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Yep, Flu'd...
10th February 2024
Me and Mum are both equally as floored, right now.
The Covonia's helping a lot, so we're fairly sure it's just a regular flu and not the dreaded Covid. -=-=- I tried my best to get some sort of game going, yesterday, and though I have a vague idea what sort of game I want to make, I'm not really certain how I'm going to differentiate it from the hundreds of other games. Currently going with the title "Bob on Ice", I'm not 100% sure on the movement method, nor do I really know what the plan of the game is going to be. .. To be honest, there's not much more in my head than a title, and an image of a large ice rink. Maybe the flu's in my head and I'm hallucinating having even come up with an idea!! Oh dear. I have an ALChoon to make, too. This week's not going to go well, is it!?! Might end up having a week off, if I'm honest. "Cartoon @Derek Checks The Weather. It's Still Raining. Umbrella." by Bit cross-eyed, there!!! Perhaps he really hates the rain!? Views 54, Upvotes 13
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