One of my most hated games in the world is Ludo, where you spend 20 minutes moving halfway to the goal, only to be landed on by an enemy and sent right back to the start.
Again, and again, and again, and again!!
I think I might've made a game that's *almost* as frustrating!!!
In my playtesting of this game, I've found myself going backwards a LOT! But, if I'm honest, it's usually in a playful "Oh no! Back again!" way, instead of a "RAWR!" style.
It helps that you're never really sent "home", merely backwards, and it's fun watching as the computer players flail around heading in the wrong direction
Is that a good or a bad thing?
I think the best way to know for sure is to play the game with other people, but Mum's baffled by hexagons and can't quite fathom the game!!! Hmmm..
You'll have to let me know once I've released it.
And I should hopefully be releasing it, either some time today, or maybe tomorrow.
Today's probably going to be a busy day, I think.
Far too busy to do the youtube and the screenshots and the logo and such.
Roll the dice, Make the move.
Go. (Go!)
Get the Gem, Roll again.
Go. (Go!)
Move along, Pick the card,
Go. (Go!)
Take your turn, Pass along.
Go. (Go!)
Grab a gem, claim the prize,
Go! (Go!)
Watch your step, strategize,
Go! (Go!)
Take a card, make a play,
Go! (Go!)
One more turn, win the day,
Go! (Go!)
Every roll, every move,
Chasing down the treasure groove.
Think ahead, play it right,
Victory is in your sight!
(Yeah, yeah!)
One more step, one more chance,
Feel the thrill, it's time to dance.
Make your mark, play along,
The path to glory's hexagon!
(Yeah, yeah!)
Int. Dave's Garden
[Dave is balanced precariously on a stepladder, loading bottles into the giant vending machine. Green watches nervously.]
Dave: Pass me the Cherry Cola debug fluid!
Green: You mean the normal regular every day Cherry Cola?
Dave: No, the debug version.
Green: How is this any different?
Dave: It's got extra bubbles for processing power.
Green: That's not how bubbles work.
Dave: You said that about the coffee, but the way it burst out of your nostrils was definitely full of processing power.
[A bottle slips from Dave's clutches, Green catches it]
Green: Maybe we should've waited until the rain stopped?
Dave: Science waits for no weather! Besides, I've Cola-proofed everything.
Green: Normal people don't have a reason to cola-proof everything.
Dave: Yeah, but Steve already mentioned his garden was sticky.
[Mrs. Thompson walks past, carrying her now-empty muffin tray]
Dave: [whispering] Quick, act normal!
Green: Why are we whispering?
Dave: There was a conspiracy yesterday. Everyone was walking around... dressed up... with baked goods!
Green: Why was that?
Dave: I don't know, nobody said anything.
Green: Did you ask?
Dave: No, I hid upstairs in my study.
[Dave presses a button, and the machine whirs]
Green: Dave, wait...
Dave: See? Perfect!
Green: Is it supposed to be making that noise?
Dave: That's just the new fizz-optimization protocol.
Green: Dave, I really think...
[The machine makes an ominous gurgling sound]
Green: Dave...
Dave: Just a minor calibration issue...
Green: Dave!
Dave: Adding more Cola should fix it...
[End credits roll as the machine starts spraying Cola in all directions]
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:20: Almost Done - AGameAWeek