Yesterday was going ok, until .. as per usual.. my art style got in the way.
I think I might ask the various AI's to draw me some art for this one.
I don't think anyone's going to argue with that, are they?
Let's try that again, with some AI Magic.
*twinkly twinkly twinkle*
There we go!! That's much better.
Right, I've got a whole bunch of those cards to do, so let's hope I can come up with a few nice concepts to keep them all looking nice, as well as keeping the game nice and playable.
I'll need a Gem counter, too, and maybe a hit-point counter? Maybe..?
Not sure if I'm going to add death to this game, though it'd give us a decent reason to add a couple more cards.
Looks like it might end up being a half-decent game, this one.
*fingers crossed*
I got the A.I. to draw the thing.
Because I couldn't draw the thing.
Now the thing is drawn, and I'm not forlorn,
'Cos the art aint as bad as it was.
When I drew it.
Go, A.I. with your magical paintbrush,
You manage to paint so well.
I couldn't improve, as I am too busy coding.
I'm glad you can draw, A.I.
It's much better than when I try
I can draw a little gem, but it looks kinda lame.
There's no artistic style, and the gems look the same.
So I asked Google FX if it could improve it,
It drew me a gem with the light shining on it.
Much more improved than when I tried to draw it.
Go, A.I. with your magical paintbrush,
You manage to paint so well.
I couldn't improve, as I am too busy coding.
I'm glad you can draw, A.I.
It's much better than when I try
I'm sure that I used to be better than this.
But the A.I. paints better than I could achieve.
The gems are all glowing, the shadows just right,
It's like magic unfolding in dim dungeon light.
Go, A.I. with your magical paintbrush,
You manage to paint so well.
I couldn't improve, as I am too busy coding.
I'm glad you can draw, A.I.
Int. Local Coffee Shop - Afternoon
[Dave and Green are seated at a corner table. Dave nurses a large latte while Green enjoys a slice of cheesecake]
Dave: This biscuit is amazing.
Green: Just the one though. We don't need another sugar rush outdoors.
Dave: It's alright, Greenie. This is different. This is sophisticated.
Green: Just because it's a biscuit doesn't mean you can't go overboard. Look at all the sugar on the thing.
Dave: Says the guy with half a cheesecake!
Green: One slice, Dave. One slice.
[Dave takes another careful sip of his latte]
Dave: I've been thinking...
Green: Oh no.
Dave: Maybe I should get a coffee machine.
Green: For your house?
Dave: Yeah! We can sit it opposite Mrs Microwave. Give her someone to chat to.
Green: Isn't that where you just put the Air Fryer.
Dave: Master Air Fryer. And, yeah, I could clear some space. Move a few things around.
Green: For Coffee? Not Cola? Are you sure you're ok?
[Dave arranges his biscuit crumbs into a tiny pattern]
Dave: It's just... coffee feels more grown up.
Green: More grown up than putting Cola stickers on your oven?
Dave: Hmm.. True. The stickers are very grown up.
Green: That was meant to be sarcasm.
[Dave starts sketching a coffee machine on his napkin]
Dave: I could name it something sophisticated.
Green: Let me guess... Bob?
Dave: No! Something classy. Lord Caffeine.
Green: A Lord? Crikey. You're giving that a high status, huh?
Dave: The little handle looks a bit like a crown.
Green: [looking at napkin sketch] How on earth is that a crown?
Dave: It wiggles!
[Dave's leg starts bouncing under the table]
Green: How's that "just one biscuit" working out for you?
Dave: I don't think that's the biscuit. What's in this coffee?
Green: You're literally vibrating.
[Dave pulls out his phone, and clicks through to coffee machine options]
Dave: Look! They have one that makes six different types of coffee!
Green: And how many Cola shelves would you have to dismantle to fit all the coffee beans in your house?
Dave: Don't worry, I can add move shelves.
Green: You'd never go through with it.
Dave: Would too!
[Dave starts arranging sugar packets into the layout of his kitchen]
Green: What are you doing now?
Dave: Planning the room layout. See? The coffee machine goes here, between the Cola desk and the Cola bike.
Green: You're not seriously considering this?
Dave: Of course I am! I'm sophisticated now! I have my own house, and everything. I'm all grown up.
[Dave orders another latte]
Green: What happened to "just one"?
Dave: One biscuit. Two lattes.
Green: So... Lord Coffee Machine?
Dave: ...maybe.
[End credits]
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:09: Redo From Art - AGameAWeek