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A Day Full of Otakupunk! Blog
19th September 2017
I spent an alarming amount of time, yesterday, watching a bunch of Otakupunk's videos.


I went through his massive archive, picking out videos he'd done of my games, and placing links into the Game Archive.
In the search bar, type Otakupunk, then click Game, and you'll get this lovely view..
Within each of those games, on the bottom of the "Bonus Links", you'll find a link to Otakupunk's video.

There's an alarmingly large 85 games listed, there, and the three Collexion bundles link to 20-odd video playlists, too. That's an insane amount of content, and I can't thank Otakupunk enough for all the years of lovely videos he's been generating.

Of course, he posts other videos, too!
He recently started a VR collection, and is midway through an OUYA-Memories collection, too.
He does regular game series collections like Stranded Deep and Amazing Frog, and also digs into his Atari 2600 and NES collections, too.
His occasional Shaky Vlogs are also always interesting, even when they're simply an odd drunken ramble

In addition, Otakupunk has a media background, so prides himself on creating content that looks and sounds great. No dodgy mic stuff, here!!

If you aren't already, hop on over and subscribe to his channel.
He deserves it!
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