It's getting there! Slowly but surely.
I got the levels to doodle themselves, and everything swooshes around quite nicely (if a little blocky!)
I've had to implement a menu buffer image to keep the speed up (even if it is still a teensy bit slow) but everything's looking good for the menu.
At this point, I'll probably have a "Hold mouse over X object" thing to reveal the scoreboards, or something, because I'm not entirely sure that it'll all fit in the space available.
Still, it's nice to have a menu system, and with that, a working editor, and some nice saving and loading, this game's starting to look more and more like a complete game every day.
Shouldn't be too long, now!!
.. Now to add the 17,000 possible control schemes that were in the last one..
Uhoh!! I see rewrites ahead!!