I should forewarn you, that I've (still!) not yet implemented this new functionality into the Player yet, so you'll have to wait a bit before you can "Download HTML5 Project" and have this working.
I'll get that going ASAP.
But for now, the Sound Editor is functional. (Tool button on the top right, 4th option down, I'll have to sort the icons out, because I've run out of room on the spritesheet )
: Download
This is what it sounds like if I keep clicking the "Random" button!
All of these sounds and more can be generated by the Sound command, and the editor takes full advantage of this.
Paste the 3 lines of sound setup into the top of your code, and you can then use Sound("NameYourSound",Pitch,volume,panning) to play those sounds in your game.
Int. Dave's House
[A massive box is being delivered to Dave's door]
Delivery Person: Sign here please...
Dave: Are you sure this is right?
Delivery Person: Don't ask me, I'm just delivering the package.
Dave: I ordered a keyboard from Joe's Computer Store. It shouldn't be this big of a box.
Delivery Person: Well, here's your.. box.
[Green arrives as Dave's struggling with the box]
Green: What's that?
Dave: My new keyboard! Though it seems a bit heavy.
[The two struggle with the box, and finally get it into the living room.]
Green: I'll open it.
Dave: Why?
Green: Knife, blade, sharp, danger.. and you...
[Greenie opens the box. It's full of keybaords]
Dave: It's full of keyboards!
Green: Yes, I can see that.
Dave: Why is it full of keyboards?
Green: You bought it from Joe's shop, right?
Dave: Yeah. Of course. I love Joe's computer shop!
Green: Maybe he envisaged you spilling more coke on it, and figured he'd send the next hundred or so in advance?
Dave: That's nice of him.
[Greenie finds a receipt in the box]
Green: Dave... you ordered one BOX. Each box contains 1000 keyboards.
Dave: Oh. I thought it meant, like, a keyboard in a lovely box.
Green: No, Dave. It's a box full. What did you think the number 1000 was for?
Dave: Like, something in the future.. "Keyboard 1000" or something. Sounds awesome.
[Lady Computer displays excited emoji through monitor]
Dave: Well, at least Lady Computer's happy. You can have a whole lot of keyboards, now!
Green: Dave, you only own seven computers. You're never going to use a thousand keyboards.
Dave: Eight if you count the one in the sugar incident room.
Green: So, a hundred or so keyboards per computer?
Dave: At least these won't end up in Joe's bargain bin.
Green: They don't have to now, you've paid [checks receipt] .. Bloody hell, Dave!
Dave: What?
Green: And you thought this was just ONE keyboard? For that much?
Dave: It does say "premium" on the description.
[End credits roll as Dave starts stacking keyboards into a fort like structure, while Lady Computer displays increasingly concerned emojis]
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Blog - 25-01-Adventure:31: A Sound Tweaker - AGameAWeek