I wrote yesterday's blog late on Christmas Eve, and finished off a few bits on Xmas Day morning, but .. I dunno what happened!
Well, I do. Christmas happened, and the whole day was gone!
A couple of blog posts over on SoCoder and a Discord "Cartoon Derek" image or two, but nothing really important.
Me, Mum and Sister spent some good time together, and festive cheer was had between us all.
I got a couple of neat techy bits, yesterday. A dock for the ROGAlly as well as a Scart-to-HDMI cable which should help with the transferring of some old videotapes.
I really do need to sort those tapes out, mostly so I can get rid of the bloomin' things. I mean, really, who keeps videotapes, nowadays!?
I might see about setting up a neat way to handle that, later today, but before the rest of the family shows up. Otherwise things might get a wee bit chaotic!
We're still not sure who's going to arrive, later. We know Aunt and Uncle are coming, we presume their two 20+ year old kids will be here, but whether their partners will or not, we're going to have to play it by ear!!
So, um, no coding again today. Not much of a surprise. It's Xmas!
I DO want to finish off the Connect 4 game, though, so that might pop up at some random point in the next few days.
Once that's done, it's time to start thinking about next year.
I probably should've planned a "theme" for January, but I really haven't got around to that yet.
Maybe throw a few theme ideas into the comments. Is there anything you'd like to see me tackle.. ... Other than RPGs!?
I turned on the N.A.S., scanning the files.
Almost 4 Gig of storage was in there.
And the size of the drives was just 4 Gig as well,
So the N.A.S. freaked out a ton.
'cos the space in there almost was none.
So I had to traverse through and kick out the garbage.
I knew it would take me a while.
So I opted to leave it alone for today,
Because people were visiting us,
On Christmas Day.
I've got a game that's unfinished that needs some attention,
It should be more done, but there's no time to spare.
As I frantically try to keep up with the blog,
Now there's more code to do, it all feels like a slog,
As I code and I code to beat time, and year's end.
I must finish this game, or the year will be lost.
One more game, one more bit. This is so nearly it.
I'll achieve Fifty Two if it kills me to try.
Then the new year begins, and I start once again.
Just a year, All the games must be finished.
The game's still unfinished, it taunts me, it waits,
With its code incomplete, and the time drains away.
Each festive distraction removes all my time,
Yet I love spending time with the people who visit,
And it's great to be social, though I'm not good at it.
The people bring stories and tales to be told,
The blog needs updating, the inbox explodes,
And still, I return to my labyrinth of code.
Fifty-One games completed, so near to my goal,
But December’s cruel clock takes a toll on my soul.
The struggle, the madness, the chaos, the thrill,
I’ll keep on creating the games that I will.
A Game A Week's my mantra, the thing I must do.
With fingers of fury, I'll power on through.
Int. Dave's Living Room
[Dave and Green sat on sofa, Lady Computer displaying rotating cubes]
Green: Why do they call it Boxing Day, anyway?
Dave: You don't know that?
Green: Not really, no.. Do you?
Dave: [jumps up, knocking over his emergency Cola supply] Lady Computer! Historical Mode! Maximum Detail Setting!
[The lights dim dramatically]
Dave: In the time before time, when computers were made of fruit, there lived a mighty king...
[Fantasy sequence begins with elaborate special effects]
Dave: King Lemondrop the Third. His palace was made entirely of perfectly cubic boxes, because circles hadn't been invented yet.
Green: That's not how-
Dave: SILENCE! The king had a magical computing lemon that powered his kingdom. But he was sad, for his boxes were empty.
Dave: [as King Lemondrop] "Bring forth the Fruits of the Forest! And bring boxes! Many boxes!"
Dave: [as Royal Herald] "But sire, what about the Strawberry Scout?"
Dave: [as King] "He's probably debugging ancient code somewhere. Proceed without him!"
Dave: First came Apple, wearing his computing spectacles and carrying a prototype of Lady Computer's great-great-great-grandmother!
[Lady Computer's screen flickers appreciatively]
Dave: Then Orange rolled in, carrying the sacred first can of Cola. And Banana! Oh, Banana brought the longest box ever seen!
[Dave spins around the room]
Dave: The Grape Collective arrived with their quantum computing cluster, all stored in tiny grape-sized boxes!
Dave: And Pear! Poor Pear, who kept dropping his box because he was shaped funny...
Green: Dave, this is getting-
Dave: Then the MOST AMAZING THING HAPPENED! Apple crashed - BUT IT CRASHED SO BEAUTIFULLY that all the fruit gasped in amazement!
Dave: The King was so impressed, he not only gave Apple his crown, but also his emergency Cola supply!
[Dave gets more excited]
Dave: They needed boxes to store all their data! Boxes for messages! Boxes for sprites! Boxes for the error codes! Boxes for all of the many blue screens!
Dave: Even Mr Standard Fridge's ancestor, Sir Icicle Box, offered his cooling compartments!
[Dave starts dancing]
Dave: And then they danced.
Dave: They danced the Dance of the Cubes!
Dave: The Hexagonal Hop! The Binary Bounce!
Dave: Until...
[Dave suddenly whispers]
Dave: The Strawberry Scout appeared... looking red and angry like you, Greenie, but with a lot of yellow dots all over his face...
Green: Of course he did...
Dave: But instead of stopping the party, he brought the greatest box of all - THE FIRST EVER DEBUG BOX!
[Fantasy sequence reaches climax]
Dave: And that's why we celebrate Boxing Day! It's also why computers use boxes for error messages, and why Cola cans come in boxes, and why Mr Standard Fridge has compartments!
[Fantasy ends]
Green: None of that happened.
Dave: Lady Computer, show him the historical records!
[Lady Computer displays more rotating cubes]
Dave: See? Proof!
[End credits]
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