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JSE - Froggleburn Blog
8th April 2024

Guide Foggle around the maze, one little hop at a time.
Careful not to burn!

You can Play Froggleburn at JSE


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- Hop. You can hop left and right, but also up and down, too.

What I Didn't Do

I kinda gave up with this game halfway through. This is another "I don't think I'll bother uploading it to, this week" game.

Let me know if you like it.
Views 93, Upvotes 17  
Jse , Release
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Site credits : Jayenkai put all his heart and soul into everything you can see on this site.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 75

Blog - JSE - Froggleburn - AGameAWeek