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Not Doing Advent 17 : Snow on Ice Blog
17th December 2024
I'm not doing Advent, this year, so here's a game about a happy little Snowman.


The other day I made a game about a little Santa wandering around a maze, but Michael Fernie complained that there wasn't enough deadly shooting!
So here's another maze, and this time the snowman is throwing snowballs at ants and spiders.

Throw the snowballs at the ants, and .. are those spiders? I'm not sure. But I'm calling them spiders. And don't you dare suggest that I pinched the Alien sprites from Alien Deathmatch and threw them in to pad out the game. I definitely didn't do that! They're definitely ants and spiders..
... 2008!?! Good grief..


WASD - Move
IJKL - Shoot.

If you can get a Gamepad to work with your browser, be sure to try out Twin-Stick mode. That oughta work better.

What I Didn't Do

Pickups. I didn't think "Snowman throwing snowballs" needed anything like that.

You can Play Snow on Ice in JSE.
Bring a gamepad for best playability.

A.I. Corner

Lyrics : All my own lyrics, today
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: Download | Suno Link

Alternative version
: Download | Suno Link
Sung by Suno

"miniature diorama, Claymation Derek builds a beautiful snowman. A sign that says "I'm not doing Advent" is nailed to a tree." by Replicate/Flux

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Blog - Not Doing Advent 17 : Snow on Ice - AGameAWeek