SetTile(9,8,0); DrawTilemap 0,0

SetTileColour w,h,Symbol Colour

Alternative spellings : SetTileColor or SetTileCol

Sets the chosen tile's colour, between 0 and 9. See DrawImage for further information on how the recolouring works. Use GetTileColour(x,y) to retrieve the colour setting for a tile.

Symbol 0,"0__1_5!115!115!115!115!115!1_"; Symbol 1,"0__006.0,64.6064!664!664!664!6064.60,6."; SetTilemapSize 64,64 SetTile(5,5,0) SetTile(9,5,0) SetTile(7,7,1) SetTile(5,8,0);SetTile(6,9,0);SetTile(7,9,0);SetTile(8,9,0);SetTile(9,8,0); Repeat CLS DrawTilemap 0,0 SetTileColour(7,7,(Mills()/200)%10) Flip Forever

SetTileOffset x,y, OffsetX, OffsetY (0.0+)

Each tile in the grid can be misaligned by a floating point number. An offset of -1 or 1 will move the tile a whole space across. Use GetTileOffsetX(x,y) and GetTileOffsetY(x,y) to retrieve the current offset settings for a tile.

Symbol 0,"0__1_5!115!115!115!115!115!1_"; Symbol 1,"0__006.0,64.6064!664!664!664!6064.60,6."; SetTilemapSize 64,64 SetTile(5,5,0) SetTile(9,5,0) SetTile(7,7,1) SetTile(5,8,0);SetTile(6,9,0);SetTile(7,9,0);SetTile(8,9,0);SetTile(9,8,0); Repeat CLS DrawTilemap 0,0 SetTileOffset(7,7,Sin(Mills()),0-Cos(Mills())) Flip Forever

SetTileScale x,y, ScaleX, ScaleY (0.0+)

Alternative spellings : SetTileSize

Each tile in the grid can be scaled by a floating point number, in either direction. 2 is double the size, -1 is inverted, 0 will be infinitely teensy tiny! Use the commands GetTileScaleX(x,y) or GetTileScaleY(x,y) to retrieve the scaling values for a tile.

Symbol 0,"0__1_5!115!115!115!115!115!1_"; Symbol 1,"0__006.0,64.6064!664!664!664!6064.60,6."; SetTilemapSize 64,64 SetTile(5,5,0) SetTile(9,5,0) SetTile(7,7,1) SetTile(5,8,0);SetTile(6,9,0);SetTile(7,9,0);SetTile(8,9,0);SetTile(9,8,0); Repeat CLS DrawTilemap 0,0 SetTileScale(7,7,Sin(Mills())+1,0-Cos(Mills())+1) Flip Forever

SetTileRotation x,y, Rotation (degrees)

Alternative spellings : SetTileRotate or SetTileRot

Each tile in the grid can be rotated. Use GetTileRotation(x,y) to retrieve the rotation for a tile.

Symbol 0,"0__1_5!115!115!115!115!115!1_"; Symbol 1,"0__006.0,64.6064!664!664!664!6064.60,6."; SetTilemapSize 64,64 SetTile(5,5,0) SetTile(9,5,0) SetTile(7,7,1) SetTile(5,8,0);SetTile(6,9,0);SetTile(7,9,0);SetTile(8,9,0);SetTile(9,8,0); Repeat CLS DrawTilemap 0,0 SetTileRot(7,7,Sin(Mills()/10)*90) Flip Forever

SetTileAlpha x,y, Alpha

Each tile in the grid can be given its own amount of Alpha transparency. Use GetTileAlpha(x,y) to retrieve the alpha setting for a tile.

Symbol 0,"0__1_5!115!115!115!115!115!1_"; Symbol 1,"0__006.0,64.6064!664!664!664!6064.60,6."; SetTilemapSize 64,64 SetTile(5,5,0) SetTile(9,5,0) SetTile(7,7,1) SetTile(5,8,0);SetTile(6,9,0);SetTile(7,9,0);SetTile(8,9,0);SetTile(9,8,0); Repeat CLS DrawTilemap 0,0 SetTileAlpha(7,7,Abs(Sin(Mills()/5))) Flip Forever

SetTileData x,y, Data

Each tile in the grid has a free slot for popping data into. Use this for whatever comes to mind. Use GetTileData(x,y) to retrieve the data.

Symbol 0,"0__1_5!115!115!115!115!115!1_"; Symbol 1,"0__006.0,64.6064!664!664!664!6064.60,6."; SetTilemapSize 64,64 SetTile(5,5,0); SetTileData(5,5,"This is an eye") SetTile(9,5,0); SetTileData(9,5,"This is another eye!") SetTile(7,7,1); SetTileData(7,7,"This is the nose!") SetTile(5,8,0);SetTile(6,9,0);SetTile(7,9,0);SetTile(8,9,0);SetTile(9,8,0); Repeat CLS DrawTilemap 0,0 x=Floor((MouseX()+16)/32) y=Floor((MouseY()+16)/32) Text MouseX()+32,MouseY()+32,GetTileData(x,y),0 Flip Forever


Simpler Collisions

CollideCircleToCircle(X1, Y1, Diameter1, X2, Y2, Diameter2)

Returns true if the two circles are colliding.

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS SetCol 255,128,0 Oval(256,256,96,96,64) SetCol 60,180,255 If CollideCircleToCircle(256,256,96,MouseX(),MouseY(),128) then Text 100,100,"Collision";SetCol 255,0,0 Oval(MouseX(),MouseY(),128,128,64) Flip Forever

CollidePointToCircle(PointX, PointY, CircleX, CircleY, Diameter)

Returns true if the Point is inside the Circle.

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS SetCol 255,128,0 Line(100,200,400,300) SetCol 60,180,255 If CollideLineToLine(100,200,400,300,MouseX(),MouseY(),0,0) then SetCol 255,255,255 DrawOval(LineCollidePointX,LineCollidePointY,16,16); Text 100,100,"Collision";SetCol 255,0,0 endif Line(MouseX(),MouseY(),0,0) Flip Forever

CollideRectToRect(X1, Y1, Width1, Height1, X2, Y2, Width2, Height2)

Returns true if the two rectangles are colliding

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS SetCol 255,128,0 Rect(256,256,96,96,1) SetCol 60,180,255 If CollideRectToRect(256,256,96,96,MouseX(),MouseY(),128,128) then Text 100,100,"Collision";SetCol 255,0,0 Rect(MouseX(),MouseY(),128,128,1) Flip Forever

CollidePointToRect(PointX, PointY, X1, Y1, Width1, Height1)

Returns true if the Point is inside the Rectangle.

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS SetCol 255,128,0 Rect(256,256,96,96,1) SetCol 60,180,255 If CollidePointToRect(MouseX(),MouseY(),256,256,96,96) then SetCol 255,255,255 Text 100,100,"Collision";SetCol 255,0,0 Endif Flip Forever

CollideRectToCircle(X1, Y1, Width1, Height1, X2, Y2, Diameter2)

Returns true if the rectangle collides with the circle

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS SetCol 255,128,0 Oval(256,256,96,96,64) SetCol 60,180,255 If CollideRectToCircle(MouseX(),MouseY(),128,128,256,256,96) then SetCol 255,255,255 Text 100,100,"Collision";SetCol 255,0,0 Endif Rect(MouseX(),MouseY(),128,128,1) Flip Forever

CollideCrossToCircle(X1, Y1, Width1, Height1, X2, Y2, Diameter2)

Returns true if the cross ( X ) collides with the circle. Please Note : This might be a rather specific collision type for a rather specific game!!

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS SetCol 255,128,0 Oval(256,256,128,128,64) SetCol 60,180,255 If CollideCrossToCircle(MouseX(),MouseY(),128,128,256,256,128) then SetCol 255,255,255 Text 100,100,"Collision";SetCol 255,0,0 Endif Line(MouseX()-64,MouseY()-64,MouseX()+64,MouseY()+64) Line(MouseX()+64,MouseY()-64,MouseX()-64,MouseY()+64) Flip Forever

CollideLineToLine(X1,Y1, X2,Y2, X3,Y3, X4,Y4)

Returns true if the two lines are colliding. Please Note : The exact co-ordinates of the collision will be placed in the variables LineCollidePointX and LineCollidePointY. The other collision types don't do this, because maths!!!

Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS SetCol 255,128,0 Line(100,200,400,300) SetCol 60,180,255 If CollideLineToLine(100,200,400,300,MouseX(),MouseY(),0,0) then SetCol 255,255,255 DrawOval(LineCollidePointX,LineCollidePointY,16,16); Text 100,100,"Collision";SetCol 255,0,0 endif Line(MouseX(),MouseY(),0,0) Flip Forever


ThrowParticle( SourceX, SourceY, [ Type ], [ Direction ], [ Speed ], [ Symbol ] , [ Colour ], [ Blend Mode ] )

Throws a particle. Particle Types are 1 - Standard particle 2 - Falls 3 - Falls, but also bounces when it reaches a point just below it's source Y co-ordinate. 4 - Slows down 5 - Speeds up 6 - Falls upwards 7 - Rises like smoke 8 - Swirls around Source X/Y 9 - Minty, only goes up, down, left or right, and never rotates. Colours are based upon Symbol colours Blend modes are as seen in SetBlend This is a rather complex looking command, sorry!

Symbol 0,"0__0,440!440!440,4_4/0,440!440!44"; Symbol 1,"0__0_0_0440?"; Graphics 800,600,1 Repeat CLS 70,70,120 ThrowParticle MouseX(),MouseY(),4 ThrowParticle MouseX(),MouseY(),2,Rnd(-15,15),2,1,0,8 Flip Forever

Gimme Points, x, y

Adds a numerical particle at the current co-ordinates, and adds the Points value to the Score variable.

Graphics 512,512,2 Score=0 Repeat CLS:ResetDraw If MouseHit() then Gimme 10,MouseX,MouseY TextScore ScreenWidth()/2,16,1 Flip Forever

SetParticleGravity gravity/1.0

Changes the gravity amount for Particle types 2,3,6 and 7.

Symbol 0,"0__0,440!440!440,4_4/0,440!440!44"; Graphics 800,600,1 Repeat CLS 70,70,120 ThrowParticle 200,200,2,Rnd(-13,13),1 ThrowParticle 400,500,3,Rnd(-13,13),1 ThrowParticle 600,400,6,180+Rnd(-13,13),1 ThrowParticle MouseX(),MouseY(),7,Rnd(-8,8),0 g=MouseY()/(ScreenHeight()/1.5) SetParticleGravity g Text 400,300,"Gravity "+left$(""+g+"00000000",8),1 Flip Forever

SetParticleLife lifespan

Changes the lifespan for particles, where 0.2 is short, and 3.0 is long, etc.

Symbol 0,"1__0!;.0_0,;.0_0044;;440_044;;440_00;.0_0,;.0!;;0.;.0.;.0.;.0.;_;_;_;/0!;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;."; Graphics 512,512,1 t=0;x=0 Repeat CLS;ResetDraw; t=t+1 if t>4 t=0 x=Wrap(x+16,0,jscrw) SetParticleLife x/400 ThrowParticle x,160,2,0,2,0,0 endif Flip Forever

SetParticleRotation RotationSpeed

Alternative spellings : SetParticleRotate, SetParticleRot

Changes the lifespan for particles, where 0 is the particles don't rotate at all, 10.0 they spin crazily.

Symbol 0,"1__0!;.0_0,;.0_0044;;440_044;;440_00;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;.0_0,;."; Graphics 512,512,1 t=0;x=0 Repeat CLS;ResetDraw; t=t+1 if t>4 t=0 x=Wrap(x+16,0,jscrw) n=0 if x>256 then n=1 SetParticleRot n ThrowParticle x,160,2,0,2,0,0 endif Flip Forever

SetParticleSize SymbolSize

Sets the size that Particles should be drawn at.

Symbol 0,"0__0,440!440!440,4_4/0,440!440!44"; Graphics 800,600,1 Repeat CLS 70,70,120 ThrowParticle 400,500,3,Rnd(-13,13),Rnd(2,3) g=MouseY()/(ScreenHeight()/60) SetParticleSize g Text 400,300,"Size "+left$(""+g+"00000000",8),1 Flip Forever

ScrollParticles ScrollX,ScrollY

Moves all particles by the requested amount. Useful when you're scrolling the screen.

Symbol 0,"0__0,40/40/40/40/40/40/40/4"; Repeat CLS x=(GamePad(ButtonRight)-GamePad(ButtonLeft))*10 y=(GamePad(ButtonDown)-GamePad(ButtonUp))*10 Starfield x,y,0 ScrollParticles x,y ThrowParticle MouseX(),MouseY(),4,Rnd(0,360),0.5,0 ResetDraw Print "Particles spawn at Mouse co-ordinates" Print "Use directions to scroll" Flip Forever


Immediately kills all particles currently particling.

Symbol 0,"0__0,40/40/40/40/40/40/40/4"; Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS ThrowParticle 256,512,2,Rand(-40,40),Rand(1,4),0,0 If MouseDown then KillParticles Text 256,32,"Hold the mouse",1 Text 256,48,"to kill the particles",1 Flip Forever

Load and Save

Due to the limitations of Javascript and Browsers and the like, we can't read and write "real" files. Instead, you're given a single "file" array per project, which you can read or write to and from. Each "file" has up to 256 values and a maximum size of 32kb.


Returns a 1 if the save file exists for this project, or 0 if it doesn't.

Print FileExists()


Loads the previously saved file into memory.

LoadFile Print ReadFile(0)


Alternative spellings : ReadString(slot)

Returns the information currently stored in the slot given. Your "file" is basically an array of 256 elements. Use them wisely!

LoadFile Print ReadFile(0)


Returns the information currently stored in the slot given, as an int. Your "file" is basically an array of 256 elements. Use them wisely!


Returns the information currently stored in the slot given, as a float. Your "file" is basically an array of 256 elements. Use them wisely!


Stores the value given into the slot. Your "file" is basically an array of 256 elements. Use them wisely!

Highscore=56 WriteFile(0,Highscore) SaveFile


Saves the data stored in your file for future reuse.

Highscore=56 WriteFile(0,Highscore) SaveFile


Clears out the data within the file, resetting everything to zero.

LoadFile EmptyFile SaveFile

File Example

// File Access Example if FileExists==0 LastScore=37 HighScore=128 BestWord="Giraffe" // Save Values WriteFile 0,LastScore WriteFile 1,HighScore WriteFile 2,BestWord SaveFile Print "Saved!" // Clear Values LastScore=0 HighScore=0 BestWord=0 Print:Print "Reset" Print "Last Score "+LastScore Print "High Score "+HighScore Print "Best Word "+BestWord Endif // Load Values LoadFile LastScore=ReadFile(0) HighScore=ReadFile(1) BestWord=ReadFile(2) Print:Print "Loaded" Print "Last Score "+LastScore Print "High Score "+HighScore Print "Best Word "+BestWord

Audio Commands

PlaySFX "Name of Sound"[ ,Pitch 0.5-3.0, Volume 0-2, Panning -1-1 ]

Plays one of the internal sound effects. You can choose from the library of sounds as heard by clicking the Sounds icon on the main GUI.

Graphics 512,512,0 Repeat CLS 40,70,100 Volume=1-(MouseY()/512) Pitch=(MouseX()/256)+0.5 If MouseDown() then PlaySFX("Beeper_Classic",Pitch,Volume) Flip Forever

SetEcho "echo mode"

Switches the echo to one of a set of available modes. Available modes are Off - No echo Short - A short echo Medium - A long echo Long - A much longer echo Church - An empty church Factory - A large empty factory Cave - A large expansive cavern Can - A tin can Car - A car Flowerpot - A flowerpot Hose - A long hosepipe Intercom - A retro styled intercom SmallSpeakers - Some classic desktop speakers Walkman - Someone elses walkman AMRadio - An old radio stuck on a shelf BrokenSpeakers - Speakers that don't quite work 8bit - I was told this sounds 8-bit, but .. ?

// Echo Styles // by Jayenkai // Created 2021/6/29 e=0 SetEcho e JMTrackr 140,"<C4r8>A+16G4r16A+4<C4r8>A+16G2r16|C4r8D8D+4D4C4r8D8D+2|C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8D+8D+8D+8D+8>A+8A+8A+8A+8|C8C8C8C4C8C8C8D+8D+8D+8D+4>A+8A+8A+8|C16r8C16r8C16r8C16r8C16r16C16r16D+16r8D+16r8D+16r8>A+16r8A+16r16A+16r16|C16D+16C16<C8C8C16>C16D+16C16<C8C8C16>C16D+16C16<C8C8C16>C16D+16C16<C8r16C16C16|r1|[d]|r8G+4G+4G+4G+4G+4G+4G+4G+16G+16|C8G+16C16D8G+8C8G+16C16D8G+8C8G+16C16D8G+8C8D8D8G+8|r1|" Graphics 512,512,1 Repeat CLS 30,30,80 ResetDraw;SetFontSize 16 hit=MouseHit() If MouseIn(256,64,256,32,1) and hit e=e+1 SetEcho e if GetEcho()=="Off" then e=0 Endif SetCol 255,255,255 Text 256,64,"Echo '"+GetEcho()+"'",1 SetFontSize 6 y=160 x=96;nm="Beep_1"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=256;nm="Beeper_Fruit_Bonus"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=416;nm="Beeper_Rise"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) y=y+48 x=96;nm="Drum_Low"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=256;nm="Animal_Quack"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=416;nm="Error_2"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) y=y+48 x=96;nm="Explode_High_2"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=256;nm="Explode_Low_5"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=416;nm="Explode_Low_7"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) y=y+48 x=96;nm="Hurt_3"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=256;nm="Jump_3"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=416;nm="Lazer_3"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) y=y+48 x=96;nm="Noise_Crunch"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=256;nm="Noise_Spray_2"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=416;nm="Noise_Stomp"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) y=y+48 x=96;nm="Sonniss_Rock_2"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=256;nm="Sonniss_Plasmagun"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) x=416;nm="Sonniss_Swish_2"; SetCol(255,255,255);Rect(x,y,128,32,1);SetCol(0,0,0);Text(x,y,nm,1);if MouseIn(x,y,128,32,1) and hit then PlaySFX(nm) Flip Forever


Returns the name of the current Echo mode.

SetEcho 5 Print GetEcho()

Say "Text to say",Voice 0-n,Volume 0-1,Speed 0.5-3

Makes the browser say something. Please note that all manner of things will cause this to break, and the voices are all different based on browser, os and system. Don't expect it to be an exact science! You can generate a list of available voice names using the VoiceCount and VoiceName functions. Please note that on some systems, the speech will only play after a mouse/touch event, and occasionally might not work at all. Really, this is incredibly broken!!

Repeat If MouseHit() then Say "Hello",Rand(0,VoiceCount()) Forever


Returns the number of different voices available for speaking with. If the number is -1, then either the user hasn't yet tapped the screen on an iOS device, or the browser doesn't support speech.

Print "Voices Available" For n=0 to VoiceCount() Print " "+VoiceName(n) Next

VoiceName( Voice 0-n )

Returns the name of the given voice.

// Talky Tester Graphics 1024,768,1 Repeat CLS;ResetDraw();SetFontSize 16 mh=MouseHit(); c=VoiceCount() if c==-1 Print "Speech currently unavailable" Print "Try clicking the screen" endif If c>-1 For n=0 to c nm$=VoiceName$(n) y=(n+1)*22 If MouseIn(512,y,1024,20,1)>0 then SetCol 40,80,120:Rect 512,y,1024,20,1:SetCol 255,255,255 Text 512,y,"["+n+"] - "+nm$,1 If MouseIn(512,y,1024,20,1)>0 and mh>0 Say "Hello! My name is "+nm$+", and I am a computer voice. Question?",n endif Next Endif Flip Forever

PlayMP3 "Song Title"

I've made a LOT of music over at AGameAWeek/Music, and you can now use any of the tracks from within JSE. Simply PlayMP3 "Song Title", and it *should* play. There's a Music Library on the top-right button. Though there's lots of complications with this methodology, most notably the transfer speed and the server's bandwidth, so mileage may vary. Additionally, the "Download HTML5 Project" currently doesn't work with this functionality, as I need to figure out how best to combine the mp3s with the zip files.

// Music Test // by Jayenkai // Created 2024/12/7 Graphics 512,512,1 Print "Hello MP3" PlayMP3("Walking AL") Repeat If GamePad(ButtonA)>0.5 then PlayMP3("Walking D") If GamePad(ButtonB)>0.5 then PlayMP3("Orbital Annihilation") If GamePad(ButtonX)>0.5 then PlayMP3("Xenial Dancing (inst)") If GamePad(ButtonY)>0.5 then PlayMP3("Common") if GamePad(ButtonUp)<0.5 then dis1=0 If GamePad(ButtonUp)>0.5 and dis1==0 then PlaySFX("Gun_2");dis1=1 if GamePad(ButtonDown)<0.5 then dis2=0 If GamePad(ButtonDown)>0.5 and dis2==0 then PlaySFX("Gun_1");dis2=1 Flip Forever

JMTrackr Tempo,Style,MelodyCode[,Seed]

The JMTrackr music tool can be used to create strings of melody, which are then randomly played to create a unique soundscape. It's a little lacklustre at the minute, but I aim to bulk it up over time, for example, the Style parameter can be either of three values. "Retro" is a set of light instruments. "Classic" is basier heavy instruments, with louder drums. "Hedgehog" tries (but usually fails) to sound like a Megadrive.

Graphics 512,512,0 mdis=1 MelodyString="[1][L][D1z1F1z1H1z1I1z1K1z1H1z1K3z1M1z1I1z1M3z1K1z1H1z1K3z1D1z1F1z1H1z1I1z1K1z1H1z1K3z1M1z1I1z1M3z1K6z2][D1z1D1D1K1z1K1z1I1z1H1z1I1z1F1z1D1z1D1D1K1z1K1z1I1D1H1z1I3z1D1z1D1D1K1z1K1z1I1z1H1z1I1z1F1z1D1z1D1D1K1z1K1z1I1D1H1z1D3z1][D1z1F1z1H1z1I1z1K2z4D1z3F1z1H1z1I1z1K2z2H2z2D1z1F1z1H1z1I1z1K2z4M2z2K1z1I1z1F1z1D2z6][H][KCz4PCz4KCz4DCz4][D4z2F4z2H3z1K4z2I4z2H3z1D8zO][B][D1z3K1z381z3K1z3D1z381z3A1z3C1z3D1z3K1z381z3K1z3D1z781z7][D1z1D1z381z1D1z1D1z381z1D1z1D1z381z1D1z1D1z181z1A1z1D1z1D1z381z1D1z1D1z381z1D1z1D1z381z1D1z1D1z1H1z1F1z1][D][11z131z121z131z161z111z121z131z111z131z121z131z161z111z121z161z111z131z121z131z161z111z121z131z111z131z121z131z161z1611121z161z1][11z511z511z511z511z321z311z511z511z511z511z321z121z1]" Repeat CLS 40,70,100 SetFontSize 16 Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2,"Click for New Music",1 If MouseHit() then JMTrackr((jRand(1,4)*5)+110,"Classic",MelodyString);mdis=1 Flip Forever


Alternative spellings : MusicStop

Stops any music that is currently playing.

Graphics 512,512,0 mdis=1 MelodyString="G16E32F32G16E16G32G32G32A32G16E32F32G16E32F32G16E16D32D32D32E32D16C16|G8G8F8F8E8E8F8E16F16|C8r16C16E16r16G16r16A16A+16A16F16G8r8|r1|[d]|C16G+16D16G+16C16G+16D16D16C16G+16D16G+16G+16C16D16C32D32|C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16C16|r8A4A4A4A8|r1|" OffOn=0 Repeat CLS 40,70,100 SetFontSize 16 if OffOn==0 then Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2,"Click for New Music",1 if OffOn==1 then Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2,"Click to Stop",1 If MouseHit() then OffOn=1-OffOn if OffOn==1 then JMTrackr((jRand(1,4)*5)+90,0,MelodyString);mdis=1 If OffOn==0 then JMStop endif Flip Forever

System Commands

SetControllerMethod Gamepad/Mouse/Keys

Alternative spellings : SetControlMethod

You can toggle the onscreen gamepad using this function. Set it to GamePad, and if the user taps the screen or clicks with a mouse, the onscreen controls will pop up automagically. If you set it to Keys or Mouse, then the onscreen controller popup will go away.

Graphics 512,512,1 SetControlMethod Gamepad Repeat CLS Flip Forever

Notify String, Colour Hue (0-360), Type (0-3)

Creates an onscreen notification, which lasts for exactly 240 frames. The (currently 4) types of Type are. 0 (default) - A standard popup on the bottom left of the screen. Posting more of these will bump the notification up the screen. 1 - Full screen width, around the 40% height of the screen. Posting more of these will bump the notification down the screen. 2 - Full screen width, around the 40% height of the screen, jumping, bouncing, happy and multicoloured. Posting more of these will bump the notification down the screen. 3 - Full screen width, Scrolls in from the bottom, hangs around the middle, then fades out to the top of the screen. Posting more of these will make a mess in the middle of the screen.

Graphics 512,512,2 Repeat Cls v=Rand(1,3) c=Rand(0,360) launch=-1 if MouseHit then launch=0 if KeyHit then launch=1 if GamePadHit then launch=2 if GamePad(ButtonDown) then launch=3 // Bottom Notification If launch==0 then Notify(" Mouse Hit "*v,c,0) // Centered Notification If launch==1 then Notify(" Key Hit "*v,c,1) // Jumping Notification If launch==2 then Notify(" GamePad Hit "*v,c,2) // Zoom to Center Notification If launch==3 then Notify(" Held Down ",c,3) Flip Forever

DebugMode On/Off

Switches Debug mode on or off. Anything sent using the command Debug will then end up in the browser's Console log.'

DebugMode On Debug "Hello World!"

Debug String

Alternative spellings : DebugLog

Sends the requested string to the browser's console log.

DebugMode On Debug "Hello World!"


GameHandler("Game|Title", "Difficulty|Settings")

The GameHandler is a special command that creates a generic looking menu screen for basic games. It handles highscores, along with loading and saving, and even has a pause menu with a quit/restart option. You'll need to incude an .Ingame subroutine which will be called every frame, which is where your game will run. Within this subroutine, try to run exactly one frame's worth of your game. In order for it to do everything it needs, you should probably also include a .StartGame subroutine to reset all your variables, prepare levels, and other such things at the start of the game. You can place as many difficulty settings as you'd like into the second string, separated by |'s. Be aware though, that it currently doesn't scroll, so you're probably better off limiting it to a small number of options. You can use these for difficulty levels, modes or anything else you can imagine. The variable GameType allows you to refer back to whichever option has been selected on the menu, with the first option being GameType=1, and so on. Calling EndGame "The reason the game ended" will trigger the GameOver cycle, after which the current Score is added to the high score/last score tables, and the GameHandler returns to the main menu. If you've defined a Symbol 0, it will be used as the icon displayed on the titlescreen. You can additionally set the font used in the menu, using the SetHandlerFont command, and a title tune with the SetHandlerMP3 command.

// GameHandler Example // Mouse Clicker Symbol 0,"0__4?0,,4004,0!4,0!4,0!44"; Graphics 512,512,1 SetHandlerFont "Labyrinth" GameHandler("Mouse|Clicker|2000","5 seconds|10 seconds|15 seconds") .StartGame Score=0 // Change the time limit based on the menu option selected. If GameType==1 then TimeLimit=Mills(1)+(5*1000)+999 If GameType==2 then TimeLimit=Mills(1)+(10*1000)+999 If GameType==3 then TimeLimit=Mills(1)+(15*1000)+999 Return .Ingame CLS;ResetDraw() TimeLeft=Floor((TimeLimit-Mills(1))/1000) If TimeLeft<0 then TimeLeft=0 If GameOver==0 then PlaySFX("Beeper_Fruit_Win") EndGame "Time's Up" Endif Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2-64,TimeLeft,1 // A Click If MouseHit() and GameOver==0 // GameOver increases once EndGame has been called Score=Score+1 // Score is used by the Highscore system PlaySFX("Beeper_Coin") ThrowParticle MouseX(),MouseY(),2,Rand(-45,45),Rand(2,5) Endif TextScore ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2 Text ScreenWidth()-16,16,"Score to beat "+Highscore,2 // Highscore is the topmost score on the current leaderboard Flip Return

GameHandler("Game|Title", "Calendar")

For more information, see the standard form of the GameHandler command. This special version of the GameHandler will create a calendar based tube of dates for every day this year, with each day having its own highscore, and win parameter. The ThisLevel variable will contain the number (0-365) of the day of the year selected. Use the WinLevel command to set the win value for a level. A win of 1 gives a yellow 5 pointed star on the calendar tube. A win of 2 gives a blue 8 pointed star.

// GameHandler/Calendar Example // Mouse Clicker Symbol 0,"0__4?0,,4004,0!4,0!4,0!44"; Graphics 512,512,2 SetHandlerFont "Labyrinth" GameHandler("Mouse|Clicker|2000","Calendar") .StartGame Score=0 // Change the time limit based on the menu option selected. TimeLimit=Mills(1)+(10*1000)+999 Return .Ingame CLS;ResetDraw() TimeLeft=Floor((TimeLimit-Mills(1))/1000) If TimeLeft<0 then TimeLeft=0 If GameOver==0 then PlaySFX("Beeper_Fruit_Win") EndGame "Time's Up" Endif Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2-64,TimeLeft,1 // A Click If MouseHit() and GameOver==0 // GameOver increases once EndGame has been called Score=Score+1 // Score is used by the Highscore system PlaySFX("Beeper_Coin") ThrowParticle MouseX(),MouseY(),2,Rand(-45,45),Rand(2,5) Endif TextScore ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2 Text ScreenWidth()-16,16,"Score to beat "+Highscore,2 if Score>=25 then WinLevel if Score>=50 then WinLevel 2 Flip Return

SetHandlerIcon Layer (0-3),Symbol ,x (1.0),y (1.0),width (1.0), height (1.0)

If you're using the default GameHandler style, you can change the images that are drawn in the background, as well as scaling and position.

Symbol 0,"2__I0_0.I0II0_0?II0@II0II0I?0_0.I0?I/0I,0II0I0_0II0,I0I!0I.0II0I0_0I00I0I!0I_II0_0II0I_I!0I.0_I_I_I!0/I0I_I_I!0?I0I_I_I/0?I@6,I/6,I/0,I@6?I?6?I.0II00I/6/I,6/I.0I0,I!6/I,6/I!00I/6/I,6/I!0I_6?I?6?I.00II0.I!6,I/6,I/00I_I_I_I_I_I_I_I00I/VI_I_I0.I_V,I_I_00I_I,VVI_I/0,I_I.VVI_I,0?I_I!V,I@0I0.I_I_VI!0II0?I_I_V,II0II0/I_I_IVI.0_I_I_I?0II0!I_I_II0I0,I0/I.0I_I!0.II0_I?0I,0II0II0II0.I0_0I0II0II0I.0.II00II0_0!II0I0@I."; Symbol 1,"2__I0_0.I0II0_0?II0@II0II0I?0_0.I0?I/0I,0II0I0_0II0,I0I!0I.0II0I0_0I00I0I!0I_II0_0II0I_I!0I.0_I_I_I!0/I0I_I_I!0?I0I_I_I/0?I@6,I/6,I/0,I@6?I?6?I.0II00I/6/I,6/I.0I0,I!6/I,6/I!00I/6/I,6/I!0I_6?I?6?I.00II0.I!6,I/6,I/00I_I_I_I_I_I.V@I/00I_I.V.I_I0.I_I.VVI_I!00I_I.VVI_I!0,I_IV,I_I?0?I_IVI_I!0I0.I_IVI_I?0II0?I_VI_I.0II0/I_I_I!0_I_I_I?0II0!I_I_II0I0,I0/I.0I_I!0.II0_I?0I,0II0II0II0.I0_0I0II0II0I.0.II00II0_0!II0I0@I."; Graphics 800,600,2 for n=0 to 3 image=Rand(0,1) x=Rnd(0.1,0.9) y=Rnd(0.1,0.9) width=Rnd(0.2,0.4) height=Rnd(0.2,0.4) SetHandlerIcon n,image,x,y,width,height next GameHandler("Test") .StartGame Return .InGame CLS;EndGame Return

SetHandlerColour Red(/255), Green(/255), Blue(/255)

Alternative spellings : SetHandlerColor, SetHandlerCol

If you're using the default GameHandler style, you can change the background colour used in the main menu.

Graphics 800,600,2 SetHandlerCol Rand(255),Rand(255),Rand(255) GameHandler("Test") .StartGame Return .InGame CLS;EndGame Return

EndGame "Reason"

The EndGame command is used by the GameHandler, to trigger the GameOver routine. It ends the game, prints "Reason" across the screen, and returns to the main menu. See the GameHandler command for the complete example of how to use this.

SetControllerText "Controller instructions"

Alternative spellings : SetControlText

When using the GameHandler function, you can set the "Controls : ... message" to whatever you'd like, here. You only get one line, so use it wisely!

Graphics 800,600,2 SetControlMethod GamePad SetControllerText "Controls : Left/Right, Fire" GameHandler "Oh hey,|Let's test" .StartGame return .Ingame CLS return

SetScrollerText "Game scrolling message"

Alternative Spellings : SetScrollText

The Scroller Messages text can be set here. This will be displayed on the GameHandler's title screen, but can also be displayed using the ScrollText command.

Graphics 800,600,2 SetControlMethod GamePad SetControllerText "Controls : Up/Down, Squeak" SetScrollerText ">>>-- This is a scrolling message. Look at it scroll. Scrolling away like a pancake. Does a pancake scroll? Hmmm.. Curious. --<<<" GameHandler "Oh hey|Let's test" .StartGame return .Ingame CLS return

WinLevel 0/1/2

The WinLevel command is used by the calendar version of GameHandler, to add stars to the calendar. See the GameHandler Calendar command for the complete example of how to use this.

SetHandlerFont FontName

Alternative Spellings : SetMenuFont

Sets the font to be used within the GameHandler's menu system. See the GameHandler command for the complete example of how to use this.

SetHandlerMP3 "Song Title"

Alternative Spellings : SetMenuMP3

Sets the music to be used within the GameHandler's titlescreen. Uses the same AGameAWeek music collection that the PlayMP3 command does.

Variables used by GameHandler
ScoreSet this value to have it show up in the main menu's highscores.
HighscoreThis is the value of the highest score on the currently selected difficulty level.
GameTypeWhich of the menu's options has been chosen. 1 = First option, and so on.
GameOverIs 0, until EndGame is called. Once EndGame has been called, increases from 1 to 60.
Variables used by GameHandler - Calendar Mode
ThisLevelWhen using the Calendar Level Select method, this will contain the number of the chosen date, 0-365.
ThisYearThe year of the chosen date. (Should always be the same as the current year)
ThisMonthThe number of the month of the chosen date. (1-12)
ThisMonthNameThe name of the month of the chosen date. (January-December)
ThisDateThe date of the chosen date. (1-31)
ThisWeekdayThe numerical representation of the chosen day. (0-6)
ThisWeekdayNameThe name of the chosen day. (Monday-Sunday)


#CONST VariableName=Value

Defines a constant for PreProcessor usage. Every instance of $VariableName will be replaced with Value.

#DEFINE VariableName=Value

Defines a variable for PreProcessor usage.

#IF VariableName==/<>/<=/>=Value .. #ENDIF

Checks whether the comparison is true, then either removes or leaves-in the section of code.


Removes all code between #REM and #ENDREM

Notes about PreProcessors. PreProcessors are more strict than regular script syntax. Each PreProcessor MUST be at the start of a line, only one single space between commands and variables/values/etc. You don't "NEED" to work in All Caps, but it helps distinguish things a bit. These functions work before the main parser, and are primarily used to remove chunks of code from the script. You could, for example, make use of a "TEST" variable, and have the TEST sections be automagically removed by stripping away the variable later. You can further make use of these PreProcessor variables within the rest of the script, using $VariableName, reading or writing to the variables as you would any other variable. Be aware, though, that changing the value of a PreProcessor mid-script, using the regular scripting language, won't be able to alter what the PreProcessor does, since by the point it's been reached by the interpreter, the PreProcessor things will have already been PreProcessed!

// PreProcessor Example #CONST $SWEET="Gummy Bears" #DEFINE FRUIT="Banana" FRUIT="Apple" #REM FRUIT="Pear" #ENDREM Graphics 512,512,1 #IF FRUIT=="Banana" Print $SWEET #ENDIF Print $FRUIT Print FRUIT

Reserved Keywords

Running Stats
Stat_FPSThe current framerate. Updates every second.
Stat_PercHow stressed the engine is. Try not to go over 100!
ButtonUp = 0
ButtonRight = 1
ButtonDown = 2
ButtonLeft = 3
ButtonA = 10
ButtonB = 11
ButtonY = 12
ButtonX = 13
ButtonL1 = 14
ButtonR1 = 15
ButtonL2 = 16
ButtonR2 = 17
ButtonL3 = 18
ButtonR3 = 19
ButtonStart = 20
ButtonSelect = 21
ButtonBack = 21
StickLX = 30
StickLY = 31
StickRX = 32
StickRY = 33
DPadUp = 34
DPadRight = 35
DPadDown = 36
DPadLeft = 37
These are the values used by the Gamepad functionality.
Internal Values
LetTraditionally used to tell the language to set a value, here the keyword simply disappears. It's used internally to perform its original task, but it never gets seen.

About JSE/FAQ's


Jayenkai is the author of this scripting language, so he called it "Jay's Scripting Engine". If you prefer not to think of Jayenkai, you can think of it as being short for "Javascript Scripting Engine" or something like that.


The intention of this scripting language is to allow easily accessible tests and examples. The language was coded for the forum, where we used to easily be able to use Blitz2D, Blitz3D, BlitzMax and Monkey as example languages. However, the world of wildly varied systems, OSes and "rules", as well as the fact that Blitz3D is now over 20 years old, have all made these things much more difficult to keep working. Simple examples just aren't simple, anymore. The purpose of JSE is to be easily copy and pasteable into forums, and back again, allowing users to code quick examples to show each other how to achieve certain techniques. Though the language is capable enough to write a minimal game in, please be aware that since Jayenkai wrote it, it'll likely fail in unexpected and seemingly random ways! Please don't rely on it to do amazing things!


If you find something is broken, let Jayenkai know. You can email him, or post something over on Thanks for reporting any bugs!


There is no registration on the site. The site is here to be used. Though there are no cookies, in the traditional sense. There is, however, a large set of "Local Storage" saves, one for each of your projects. If you're using a "Private Mode" browser, your code will be lost when the page is refreshed, so be aware that that'll happen. Be sure to copy+paste your code somewhere safe, or use the Export feature, if you are! No cookies, No evils, Just coding.

Discussion, Forum, Showcase, etc

There isn't yet a dedicated forum for JSE, but there may be in the future. The website is currently the forum home for the language, and will likely remain so until the people at SoCoder get sick of hearing about it! To be fair, the language was mostly coded with that forum in mind, so all's good, I hope. SoCoder has basic Forum functionality, (with sidebars!) but also has spaces for personal blogs, as well as posting Showcases, Code Snippets, Articles and more. Head on over to, and get yourself an account. Welcome aboard.


Loading and saving, symbols, projects and more, are all handled internally by your browser. If you change your browser, switch between systems, or more, your code will be stuck exactly where it was. You'll need to export it from the previous place, and import it back to the new one. To be on the safe side, please export your projects as often as you can, just in case your browser decides it's going to be a goit! The exported file is simply a text file, renamed with a .jse extension, so it should be incredibly easy to move it between places. Email it to yourself, grab it on your other system. Use DropBox, iCloud, an NAS drive, or more. Anything goes, really. As long as you can grab the .jse file on the other end, you'll be fine. Additionally, the more of your code you post to forums and the like, the less you're likely to lose.

Could you not set up a Cloud based Load/Save system?

Quite possibly, but I'd need to add Registration, sign-ins, and all those ugly sorts of things. I'm also not 100% convinced that I can safely load/save to/from the cloud, without inadvertently breaking things along the way. There are also all manner of security concerns, with all the uploads and downloads going on. Bah, humbug!

.. But I have Javascript disabled

Then you can't use the site. Sorry.

What's going on with the FPS display?

In order, the stats are.. Number of "Tokens" parsed in the frame. -=-=- Spaghetti Stats : If these get too high, you'll have a bad time, and are probably missing an Endif, Return, or similar. Gosubs - Repeats - Ifs -=-=- Drawing Stats : If these get too high, you'll get slowdown. Sprites - Polygons - Text -=-=- Framerate (fps) -=-=- Browser Time Usage % : Try to aim below 100%. Going about 100 will slow down the framerate. If this stat reaches 250%, it'll cause the parser to stop, have a little frame's worth of a rest, then carry on. -=-=- Running/Stopped, with the current frame number.



JSE was started in February 2021 by Jayenkai : He was helped in part by the members of the community, who assisted with a few RPN issues and general testing. Jayenkai was also helped by Michael Fernie, who offered more than a few helpful tips and pointers, along the way. The language uses absolute barebones Javascript and Canvas functions, so "should" function correctly in any decent browser, as of 2021.


Font 1 is from the Amstrad CPC. Font 2 is from the Commodore 64. Font 3 is from the ZX Spectrum. Font 4 is from the BBC Micro Computer. Font 5 is the Amiga's default "Topaz" font. Font 6 is the default font for Amos on the Amiga, and is known as "2001" All the above fonts are used without permission, and may be replaced at any point if anyone important shows up and starts complaining that I've stolen their fonts. Fonts 7 through 33 are from DamienG's ZX Origins collection. A fantastic selection of 8-bit fonts.


Most of the sound effects have been created/gathered over the years by Jayenkai. The Sonniss sounds are all from their [url=]GameAudioGDC packs[/url]. Many thanks to them for creating, and uploading them for free use.


The Impulse sounds, for the Echo functionality, were gathered from Impulse sounds by Fokke van Saane's website.


Although I don't have a particular name for the license, we'll call it something like "This is here to be used. Feel free to use it. That's what it's here for."


Patreon Supporters

My Patreon page is somewhat lacklustre, as far as Patreon Specific content goes. I'm constantly apologising for this lack of extra juicy content, but it's mostly because I instantly give everything away for free on my site. I'm just not organised enough to have anything pre-prepared, that I can have available as a Patreon Sneak Peek for even a short while. Even so, the following wonderful people are still helping fund the crazy amount of content that I create, and that's awesome! Many, many, many thanks to the following people. Rajasekaran Senthil Kumaran Otakupunk Seth A. Robinson James Wallis Fardin Fahim Kiranteja Mannem If you'd like to help feed me buckets of Ramen, you can find the Patreon page here