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Closing the Year Blog
27th September 2024
I think, if I can find the energy for a Monday game, this week will likely be the last, for the year
.. 'ish


.. In the world of AGameAWeek, there's never time to rest!

I need to focus on the Advent/Typing Tutor thing. It's extraordinarily not started yet, and really needs to be done within the next two months.
So, that's going to be the main focus for the next couple of months.
Depending on how much of that I can get done before Dec 1st, I might find some time to write a few more games before the year's done, but I honestly wouldn't count on me managing to find any time!! Good grief, where did all my time go, this year?!
Last year was all about the house move, but this year I really haven't had a good excuse.


I'll keep trying to post interesting blog posts over the next couple of months, and no doubt I'll be finding the odd nip/tuck for JSE, too, so watch out for those.

As for AGameAWeek, though, we'll call it a hold for the next couple of months.

It's all about Typing, now!
I need to find just the right style to make it as much fun as I can.
It will still be a typing tutor, but I'm sure I can sprinkle a little AGameAWeek oddness into the mix.
... If my imagination manages to wake up at any point, that is!

It really hasn't gone well, this year, has it!?!
35 Games so far this year. Last year was 28.. Good grief..

Aw well. At least I beat that, so that's ok.

A.I. Corner

First half written by me, second half by
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: Download | Suno Link

Alternative version
: Download | Suno Link
Sung by Suno

"Cartoon @Derek is taking a break from all his hard work" by

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Blog - Closing the Year - AGameAWeek