No, I didn't make a comedy game about a mermaid that becomes human.
Instead, how about some good old fashioned stone skimming?
Hold the mouse to drag back, then release to send it splashing towards the target.
The target continuously moves, so to make the game a little easier, I opted to have the stones skim just the once, midway through their journey.. Otherwise things might get more than a little frustrating when you're perfectly on target but the stone decides to skim along the water a little bit further!
Also, not 100% sure why the scoring doesn't always work. It should do. There's not viable reason why it doesn't.
I think this particular toy will be left on the cutting room floor in future, unless I can work out why the scores don't always get counted.
[Dave is sitting at his computer, staring intently at the screen. Greenie enters, sipping coffee]
Greenie: What are you up to now? Please tell me you're not trying to create another dimensional portal with your fractal program.
Dave: (indignantly) No, I'm doing something far more challenging - online grocery shopping.
Greenie: (sarcastically) Oh, how thrilling. What's next, watching paint dry?
Dave: (frustrated) You don't understand! Have you seen these prices? It's like they're trying to rob us through the internet!
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Flat - Afternoon
[Matt enters to find Dave still at the computer, surrounded by empty Coke cans]
Matt: Dave, mate, you've been at this for hours. What's the hold-up?
Dave: (exasperated) I can't decide between the store's own baked beans or the Heinz ones. The price difference is barely different! Surely the store brand ones should be cheaper.
Greenie: (rolling his eyes) Oh, the horrors of modern life.
Dave: They used to be 2p. It wasn't a million years ago. And now look at them. For the cheap ones!
Matt: Some things are worth it. Maybe go for the premium ones, though.
Dave: (defensively) Hey, at least I'm not spending an arm and a leg on useless gadgets anymore.
Matt: (chuckling) No, now you're just spending it on overpriced groceries.
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's Flat - Evening
[Dave is now pacing around the room, while Greenie and Matt watch from the couch]
Dave: (dramatically) That's it! I can't take these prices anymore. I'm going to create an algorithm to find the best deals!
Greenie: (warily) Dave, remember what happened last time you tried to apply your programming skills to real-life problems?
Dave: (dismissively) That was different. This time, it's just simple math. What could possibly go wrong?
Matt: (sarcastically) Oh, I don't know. Maybe accidentally ordering a thousand cans of Coke instead of ten?
Dave: (eyes lighting up) A thousand cans of Coke? Hey, that's not a bad idea...
Greenie: (facepalming) And here we go again.
[As Dave furiously types away, the computer screen starts flickering ominously]
Dave: (triumphantly) Behold! My grocery optimisation algorithm!
[Suddenly, the screen goes blue, displaying an error message]
Dave: (reading) "Error: DC0E:147Fe9d8"? Oh come on, not again!
Greenie: (sighing) Well, at least it's not exploded.
Dave: True. There'd've been digital beans everywhere.
Matt: (patting Dave on the back) Maybe stick to in-person shopping next time, eh?
[Fade to black]
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