Things didn't go well, yesterday.
"Then all I need to do is add numbers, and we're sorted!"
No, that's not as easy as I had in my head.
Because I forgot. I'm rubbish at art.
This looks HORRIBLE!!
Really, just awful, it's chaotic, it's messy, it's not good on the eye, it's bad..
It's bad.
It's Yuk.
*slaps wrist*
Naughty Jay.
Put that away..
This version is .. less horrific.. maybe..?
I mean, by comparison it's beautiful, but that's only because you saw the worst one first.
When it's covering the screen and it looks like that, it's not pleasant.
I really wasn't expecting my art style to be the downfall of this game, but I guess it very well might be!
I'll try again, today, and see if I can do any better.
Ideally, I'd like there to be space on the tiles to fit Spikes, Treasures, Baddies, etc, so if I can avoid the big number, that "might" be better. But at the same time, the little numbers didn't exactly work out, either.
Really not sure on what path to take, here.
Suggestions welcome.
(Maybe this is why games don't actually exist like this!!!)
I only need to add numbers to hexagons,
One, Two, Three, (Three!) Four Five, and Six (Six!)
It's not more complicated than that.
One, Two, Three, (Three!) Four Five, and Six (Six!)
Just a number drawn onto a sprite sheet.
One, Two, Three, (Three!) Four Five, and Six (Six!)
But it seems like that's too much for me.
One, Two, Three, (Three!) Four Five, and Six (Six!)
I cannot draw. I can't envision.
Why can't I pixelate this part.
Just let me see what it could be,
And I will replicate the art.
One two three, why can't I see.
I try my best but fail my mission.
Four five six, it should be fun.
The end result is just an issue.
Why can't I draw a simple textbook set of numbers.
An outline with a simple font on.
One, Two, Three, (Three!) Four Five, and Six (Six!)
It doesn't have to be that hard.
One, Two, Three, (Three!) Four Five, and Six (Six!)
But in my mind I've made a mountain.
One, Two, Three, (Three!) Four Five, and Six (Six!)
One I can't seem to climb above.
One, Two, Three, (Three!) Four Five, and Six (Six!)
I cannot draw. I can't envision.
Why can't I pixelate this part.
Just let me see what it could be,
And I will replicate the art.
One two three, why can't I see.
I try my best but fail my mission.
Four five six, it should be fun.
The end result is just an issue.
Why can't I draw a simple textbook set of numbers.
One, Two, Three, (Three!) Four Five, and Six (Six!)
One, Two, Three, (Three!) Four Five, and Six (Six!)
One, Two, Three, (Three!) Four Five, and Six (Six!)
One, Two, Three, Four Five, and Six
"A photograph of Cartoon Derek and his family sitting around a table, playing a traditional hexagonal board game with hexagonal tiles, each tile has a number from 1 to 6 on it. Living room, cosy, winter night" by Replicate/Flux
Int. Dave's Kitchen - Morning
[Dave's looking through a box of old appliance manuals while Green drinks coffee]
Dave: Did you know appliance manuals used to have the manufacturer's name at the front?
Green: Fascinating.
Dave: No, but look! Mrs Microwave's original manual... it says "Betty Electronics"!
Green: So?
Dave: SO? She never told me her name was Betty! Everything I know is a lie!
[Mrs Microwave beeps defensively]
Dave: Don't try to deny it! You were a Betty all along!
Green: Dave, that's just the company that made-
Dave: Next you'll tell me Mr Standard Fridge isn't really a Mister!
[Lady Computer displays a marriage certificate template]
Dave: Not now, Lady Computer! We're having a crisis of identity over here!
Green: The only crisis here is your obscure rules about names. Can't the appliances just be appliances?
[Master Air Fryer displays "CALM"]
Dave: Oh sure, take her side! Just because you're new here.
Green: We're all new here, Dave, you only bought this house a few weeks ago.
Dave: But what am I supposed to do about all these secrets! What else are they hiding?
[Mrs Microwave beeps a lengthy beep]
Dave: So you're saying you changed your name when you came to live here?
Green: Dave.. That was literally just a beep. What are YOU hearing?
Dave: You didn't hear Mrs Microwave telling us about her days locked inside a cardboard box for months?
Green: No.. ..
[Lady Computer shows a family tree of kitchen appliances]
Dave: Wait... according to this, the Toaster is related to the Kettle!
Green: I need more coffee for this.
Dave: You can't run from the truth, Steve!
Green: Still Martin.
Dave: That's exactly what a Steve would say.
[End credits]
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:04: I'm No Good at Art - AGameAWeek