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7-338 - Not Much! Blog
4th December 2015

Daily Blog

Slow day..
I think I'm coming down with something!!



I didn't get a lot of stuff done, yesterday, and have slept about 12 hours!
Not sure what's going on, but I reckon it's probably Flu symptoms from the Flu jab I had the other day. Those things suck!!
Anyhoo, carry on.. You don't want to hear about my sniffley nose!!

I got a few tweaks done to NeonPlat, and managed to start a Mini-AL-Bum, which I'm not 100% sure I'll manage to get much of complete. Usually I start an AL-Choon without any specific melody in mind, but this Mini-AL-Bum requires specific melodies, and although the first one turned out nicely, the second attempt was much less fruitfull.
With any luck, I'll have an AL-Pee ready for posting by Xmas day. *fingers crossed*

Daily Doodle : Giraffes

Platdude likes to visit the Giraffes, from time to time.
Happy times!

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!) you can do so right here, at Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - 7-338 - Not Much! - AGameAWeek