I started this game with the idea of a rolling Brussels Sprout in my head, so that's exactly what I ended up making.
Trying to decide what to do with the Sprout, next, however was much more of a complicated affair.
Would it roll around the garden, protecting the lettuce from slugs?
Would it be the sole survivor of an unexpected snowfall?
Perhaps it would have to roll around the plate, collecting as much of the Christmas Dinner as it could, before it got eaten!?
In the end, it turned into a Space Invaders clone, with peas and forks.
Because... of course it would!
Grab peas, fling them at forks, rinse and repeat until dead.
Be the Sprout!
Fight the Fork!
Peas for Glory!
Sprouting Talk!
"Epic universal scene, distance, full-body, Cartoon @Derek holds a blue and green planet in his hands, multiple red ties as tentacles emerging from his jacket, cosmic imbalance, starfields and wonderment, angry, interstellar" by ArtFlow.ai
[Green is standing at the counter, looking exasperated. The cafe worker looks apologetic.]
Cafe Worker: I'm sorry, sir, but we've run out of cheese.
Green: (incredulously) Run out of cheese? How can you run out of cheese? It's a cafe!
Cafe Worker: (sheepishly) We had an unexpectedly large order last night. Something about a cheese sculpture competition?
Green: (sighing) Let me guess, Dave was involved?
Cafe Worker: (nodding) He said something about summoning the Cola Genie with a cheese pentagram.
Green: (muttering) Of course he did. Right, I'll just have .. What else do you sell?
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Room - Afternoon
[Green bursts into Dave's room. Dave is surrounded by cheese sculptures.]
Green: Dave! Did you really buy all the cheese in the cafe to make a cheese pentagram?
Dave: (excitedly) What? No! [beat] It's for a cheese fractal.
Green: (exasperated) Dave, I just wanted a simple cheese toastie. Is that too much to ask?
Dave: (thoughtfully) A toastie? Hmm, that gives me an idea! What if we use the toaster to melt the cheese sculptures into the perfect summoning pattern?
Green: (alarmed) Dave, no! Remember what happened last time you tried to summon something with kitchen appliances?
Dave: (dismissively) Don't worry, there'll be no knives this time. I'll calculate the exact melting point for optimal Cola Genie attraction.
Green: (sarcastically) Oh, well in that case, carry on. What could possibly go wrong?
[Scene Three]
Int. Dave's Room - Evening
[The room is covered in melted cheese. Dave is standing proudly in the middle, while Green looks on in disbelief.]
Dave: (triumphantly) There! The perfect cheese summoning fractal!
Green: (deadpan) Congratulations, Dave. You've summoned the ghost of dairy past.
Dave: (excitedly) Don't you see, Green? The Cola Genie will be so impressed by our cheesy dedication, he'll have to appear!
Green: (sighing) Why would he care about cheese?
Dave: (suddenly panicking) Wait! What if the Cola Genie is lactose intolerant? Quick, we need to leave a trail of lactase pills!
Green: (giving up) You know what? I'm going back to the cafe.
[As Green leaves, Dave starts arranging lactase pills in a spiral pattern on the floor]
Dave: (to himself) Don't worry, Mr. Cola Genie. Your dairy-free summoning fractal is almost complete.
[End Credits]
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