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Shoebox - Lingo Blog
15th January 2021
v1.152 - Added the word game Lingo

A stolen idea from a TV show!
Using Mastermind style rules, try to work out which word has been placed onto the board.

You can play this game in the Shoebox, here.


View on YouTube

What I Didn't Do

I have DEFINITELY uploaded the complete edition.
If your version of the game doesn't have an icon, blame the silly caching issues!
Truly baffling issues, this week..


A couple of weeks ago in the UK, ITV relaunched a new/old gameshow called Lingo.
The game is a relaunch of a gameshow originally broadcast in the 1980's, but which seemed to get cancelled after a short run.
In other countries, however, the show seemed to have stayed alive over the years, carrying on over the duration that it wasn't even a thing in the UK.

Upon watching the first episode, I leaped at the idea, and exclaimed Might pinch this for a Shoebox game...
So, here's that!
Views 206, Upvotes 32  
Shoebox , Release , Words
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Blog - Shoebox - Lingo - AGameAWeek