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Progress Report... Blog
15th September 2010
Just a nice quick update of things that are/aren't happening...

1. Arcade Slots on the iPhings is almost at a point where I could release the JNKPlat Edition. I'm not sure if I want to release that, just yet, or wait until I've finished up the rest of it... Either way JNKPlat Edition will be the demo, and the rest will be the pay-for.

2. NeoPlatDS is at around about 75%. I need to formulate a good "Game Progression" thing, and figure out where/when the levels will be starting/ending.
But otherwise, that's all nice and good and stuff.

3. Year3 isn't really being worked on, 'cos I'm still in Lazy Jay mode. I've picked out a couple of games I'd like to do, though.. So... *shrugs*

4. Critically Triangular is a new weekday mini blog of links. I'm trying to expand it, but not sure what I'll be expanding it with!
.. Thoughts are welcome.
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 78

Blog - Progress Report... - AGameAWeek