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SoCoder Overhaul Complete'ish Blog
9th October 2024
.... I'll get back to the Typing Tutor, honest!


I spent all day yesterday working on the SoCoder overhaul again. Honestly, I think the revamp looks pretty cool, so I got overexcited about finishing the whole thing off at that "AGameAWeek" pace that inevitably ends up with me leaving bits out.
But it got done, and that's the important bit!

I've left it with the forum members to decide if it's worthwhile, but using the basic version myself for the past couple of days has been really quite eye-opening. Just how old SoCoder really looks, and with a few nips and tucks, how much better it could look.


vs New

I mean, it's not "A Ton" of a difference, but it's less border'y, there's less clutter, and IMO it looks a lot neater.
But I'm not the judge. The forum members are. And I'll leave it there for a few days to see what they think of the overall usability.

I also have a few elements to put back in, like the "Like this post" button. I couldn't decide where and how to put the little yellow thumbs-up icon, so .. didn't!

In the meantime, then, I have a Typing Tutor to get back to!

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Blog - SoCoder Overhaul Complete'ish - AGameAWeek