Haven't a lot to show for today.
Plenty to hear, but not much to show.
// Music Test (requires at least v.3ghy)
// by Jayenkai
// Created 2024/12/7
Graphics 512,512,1
Print "Hello MP3"
PlayMP3("Walking AL")
If GamePad(ButtonA)>0.5 then PlayMP3("Walking D")
If GamePad(ButtonB)>0.5 then PlayMP3("Closure")
If GamePad(ButtonX)>0.5 then PlayMP3("Xenial Dancing (inst)")
If GamePad(ButtonY)>0.5 then PlayMP3("Binky")
if GamePad(ButtonUp)<0.5 then dis1=0
If GamePad(ButtonUp)>0.5 and dis1==0 then PlaySFX("Gun_2");dis1=1
if GamePad(ButtonDown)<0.5 then dis2=0
If GamePad(ButtonDown)>0.5 and dis2==0 then PlaySFX("Gun_1");dis2=1
Be sure to refresh JSE so it updates to v3ghy
There's a new PlayMP3 command, and it plays pretty much anything from my Music Archive, though there's a few quirks..
1. Obviously, the music is only ever going to be the _lofistream quality, just to save on bandwidth.
2. The music is limited to my archive. I KNOW this makes it all a bit "Me Me Me", but I don't want JSE becoming "Everybody uploads copyrighted music" like PlayMyCode did, so limits are good...!!!
3. If you download with the "Download HTML5 Project" button, this functionality currently doesn't work.
I need to rewrite the exporter, so that it can grab the mp3 and pack it into the zip, before it works there.
Once I've added that functionality, you'll be able to replace the mp3s with your own. For today, I CBA doing that!!! This has been a long, long day.
4. Obviously, bandwidth, transfer speed, etc, will all impact the quality of this function.
If you'd like the complete list, hit the new "Music Library" button, and all is there. Otherwise you could also copy+paste the titles from my Music Archive.
I think I'll probably fix up the Music Library interface a bit, so it's .. anything other than a giant scrolling list!!! Not today, though. I've done more than enough!
But.. \o/yeay\o/ finally got around to doing this! Woot!!
Sorry there's no game, today. But I felt this was an important thing to add into the mix.
This was actually one of the "Important things to do when you're taking December off because the Advent is already done!" tasks.
Though things haven't exactly worked out that way, I'm glad I got this feature done.
I've made a LOT (lots) of music at A Game A Week (A Game A Week)
and you can now (now) use any of the tracks in JSE. (J.S.E.)
[male] (I'm tired)
Simply PlayMP3 "Song Title", and it should play. (diddle diddle diddle dee)
In the top right Toolset button there's a library. (diddle diddle diddle dee)
Though there's lots of complications (so broken)
like the transfer speed and bandwidth (so slow!)
Your games should now function with a little musicality (diddle diddle dee!)
[male] (I'm tired)
[male] (Let me sleep)
I've made a LOT (lots) of music at A Game A Week (A Game A Week)
and you can now (now) use any of the tracks in JSE. (J.S.E.)
"80s Airbrush Album cover art, titled "I'm Not Doing Advent, 8!!", Cartoon Derek riding a unicorn through a field of colourful marshmallows. " by Replicate/Flux
[Dave's spare spare bedroom. Cardboard boxes everywhere as Dave and Green sort through a huge pile of vinyl records.]
Green: I didn't know you had any records. How long have you been hiding these?
Dave: They've not been hid. They were under my bed the whole time.
Green: Putting things under your bed is generally considered to be a hiding place.
Dave: Then hiding they were. Do you know what else was in there?
Green: I'm almost afraid to ask...
[Dave pulls out more records]
Dave: More records!! And they've been perfectly preserved in these Cola boxes.
Green: You stored records... in Cola boxes?
Dave: Of course! Maximum protection. People might see the boxes, but they'll just assume it's more Coke supplies.
Green: Clever thinking there, Dave. Unless someone actually tries to steal your coke supplies, in which case they'll take the albums, too.
Dave: Who's stealing my coke?!
Green: It was hypothetical.
Dave: Hmm...
[Dave starts arranging records on new shelves]
Dave: Now I can organize them properly. By fizz level.
Green: By what?
Dave: Each record has a specific Cola pairing. Like wine, but fizzier!
Green: You could just use alphabetical order. Like a normal person.
Dave: But then how would I know which ones are fizzically superior?
Green: That's really not a normal categorisation.
Dave: Welcome to my world!
[Dave starts setting up a sound system]
Green: Please tell me you're not putting the speakers right next to the record player.
Dave: Of course not! I've calculated the optimal Record-Skip-to-Speaker-Bass ratio.
Green: That's not a thing.
Dave: Is too! Just like the optimal sugar-to-window ratio.
Green: [thinks] I don't even know what that might be.
Dave: How close you can leave your sugar cubes to the kitchen window before the ants show up.
Green: Oh, I see.
[Dave holds up a record triumphantly]
Dave: Found it! The original Cola Symphony!
Green: I'm leaving before this gets weird.
Dave: Too late! You gotta hear the fizzy solo?
[End credits roll as Dave attempts to conduct an imaginary orchestra with a Cola can]
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Blog - Not Doing Advent : 08 - PlayMP3 (JSE) - AGameAWeek