I'll be honest, I had much more of a plan, more like Monkey Ball, where you had to follow the path as it swirled around in a spiral.
That didn't happen.
Why didn't it happen?
It didn't happen because I was tired.
I'm not sure what it is that's been tiring me out this month, but I think I can pretty much guess that it's something to do with making all these toys!
So, today's spiral then, though it's a pretty little spiral, is just an endless void where the Platdudes endlessly fall forever.
There's no interactivity today.
The spiral goes down,
It goes round and around,
Swirling down through the void,
That they cannot avoid,
In the spiral they fall,
Not just one, but them all,
Heading down through the sky,
I just hope they don't die.
[Dave is perched precariously on his desk chair, surrounded by swirling patterns of ants. Fractant, wearing a tiny crown, is directing the ant troops.]
Dave: (panicking) Green! Help! The ants have taken over!
Green: (entering the room, then stopping abruptly) What on earth...?
Dave: Don't just stand there! Do something! What could possibly go wrong if you try to help?
Green: (sarcastically) Oh, I don't know, maybe create an even bigger disaster?
Fractant: (in a tiny, regal voice) Silence, humans! I am Fractant, King of the Ants, and this room is now our domain!
Dave: (to Green) See? He's gone mad with power! And he's wearing my Coke bottle cap as a crown!
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Room - Afternoon
[Dave is still stranded on his chair, while Green attempts to negotiate with Fractant.]
Green: Look, Fractant, surely we can come to some sort of agreement?
Fractant: The only agreement is your unconditional surrender! We demand all your sugar!
Dave: (gasping) Not my sugar! How will I make my grape and ketchup sandwiches?
Green: (exasperated) Dave, now isn't the time to worry about your questionable culinary choices?
Dave: (defensively) Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it! Besides, I need something to distract me from the fact that I'm surrounded by ants!
Fractant: Silence! Your sugar will fuel our empire's expansion!
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's Room - Evening
[Dave is still on his chair, looking dishevelled. Green is trying to lure the ants away with a trail of sugar.]
Dave: (whining) Green, I can't feel my legs anymore. Do you think the Cola Genie could help us?
Green: (sighing) Dave, for the last time, there's no such thing as a Cola Genie.
Fractant: (intrigued) Cola Genie? Tell me more about this magical being.
Dave: (excitedly) Oh, he's brilliant! He lives in Coke cans and grants wishes!
Green: (muttering) I can't believe I'm saying this, but... Dave, why don't you offer Fractant a deal?
Dave: (thinking) Hmm... Hey, Fractant! How about this - you and your ant buddies leave, and I'll give you my secret stash of sugar cubes?
Fractant: (considering) Tempting... but what about this Cola Genie?
Dave: (grinning) Tell you what, I'll throw in a can of Coke too. Maybe you'll meet the genie!
[Fractant confers with his ant advisors]
Fractant: Very well, human. We accept your offer. Ants, retreat!
[The ants begin to leave, following Fractant who's rolling a sugar cube and balancing a Coke can]
Green: (amazed) I can't believe that worked.
Dave: (jumping off the chair) See? My chaotic plans always work out in the end!
Green: (sarcastically) Yes, because being held hostage by ants was all part of your master plan.
Dave: (grinning) Of course! Now, who wants a grape and ketchup sandwich to celebrate?
[Green groans as Dave heads to the kitchen, the credits start to roll]
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