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Foldapuz - Moo Mines Blog
2nd February 2025

Help the cow get to his barn, by first figuring out where all the mines might be.
Each row/column has a mine count. Use those to place all the mines, and you should be able to find an easy path for the Cow to get home.

You can Play sheets of MooMines at Foldapuz, or Play it in Unfolded in your browser.


The theme for Feb 2025 is "Cows and Mines", so I made a game that was pretty much exactly that.

This is a fairly simple little Foldapuz game, but instead of just relying on the numbers to guide you, you can also try to figure out the path at the same time, so it should help guide you towards the goal a little easier than the normal "row/column count" sort of logic puzzles.

What I Didn't Do

I feel like this game could've been a ton more complex, but. I dunno. Am I getting too lenient in my old age?

I could probably have switched from row/column counts to Minesweeper style numbering, but the problem with that is that anywhere there's a number, it's obvious that there's no mine on that tile.. And with such a small sized grid, it makes it far too easy.
I dunno if this game is any harder than that.
Realistically, a giant sprawling maze with hundreds of grid points and videogame action would probably have been better.
Maybe I could do that in one of the other games, this month?
Let me know in the comments/Discord.

You can Play sheets of MooMines at Foldapuz, or Play it in Unfolded in your browser.
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Blog - Foldapuz - Moo Mines - AGameAWeek