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Moving Jay : Day Thirty Seven : Waiting... Blog
26th July 2023
True Fact : Jay hates sitting about waiting for things, and feels much better when he's vaguely in control, even if things are flying around crazily as he juggles them in an insane manner.


Nothing happened, yesterday, on the House Move front. No news, no contact, nothing.


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At least something happened, yesterday.
I released this week's ALChoon, and it seems to have proven nicely popular with four whole comments, already, which is a recent record!
Go, AL!
I do quite like this week's choon, though. It's very catchy!

You can hear Xenial Dancing in the Jukebox.

Meanwhile, Meanwhile...

In addition to that, I hit the "Make me 2% more popular" button on Mastodon, and the random wheel of fate settled on the Pixel Knitter tool from a few years ago.
I tooted a link and a little picture of a knitted Platdude, and the toot managed to get a whopping 16 likes! Which I think is a record for my toots, so far.

\o/yeay\o/ Publicity FTW!

"Photograph of realistic cartoon derek sipping a cup of tea in a rustic kitchen" by #DrawThings
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Blog - Moving Jay : Day Thirty Seven : Waiting... - AGameAWeek