Oh dear, is this a repeat, already?
This isn't an Advent Calendar.
No, it's not a repeat. Don't worry!
Instead, it's that game where buttons light up and you need to light them up in the same order.
I did wonder why I hadn't already made this, but then remembered that Cardagain is pretty much my replacement for Simon, and Cardagain's been in the Shoebox for a fair while..
...But apparently people don't like that?!
Crazy people.
Instead, then, here's a generic Simon clone.
Boop Boop Boop go the gems, and Beep Beep Beep go your clicks!
Repeat the sequence to earn points, and lose lives when you're wrong.
It's the ultimate game of memory. Unless you count Cardagain.. That's a much better test of your memory.
What I Didn't Do
I don't think I missed anything. Beeps and Boops.. That's all there is, really.
There's not a lot more you can do with one of these games, unless you set it to music and call it Parappa!!!
" Repeating Derek holding a sign that says "I'm not doing Advent!!", Repeating Derek holding a sign that says "I'm not doing Advent!!", Repeating Derek holding a sign that says "I'm not doing Advent!!", Repeating Derek holding a sign that says "I'm not doing Advent!!" " by Replicate/Flux
[Dave's kitchen. Dave is surrounded by Bluetooth speakers while testing his phone]
Green: Perhaps Bluetooth isn't the best option for this.
Dave: But wires are so... wirey. And anyway, I don't want any more holes in my walls. Remember the chaos we had getting the wifi into the attic. It'd be that, but everywhere!
Green: That was different. You hadn't accounted for how flimsy the ceiling was. It wasn't your fault the hole ended up eight times bigger than you expected.
Dave: Exactly! No holes with Bluetooth!
Green: But the sound quality...
Dave: Will be perfect once I calculate the optimal placement of the speakers.
[Dave starts positioning speakers around the kitchen]
Dave: See, one by the fridge, one by the sink...
Green: You're putting electronics near water again, Dave.
Dave: How else will I hear music while doing the washing up?
Green: When have you ever done washing up?
Dave: I always wash up.
Green: No, you always turn a dishwasher on.
Dave: Yeah, but now I can load up the dishwasher whilst listening to music.
Green: That's not..
Dave: And unload it! That takes ages. You have to put everything away.
[Dave attempts to pair his phone]
Dave: Why isn't it connecting?
Green: Maybe because you've got six different speakers?
Dave: More speakers means more music!
Green: That's not how it works. What about interference? And bandwidth. And.. you know.. Bluetooth not being good at that sort of thing.
Dave: What else am I supposed to use, Greenie?! Magic fairy dust?
Green: Wires, Dave. You're supposed to use wires.
[Dave frantically taps his phone]
Dave: The pairing sound keeps coming from different speakers at the same time!
Green: Because they're all trying to connect at once.
Dave: It's like a Cola Symphony!
Green: It's like a mess, Dave.
Dave: But a wireless mess! That's progress!
[End credits]
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