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Focus, Jay!!
27th September 2022
ALChoon needs lyrics.
Next game needs starts. Plenty to do. -=-=- The ALChoon doesn't sound too bad, but I'm not really sure what lyrics might go with it. Man, I suck at making lyrics! Having said that, last week's Variable Location appears to have had a decent uptake on YouTube, gaining over 200 views in the past few days, as well as 30 likes, which is.. quite frankly, unprecedented! Interestingly, there's an advert on it, which I find interesting since AL doesn't yet have a monetised account, nor has he opted to put adverts on that video. Strange that, huh? Meanwhile...Time to get a game up and running for this week. As per usual, no idea what that might be, but I should probably do a Browsercade one. Which reminds me, the controls are still incredibly wonky on that. Do I try to fix them over a few hours, today, or do I hit the big undo button and go back to what I had before? ... .. Probably that, if I'm honest. Meanwhile, Meanwhile..The three.js based SpikeDislike engine test "works", but if I'm honest, I was expecting far better performance out of it. Considering the engine is also using up a bucketload of CPU and GPU power to run, what with it being WebGL based, I'm quite alarmed that it's not running any better than what it is. Perhaps I oughta rethink things. WebGL might be a nice "what if" functionality, but in the grand scheme of things, I'd rather people actually be able to run the bloomin' thing! I'll probably scrap what I have, there, and redo it. .. Again. *sigh* "A large glowing "UNDO" button floats above the warriors, on the battlefield." by Dall-E Views 146, Upvotes 14
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