Today I made a nice little art program, but before using it, please be aware that it won't save anything. Ever.. Not unless you fancy somehow coding a save function. Though I'm not really even sure how that could work in JSE.
But, hey, it's a toy!
You can blend colours together.. To a degree. It's not exactly gloopy oil paints, but is instead just regular RGB overlaying. It's not the best. But it lets you draw some nice pictures, so if you do, screenshot it and let us see what you drew.
I drew "Gerrio"..
Hurray for Gerrio.
So, be creative, and let us all see. You can email your pictures to <a href=""></a>, and I'll post up a lovely gallery in a later post.
[Green is setting up an impromptu art studio, with stolen printer paper and watercolours. Dave bursts in.]
Dave: (accusingly) Aha! So you're the one who's been nicking my printer paper!
Green: (nonchalantly) What could possibly go wrong with a little artistic expression?
Dave: (sarcastically) Oh, I don't know. Maybe you'll accidentally paint a masterpiece and become famous overnight?
Green: (excitedly) Ooh, that'd be brilliant! I could be the next Picasso!
Dave: (rolling eyes) Right, and I'm the next Bill Gates.
Green: (thoughtfully) You know, I could paint your portrait. It'd be a great way to immortalise your 'File with a PH' legacy.
Dave: (perking up) Now that's an idea! Make sure you capture my genius expression!
[Scene Two]
Int. Green's Room - Afternoon
[Green is struggling with his painting, while Dave tries to pose erotically]
Green: (frustrated) Stay still, Dave! How am I supposed to capture your 'genius' if you keep fidgeting?
Dave: (dramatically) But Green, genius is always in motion! Like my fractals!
Green: (sarcastically) Yes, because your fractals are so lifelike.
Dave: (excitedly) Oh! Maybe you could paint my fractals instead! They're much more interesting than my face.
Green: (muttering) And probably easier to capture...
Dave: (suddenly panicking) Wait! What if your painting accidentally links to every system in the neighbourhood and causes a citywide blackout?
Green: (exasperated) Dave, it's a watercolour painting.
Dave: (continues panicking) But you could spill the water. We've seen the damage a can of Coke can do to a PC. What if you spill pure water over things!?
Green: (frustrated) OK, Dave. I'll stick the cup of water down with some superglue next time.
[Scene Three]
Int. Green's Room - Evening
[Green is putting the finishing touches on his painting, while Dave looks on anxiously]
Dave: (nervously) Well? How does it look?
Green: (proudly) Behold, my masterpiece!
[Green reveals the painting - it's a bizarre mix of Dave's face, fractals, and what looks like a can of Coke]
Dave: (confused) Is that... me?
Green: (defensively) Of course! See, there's your 'genius' expression, your beloved fractals, and I even included the Cola Genie for inspiration.
Dave: (suddenly excited) The Cola Genie! Of course! Green, you're a genius! This painting will surely summon him!
Green: (facepalming) Dave, it's just a painting. It can't summon anything.
Dave: (ignoring Green) Quick, we need to frame it and hang it up! Maybe if we put it next to the computer, it'll boost my coding skills!
Green: (sighing) You know what? I'm going to the pool hall. Let me know if the Cola Genie shows up.
Dave: (to the painting) Don't worry, Mr. Cola Genie. We'll have you summoned in no time. Now, where did I put those Coke cans?
[End Credits]
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