There's a GotoJSE game at the ready, but I haven't yet done the video or uploads or any of that stuff.
Instead, then, I spent most of last night faffing about with ChatGPT once more.
I figured it'd be nice to have a quick example that could easily teach ChatGPT the fundamentals of the language, all in one quick and simple go.
With that in mind, then, I crafted the following code.
// GotoJSE Example
// by Jayenkai
// Created 2023/3/5
// Set up the Screen
Graphics 800,600:Border 30,30,90
// Define main variables
w=ScreenWidth() // The full screen size
w2=w/2 // Half of the screen size, useful for centring things on the screen.
w4=w2/2 // Quarter of the screen, in case we need it.
Message$="Hello World"
// Array Declarations
Dim NumF(10,3) // Create a 10x3 array
Dim NumI(10,3) // Create a second array
for m=0 to 9
for n=0 to 2
Repeat // Main loop
CLS 64,64,64 // Clear the screen in Dark Gray
Starfield 0,2 // Speed of starfield, X=0, Y=2, so starfield falls down the screen
For m=0 to 9
ResetDraw // Resets color, rotation, scale, linethickness, fontsize, etc.
angle=((m*36)+(Mills()*0.1)) % 360
SetRot Mills()*0.1
SetSize Sin(angle)+1,Cos(angle)+1
If m==0 then SetColor 0,0,0:Text x,y,"Hello",1 // Where the 1 = Centered text
If m==5 then SetFontSize 32:SetHue angle,1,1:Text x,y,"World",1
If m==1 // Rectangle
SetHue angle*2,1,0.5
Rect x,y,32,32,1 // x,y,width,height,centered
If m==2 // Oval
SetHue angle*4,0.5,1 // Hue, Sat, Value
Oval x,y,32,32,32 // x,y,width,height,sides of oval
If m==3 // Triangle
SetColor angle*0.3,angle*0.5,angle*0.7 // Red, Green, Blue
Circle x,y,32,32,3 // x,y,width,height,sides of circle.
if m==4 then SetColor 0,120,255:Line PosX,PosY,x,y
if m==6 // Star
SetColor 255,255,0
if GamePad(ButtonA)>0.5 then a=160 // Make the star bigger if the A Button is being held.
Star x,y,a,b,5 // x,y,Outer Size, Inner Size, Points
if m==7
SetFontSize 32
Emoji x,y,"1F600",1 // To draw Emoji, we use the Emoji command. We need to use the last 5 hexadecimal characters of its unicode value.. eg 1F39A is a Level Slider
if m==8 // Time
SetColor 0,0,0
Text x,y,TimeString(),1 // TimeString() is the current time, "H:M:S", centered at x,y
hours=TimeHour():mins=TimeMinute():secs=TimeSeconds() // other time values.
days=DateDay():months=DateMonth():years=DateYear() // other time values.
SetThick 8
if m==9 then SetColor 120,255,0:Line PosX,PosY,x,y
ResetDraw:SetColor 0,0,0
for n=0 to 2
Text x,y,NumI(m,n),1
Text x,y,NumF(m,n),1
// Move Center using Joypad or Cursor Keys
Gosub AddMessage
Flip // Display the drawn content and wait for VBL
Forever // Main loop
.AddMessage // A small subroutine
Text w2,h-16,Message$,1
Return // Return from the subroutine
It, hopefully, allows the AI to see the basic layout of the code, how most of the commands work, and .. with any luck, how to program simple little mini scripts.
If you start a conversation with "Hi ChatGPT. Here's an example of the GotoJSE Language", and then paste the example above, you should then be able to ask it to code little test scripts.
You might also be able to guide it towards making something more substantial. Who knows.
Here's a quick clock face that I got ChatGPT to create in just a couple of requests.
// GotoJSE Analogue Clock Example with Swirly Background
// by [Your Name]
// Created [Current Date]
// Set up the Screen
Graphics 800,600:Border 30,30,90
// Define main variables
w=ScreenWidth() // The full screen size
w2=w/2 // Half of the screen size, useful for centring things on the screen.
// Define swirly lines variables
angle = 0
radius = 0
lineStep = 0.2
lineLength = 300
lineSpacing = 10
// Main loop
CLS 0,0,0 // Clear the screen in black
// Draw swirly lines
For y = 0 to h Step lineSpacing
angle = ((y / h) + (Mills() / 1000)) * 360
radius = (y / h) * 200
SetHue angle // Set the line color based on the angle
x1 = w2 + Cos(angle)*radius
y1 = y
x2 = w2 + Cos(angle)*radius + Cos(angle+90)*lineLength
y2 = y + Sin(angle+90)*lineLength
SetThick 2
Line x1,y1,x2,y2
// Draw clock face
SetColor 255,255,255
SetThick 8
Circle w2, h2, 200, 200, 60 // x, y, width, height, sides of circle.
// Draw clock markings
SetThick 4
SetColor 255,255,255
For i = 1 To 12
angle = i*30
x1 = w2 + Cos(angle)*180
y1 = h2 + Sin(angle)*180
x2 = w2 + Cos(angle)*190
y2 = h2 + Sin(angle)*190
Line x1,y1,x2,y2
// Draw clock hands
hour = TimeHour() % 12
minute = TimeMinute()
second = TimeSeconds()
// Hour Hand
SetThick 16
SetColor 255,0,0
angle = (hour*30) + (minute*0.5)
x1 = w2
y1 = h2
x2 = w2 + Cos(angle)*120
y2 = h2 + Sin(angle)*120
Line x1,y1,x2,y2
// Minute Hand
SetThick 12
SetColor 0,255,0
angle = minute*6
x1 = w2
y1 = h2
x2 = w2 + Cos(angle)*160
y2 = h2 + Sin(angle)*160
Line x1,y1,x2,y2
// Second Hand
SetThick 4
SetColor 0,0,255
angle = second*6
x1 = w2
y1 = h2
x2 = w2 + Cos(angle)*180
y2 = h2 + Sin(angle)*180
Line x1,y1,x2,y2
Flip // Display the drawn content and wait for VBL
Of course, I've had to edit and tweak the example code numerous times since last night, to give it all manner of tips and tricks that it can learn from, but I think the example's good enough for a few mini scripts.
Goodness me!
Technology, eh!?
In a matter of months, we'll be getting it to write games of my own quality!
"A beautiful oil painting of Derek Man sitting with his laptop on his desk, in the dark. The bright screen lights up his face. Volumetric lighting. HDR. 4K"