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Sidetracked? Me?! Blog
25th October 2024
Oh dear, off we go on another tangent.
Hold on to your hats!!


Yesterday's Platdude Pixelart seemed ideal for turning into a PixelCubes artwork, so I set about playing with that and...

I know people (including myself) have grumbled hundreds of times before about Blender, but .. honestly, yesterday was doing my head in.
I've gotten used to Command (Alt) + Option (WinKey) + 0 to take the viewport and convert it into the current camera's position. I'm not sure if it did that by default, or if I had to tweak the settings to do that.

But it isn't doing it now.
And the camera jumped to a stupid position, so I had to zoom it out.
.. On a Macbook, without a mouse. I had to do the two-finger pinch/zoom thing on the trackpad, and it VERY STUPIDLY SLOWLY zoomed out, bit by bit, slowly, slowly, slowly..

Then I dug through the menus for anything that looked vaguely like "now make this the camera", at which point... The viewport jumped back to where the camera was, zoomed all the way back in at a stupid location.

.. so you know what I did? I sighed... I did all that again, repositioned the viewport, and hit the other menu that looked like it might set the camera.
And the viewport jumped right back to the old position again.


And my render keyboard shortcut isn't working either.
It's infuriating.
It's REALLY infuriating.
I'd use PixelCubes so much more if I didn't have to keep fighting with Blender EVERY SINGLE TIME..

What other options are there, though?
What decent 3D renderers are out there, where I can load the scene, set the camera, position a few lights, then click "Render Me!!"

Pixelcubes DOES show the view, doesn't it..?
What if I could Render the view, properly?
Is there a Javascript Renderer that could cope with everything?

And so, I spent most of yesterday browsing through a bunch of options, and coming up mostly empty. I found a few possibilities, but I'm not sure anything could easily handle the chaos of the 100,000 boxes that I made
Might have to look into getting things working myself.

I'll have to keep looking into the possibilities, here. If I CAN find a decent way to do it, I'll then have to rejig a bit of PixelCubes' GUI so that I can position camera and lights properly, set focal lengths and things like that.
For now, if anyone has any decent favourite image renderers, let me know

A.I. Corner

Original Lyrics > Reveal 🔎
Glitched Lyrics > Reveal 🔎
: Download | Suno Link

Alternative version
: Download | Suno Link
Sung by Suno

Udio Alternative
: Download | Udio Link
I do like this, but it could do with a drumloop or two.
Sung by Udio

So I added a drumloop or two.
: Download

"Cartoon Derek has somehow lost some of the keys from his keyboard." by Replicate/Flux

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