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🐄⛏️ - 05 - Half as Much to Do Blog
5th February 2025
I spent ... FAR too long yesterday, going through every single sprite I've ever created in JSE.


I whittled out the completely unusable, very specific sprites, like all the meatball blobs for various random tracks and such.
I took out the hundreds of tiny particles I'd drawn.
I stripped away all the 100,000 instances of a Spike.

At the end of the day, I ended up with 923 sprites in a great big file, with categories and subsections.

This should be workable as part of the Asset Library, and if I'm honest, I'm not even done yet.
I've a bunch more sprites to import, and hopefully that'll also go smoothly, but .. Just in case, I've backed things up, so far!

Once that's all done, it's time to figure out how to code the actual JSE part of the Asset Library. It shouldn't be "too" hard, as I can make use of the Symbol drawing functions, so you only really have the list of symbol data filling up the browser's memory.
It's currently "only" 275Kb, which I don't think is *too* much.
I might see if I can squeeze it down a little more than that, though.

I need to make a nice menu to flick through the categories and such, and allow the user to copy either individual frames, or whole sections of sprites at a time.
That shouldn't be "too" hard, I don't think.

We'll see!

(It's actually half done, I just need to figure out how best to copy the strings across to the code)

.. I could also do with "folding" the albums, too, as that big long list is a bit silly, isn't it!

Oh, and code a game for Monday.

A.I. Corner

Lyrics : By me
Sound Imported : Transindental Expedition
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: Download | Suno Link

Alternative version
: Download | Suno Link
Sung by Suno

"Cartoon @Derek in a strong wind. messy blown hair" by

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Blog - 🐄⛏️ - 05 - Half as Much to Do - AGameAWeek