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JSE - A Downward Trend Blog
26th September 2024

Help unnamed adventurer leap their way to the brick on the right using a single jump, and a whole lot of bouncing!
You can Play A Downward Trend over at GotoJSE.



- Move
- Jump

What I Didn't Do

I didn't bother YouTubing this one. It's a very tough game, and you probably won't like it.
I'll be honest, I've made better games in a few hours than this one.
I sure do hope my mind returns to some kind of normality, after the chaos of the builders/plasterers.

Hopefully you can get a fun 10 minutes out of the game.
My high score : 975

But once you find the knack, it's not really all that hard.

Views 19, Upvotes 2  
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Blog - JSE - A Downward Trend - AGameAWeek