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JSE Toy - Fold Blog
25th July 2024
The word for the Twenty Fifth day of July is Fold.


You can Try out Fold in JSE

I thought I had a good idea, here. Make a path and have a single button to follow it. (The A Button)
Tap tap tap and the player moves along the path.
The quirk is that bits of the path have been folded, and you need to use the cursor keys to flip and fold the maze so you can get through it.

So I made a quick generator and gave it a fair shake of the sauce bottle.
But nothing.
The game doesn't feel like it works.
Or at least, to me it doesn't.
But what do you think?

The house is usually really easy to reach, just by taking a few steps and getting lucky with the path layout.
I'm not keen on how this works, and/or doesn't work.
I think this is one of those ideas where you'd need to build complicated and puzzling levels that have been hand-made, instead of generated badly by a bit of my awful code

There's a game in here, somewhere. I just haven't found it. .. within the few hours that I worked on this game!

You can Try out Fold in JSE

A.I. Corner

: Download | Suno Link

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Blog - JSE Toy - Fold - AGameAWeek