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Thursday! Blog
17th September 2020
I should probably shuffle my schedule around so that everything isn't all happening on a Thursday..


If I'm honest, though, the ALChoons are now happening on Wednesday nights, and so is the writing of the SoCoder Newsletter.
And I did suggest that my SmileBASIC releases are on Friday, but those fairly quickly became a "Late Thursday" release due to timezones and a mostly Japanese audience.

Realistically, all I actually do on Thursday is copy+paste some text for the SoCoder newsletter, and then finish off the SmileBASIC game. But typically a Wednesday night of busyness means I've neglected the SmileBASIC game completely, and am now WELL behind on getting everything done.

For this week's SmileBASIC game I made a nice swirly tunnel effect on Tuesday, just about had time to add in a couple of sprites to the tunnel on Wednesday, and now on Thursday I have to write.. ... An entire game to go around that..

Why do I do this to myself!?

Right, SoCoder, then the game, then see if I can fit in any time to play No Man's Sky, because I've now neglected my little spaceship for a good day or two.


The PS5 launch price/date announcements were last night.
In the UK it'll be either £449 or £359 (disc/discless) on November 19th.
I'm kinda tempted, but at the moment the only thing I'd play on it is No Man's Sky, assuming that even plays well through Back-Compatibility. And even then, I'm not sure how well Remote Play will work on it, given that the current PS4 DualShock doesn't quite work 100% through Remote Play as it is..

As such, I'll probably not jump on board, right away, and will continue to enjoy occasionally floating through space on my PS4.

What about you?
PS5, XBoxoxusoxosusoserioussxxoxoxxorsorxors, or sticking to what you already have?
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