You know, I really oughta work on getting a set of GUI commands working in JSE..
For a while I've been meaning to make some sort of simple GUI commands for JSE.
A set of "Button This" and "Slider That" and such functions that would work in a simplified way, allowing you to streamline any GUI based programs you might like to work on.
Of course, I'm rubbish at making GUIs, so it'll likely be terrible to look at, but if it helps me to write things at a marginally quicker pace, who's to argue!?
So far, so... Not broken!
I want to add as much functionality to these commands as I can, so expect it to be a while before I'm done.
... maybe tomorrow?
As well as that, didn't I start work on an Asset library?! What happened to that?
Another of those "Lost in the Advent" tasks that I was hoping to do during my Festive break that never happened.
*shouts at clouds*
I really should finish that functionality off. ... Well, mostly start it, really!
I first need to double check that I'm not going crazy insofar as memory management goes.
Sure, Javascript can free memory as it goes, and does so fairly well with Garbage Collection, but lately I've been throwing all manner of things at the engine.
I really need to calm the heck down a bit, and loading a bunch of pre-defined assets likely won't help that, too much.
Asset this.
Asset that.
Asset a dog.
Asset a cat.
Asset a child,
Driving a car.
And asset a box.
... stop
Where do all my assets go, I wonder. (I wonder)
I make them all then put them into my games. (That was the aim, oh yeah)
Then I move them all around the screen, and the gameplay comes alive. (alive)
This is where the assets live and breath. They come here to survive. (wooo)
Asset this.
Asset that.
Asset a dog.
Asset a cat.
Asset a child,
Driving a car.
And asset a box.
... stop
All my assets look the same, pixelated wonders. (wonders)
Drawn in such a crazy 8 bit style. (this is my style, oh yeah)
I drew them with a mouse click, or maybe with a trackpad. (pad!)
But now they live forever in a game that makes you mad. (it's awfully hard, again)
Asset this.
Asset that.
Asset a dog.
Asset a cat.
Asset a child,
Driving a car.
And asset a box.
And then another box.
Asset a trumpet.
Asset a stick.
Asset a pony.
Asset a pig.
Asset a crate,
And a cube, and a rectangle.
Asset the whole caboodle.
[Matt, Green and Dave stand around the fractal display. There's a distinct squelching sound as they move]
Matt: These equations are incredible! The complexity is astounding!
Dave: All powered by fizzy drinks!
Green: Not an AI in sight.
[Lady Computer displays a love heart symbol.]
Green: He's been working on it for weeks.
Dave: It's called Colanary, because the different fizzinesses act as different values.
Matt: But it isn't Cola? That's very unlike you, Dave.
Dave: We had .. issues with the stickiness.
Matt: Um... is the carpet meant to be this wet?
Dave: That's just Engine Effervescence. Perfectly normal.
Green: Yeah, I'm starting to notice that it's getting .. squelchier.
Matt: Doesn't seem good to me.
[Dave demonstrates the fractal zoom]
Dave: Watch this bit - the Colanary values create perfect Mandelbrot sets!
Matt: The mathematics are fascinating. Though my feet are getting rather soggy.
Dave: The PC's processing it beautifully. No lag at all!
Matt: Have you considered waterproofing the room?
Green: Or moving it to the kitchen where you can mop it up easier?
Dave: But the kitchen's already full of appliances. Where would Mr Standard Fridge go if there's an extra computer and all these pipes flowing through the kitchen?
[The Effervescent Flow bubbles]
Matt: You know, you should probably set up some drainage...
Dave: It's ok. Once a week it fizzes into the air to clean the street.
Matt: What?
Green: It's ok, all his new neighbours seem to like that.
Dave: It's epic. You get a huge fizzy geyser that bursts into the air. The kids all seemed to love it, the other day.
Matt: But it's not helping your carpet, much.
Dave: True. Maybe I should buy a new rug. Lady Computer, price me up some Coke rugs!
[End credits roll as Matt explains fluid dynamics while Dave sketches plans for a hydroelectric abacus]
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