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Y6:W31 - Neon Bike Championships Blog
12th August 2014
Because sometimes, all you need is TRON!


It's been a long long time since I last tackled the classic top-down LightCycles gameplay style.

Modern systems aren't quite cracked up for drawing lines, and doing pixel perfect collisions, and things like that. They get extraordinarily slow when trying to do things of that manner.
Couple that with different screen resolutions and all that other chaotic stuff, and things can get pretty dodgy along the way..
Luckily, we have Rectangles, and Monkey's good at doodling those all over the screen in a variety of formats, so I spent this week playing with ways of creating a decent lightcycle routine, and .. thankfully.. it's turned out quite nice.

AI Players are in, and you can have up to 5 real-world players depending on your controller setup. (4 joypads and a keyboard player.. HTML's Keyboard only, unfortunately.)

Could do with sorting out better touchy-controls. It KINDA works, but it's missing all manner of stuff. Bah!

You can Download Neon Bike Championships here for Windows, HTML5 and OUYA.
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