New games every week!
9th December 2022
Is everyone keeping up with this month's insane number of posts?
Because I'm not sure I am!! -=-=- Another new game, holy munkies!! In Campsite try to place tents so that the row/column counts add up correctly, but also ensure that each tent is pitched next to a tree, and no two tents are next to each other. It's not "too" hard, but it is tricky to get the hang of. Today's task : Probably another game, but I also need to look into making the Five Words a bit harder, since one player complained that today's is too easy. But, is harder more varied letters, or more duplications of letters?! Hmm.. Experimentation may be needed. "The absolute chaos of having too many things to post to your blog." by #DallE Views 84, Upvotes 20
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