I spent ... FAR too long yesterday, going through every single sprite I've ever created in JSE.
I whittled out the completely unusable, very specific sprites, like all the meatball blobs for various random tracks and such.
I took out the hundreds of tiny particles I'd drawn.
I stripped away all the 100,000 instances of a Spike.
At the end of the day, I ended up with 923 sprites in a great big file, with categories and subsections.
This should be workable as part of the Asset Library, and if I'm honest, I'm not even done yet.
I've a bunch more sprites to import, and hopefully that'll also go smoothly, but .. Just in case, I've backed things up, so far!
Once that's all done, it's time to figure out how to code the actual JSE part of the Asset Library. It shouldn't be "too" hard, as I can make use of the Symbol drawing functions, so you only really have the list of symbol data filling up the browser's memory.
It's currently "only" 275Kb, which I don't think is *too* much.
I might see if I can squeeze it down a little more than that, though.
I need to make a nice menu to flick through the categories and such, and allow the user to copy either individual frames, or whole sections of sprites at a time.
That shouldn't be "too" hard, I don't think.
We'll see!
(It's actually half done, I just need to figure out how best to copy the strings across to the code)
.. I could also do with "folding" the albums, too, as that big long list is a bit silly, isn't it!
The library isn't open yet.
You gotta wait.
The library isn't open yet.
Hold on.
The library isn't open yet.
You gotta wait.
The library isn't open yet.
Hold on.
Gimme a few days,
I'm not quite ready.
I need more time,
To make things steady.
I'm almost prepared,
But I haven't had time,
To finish all the elements,
That make it all run fine.
The library isn't open yet.
You gotta wait.
[Dave sits at his fizzy-powered computer, while Green leans on a slightly-damp sofa]
Dave: Right! Time to see what this beauty can really do!
Green: How about Doom? Everyone loves Doom.
Dave: That's WAY too basic for this machine.
Green: It does handle those fractals pretty well.
[The Effervescent Engine bubbles quietly]
Dave: This machine's got more processing power than anything you've ever seen!
Green: Quake then?
Dave: Think bigger!
Green: Bigger than Quake?
Dave: This baby could probably run three Quakes at once!
[Lady Computer displays a "Warning: Unstable Processing" message]
Dave: The Colanary values are perfect for 3D rendering.
Green: You've actually tested this?
Dave: Nope. But the maths works out!
Green: The maths always works out in your head, Dave.
[Dave starts installing something]
Dave: Look, if it can handle real-time fractals, it can handle anything!
Green: What are you actually installing?
Dave: Everything! All at once!
Green: Dave, no...
[The Effervescent Engine starts fizzing more vigorously]
Dave: Dave yes! It's fine! The PC loves a challenge! And look how fast they're installing!
Green: The PC looks worried.
Dave: PCs can't look worried.
Green: Yours definitely can.
[The computer shifts into gear. Extreme fizzing is heard]
Dave: OK, here we go. Doom, Quake, Rollcage, Forsaken, Half Life and Midtown Madness all running at once.
Green: Gosh, the future is here!
Dave: I know, right. Look at it go!
[A feint popping sound is heard]
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's fizzily clean Living Room
[Dave stares at his smoking Effervescent Engine, while Green examines the damage]
Dave: That pop was definitely meant to happen.
Green: Was it?
Dave: Yes! It's like when you open a bottle of fizzy drink. Natural pressure release.
Green: Natural pressure release doesn't usually make your monitor display "Help" in Comic Sans.
[Lady Computer's screen flickers between "I warned you" and "SOS"]
Dave: Look, the games were running perfectly!
Green: For about twelve seconds.
Dave: Twelve GLORIOUS seconds! Did you see how smooth Midtown Madness was?
[The Effervescent Engine makes a sad gurgling noise]
Dave: Nothing major. Just need to recalibrate the fizz ratios.
Green: Dave, there's fizz dripping from your ceiling.
Dave: That's the cooling system!
Green: Since when?
Dave: Since about thirty seconds ago when I decided that that's what that is.
[Dave starts fiddling with pipes]
Green: Maybe we should stick to one game at a time?
Dave: Or... and hear me out... SEVEN games!
Green: How about we try getting it to run Minesweeper first?
Dave: Nah, too basic! Grab a towel, and help buff up this fizzily clean mess, will you?
[End credits roll]
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