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Amiga - SpikeDislike
30th March 2022
Everybody Likes SpikeDislike! You can Play this game on an Amiga! Or an Amiga Emulator. Or maybe that new A500Mini thing, though I've no idea what the methods are to do that. Download via an ADF Amiga Disk File, or an LHA Archive. Game includes BlitzBasic sourcecode. -=-=- View on YouTube ControlsButton = Go! Button may be Joystick Fire button, Mouse Button, Spacebar or Right Arrow Hold the button for a Super Combo. What I Didn't Do.. Figure out how the heck I'm supposed to record a nice high-quality video. I tried a few ways, but it messed up quite severely as I tried!! I gave up trying. *tsk* Views 161, Upvotes 31
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