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Took Too Long
4th February 2024
I spent FAR too long trying to get a magnet powerup working properly on the upcoming Megaball clone.
-=-=- Why must one tiny little thing be such a mathematical horror show!?! You'd think a simple gravity mechanic would do the trick, but it generally ended up flinging the ball off in some random bizarro chaotic direction. If the rest of these powerups/downs take just as long, it's going to be quite the effort to get them all working.. .. And just today to do it all! And draw all the icons. And figure out where I'm going to do a "Here's what they all do" page. ...Oh no... MeanwhileLooks like a Spambot managed to figure out the site's lack of proper spam-protection, and I was greeted this morning by a giant influx of spammy spam spam. Grrr. I've spent an hour with it, trying to figure out a nice subtle background way of protecting against that so that things don't get weirder when you're posting a comment. Feel free to post a random comment to help in the testing of my new tweaked methodology. Hopefully nothing gets lost along the way. "Angry Cartoon @Derek struggling to open a can of spam" by Views 66, Upvotes 14
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