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The Foldapuz Incident Blog
10th June 2024
Oh dear. My dearest Foldapuz. You once were the neatest of code.


Over the time I spent building up Foldapuz, I optimised every little script to run as best as it could, behaving perfectly sensibly with next to no errors at all.
A daily run through of Foldapuz used to give me about 40 or 50 errors, total, for all the games in the collection, with each script having to run 8 times, and there being over 100 games to flick through each morning. .. Twice.. Once for the puzzle, and again for the solution.
That's over 1600 little scripts that would have to run daily, and I figured 40 or 50 errors for all of that was actually quite decent.

Yesterday, I moved Foldapuz to the new server, and the switch from PHP7 to PHP8 made .. Shall we say.. a Tiny bit of a difference.

137Mb of error logs.
A hundred and thirty seven!
I started the epic job of tracking down all the new errors, and bit by bit managed to whittle away a fair number of them, but inevitably gave up and did what any sane person would do.

I switched off error logging for Foldapuz, and went to bed.

I guess that's going to be the task for the next few days. A bit at a time. Fixing up what I can, and hoping for the best.
Honestly, it's a right mess!
One of those "Should've tested this earlier" things, I suppose.
Live and learn.


GotoJSE got transferred without any issues whatsoever. I was actually quite surprised by how well that managed the server-switch, but I suppose the database integration is fairly up to date compared to AGameAWeek and SoCoder's databases.

SoCoder's still stressing out about emoji, so I still have to figure that bit out. I expect "new database" might be the best solution for that. Nnngh...

As far as server stats go, SoCoder's running about 60% faster than it did on the old server, but worryingly, AGameAWeek seems to be going about 30% slower. I'm not sure why that is, and I might have to have a peek at the code to see what's slowing things down.

Red = AGameAWeek, Blue = SoCoder

Usually when I look into the stats, SoCoder's up high, and AGameAWeek is nice and smooth at the bottom of the graph, but now they're both around the middle and AGameAWeek is spiking up and down like crazy. Or at least, a lot more than it used to.
They're both kinda looking the same, now, if I'm honest, which I guess is ok, right?!
I definitely need to look into this, I reckon.

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