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Moving Jay : Day Twenty Four : Mojo
13th July 2023
Yesterday was full of ups and downs.
.. And coding!! -=-=- House StuffWe got news, yesterday, that the buyer's mortgage offer had been received, along with all of their relevant information packs. Goodness me, things might yet be quicker than expected! We're still stuck waiting for that surveyor, though, which is still another week and half away. How boring! Coding StuffI made a small game, yesterday, though if I'm honest it probably took a few hours more than it should. My head's not quite in the right place, just yet, but it's good to know it recovers at a decent pace I've not been in the mood to do the full Youtube/Screenshots/Assets/Uploads/etc stuff, yet, though. That stuff really sucks the life out of making fun games! For now, you can Play Light the Bricks here, and I'll see if I can muster the energy to do all the faffing about, later today. My highscore so far is just 1085. I'm sure you can beat that! Quantum Leap!The first half of the first season of the new Quantum Leap is now available on Paramount Plus, here in the UK. If you haven't had a chance to watch the show yet, I heartily recommend it. BUT.. Do go in knowing that it's trying to be its own thing. With the "Back at the Project" stuff intermingled with the main leaps, it can be quite divisive. The writers seem to figure things out after the first 6 or 7 episodes, though, so do stick with it! "Cartoon Derek, Quantum Leap, Sci-fi, Leap Effect, Blue glow, Blue lightning, Blue Lighting, Bloom" by #DrawThings Views 48, Upvotes 12
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