A couple of days ago, Michael Fernie sent us a nice big gameplay idea in the comments, and within he suggested that.... Blocks have levels. Your pick axe can only mine blocks at its level.
Nice idea. Though I expect "and below" might be a slightly better way to work with that.
As you can see in the screenshot above, each block has a number on it, and our Moocow would only be able to chip away blocks with his Axe's power or less..
.. But then what?
You power up the axe, then obliterate everything, then... ... ?
What if, instead, your Axe's power drained. What if you start with a power bar, and the 1 blocks use up 1 bit of energy, and the 9 blocks use 9 bits of energy.
That way, you're constantly needing to battle energy vs blocks.
Would that be better?
And where do you get more energy?
How about defeating a baddie = drops of energy. Then you can murder, gather, power, smash, grab!
Does that sound like a game, so far?
There are enemies you can fight with your weapon.
I don't think we need a secondary weapon, do we? Would the pickaxe not suffice?
If we presume enemies are "Level 0", so don't use up "energy" to hit like the blocks do, then that way we can always have ways to expand energy levels, should we run out.
However... Your weapon can be upgraded using resources.
This allows you to fight harder enemies.
If there are harder enemies, maybe they DO require energy, like the blocks do. Then we'd have to have some Zero-Baddies alongside some other types of baddies, which do use up energy levels.
I'll keep on working on this concept, and I guess we'll see what's at the other side, in a few days time.
Hit a one, Get a coin.
Hit a two, Get another.
Smash a three, it's another coin.
Look at all the coins I can collect.
But I'm just a cow. (yeah) I don't need any money. (no cash)
I'd buy a new suit, (woot) but I might look rather funny. (la la)
Maybe I could buy a car, (brum) and drive myself to places unknown. (Where will I go?)
But instead, I'll stay here, 'cos I'm happy at home. (stay home, yeah)
(Stay warm, here.)
Smash a block, win a coin.
Burst a box, It's a coin.
Dig a hole, find another coin.
Look at all the coins I can collect.
But I'm just a cow. (yeah) I don't need any cash. (no cash)
I don't keep any Pokemon cards in a stash. (pika!)
I might go out dining somewhere nice, on my own. (yum)
But instead, I'll stay here, 'cos I'm happy at home. (stay home, yeah)
(Stay warm, here.)
Maybe I could buy a rocket, fly up to the moon,
Or hire a marching band to play me a tune.
I could build me a mansion, with a pool and a slide,
But where would the sheep go? Where would they hide?
[final chorus]
'Cos I'm just a cow. (yeah) I don't need any gold. (no cash)
A fancy new watch wonβt keep me safe from the cold. (brrr)
I might buy a stool, or a throne of my own, (sit down)
But instead, I'll stay here, 'cos I'm happy at home. (stay home, yeah)
In a field with some grass and some pigs and a chicken. (chook)
We'll all hang around, where the fences are picket. (Whoop)
Where the farmer brings meals, laying hay on the ground, (yum)
And I don't need to pay with the coins that I've found. (Yeah)
And I don't need to pay with the coins that I've found.
So I'll keep them all safe, all the pennies and pounds.
Alternative version (This wasn't seeded by the song, and I just left it to its own devices)
: Download | Suno Link
Sung by Suno
"Cartoon Derek sitting atop a giant pile of shiny golden coins, looking down at a cow which is mooing from below in the field. "Mooo!", CGI by pixar" by Replicate/Flux
[Dave is crouched by the external pipes of the Effervescent Engine, surrounded by tools and empty bottles]
Dave: Calibration is the hardest part of all this.
Green: [poking head out door] Bit more of the minimal fizz!
Dave: [adjusting valve] I probably should've added an external display. Probably would've made this bit easier.
[Green reappears]
Green: Now there's too much! Dial it back a bit!
Dave: I wonder if Crysis might run on here? Never got round to playing that without a framerate of 3 or so per second.
Green: Less of the strong fizz! The screen's going all bubbly!
[Dave fiddles with another valve, causing a small spray of water past his head]
Dave: Stupid fizzy calibration... at least it's not sticky.
Green: [from inside] More power to the primary fizz tank!
Dave: It's not the Enterprise! And I'm not Scotty!
Green: The fractal's looking a bit more colourful now.
[Dave wipes fizz from his forehead]
Dave: Could really use a Coke right now.
Green: [appearing again] Maybe a bit less of the one you named Fizzopolis.
Dave: Was that the left or the right?
Green: Did you not label them?
Dave: No. Did you?
Green: No!.. It's the one on the left, I think.
[Dave tweaks a bit more, and a mild fizzy spurt erupts from a nearby pipe]
Dave: That's probably not good...
Green: Just a tiny bit more minimal fizz!
[Scene Two]
Int. Dave's Living Room - 10 Minutes Later
[Lady Computer's display pretending to be good at fractals, whilst the new computer's drawing dazzling five-dimensional fractals]
Green: The blue one's gone all spiky again.
Dave: [shouting from outside] Which blue one? The azure or the cerulean?
Green: There's a difference?
Dave: About three fizz-pounds of pressure difference!
[Lady Computer displays a heart symbol, then a question mark]
Green: Um, the one that looks like that running hedgehog.
Dave: [still outside] That's definitely the azure! Give me a second...
[A loud gurgling sound comes from outside]
Green: Now it looks more like a seasick octopus.
Dave: Perfect! That means the fizz matrix is stabilizing!
Green: Does it? Because Lady Computer just spelled out "HELP" in bubbles.
Dave: That's a new feature!
[Dave enters, soaked in various fizzy water]
Dave: Right, I think I've got it sorted.
Green: You look like you've been through a car wash!
Dave: That's how you know it's working properly!
Green: Is it though?
Dave: Trust me, I know my fizzes!
[A "pop" is heard, outside]
Dave: Ah. Might need to tweak the Fizzopolis valve again.
Green: You still haven't labeled them, have you?
Dave: I have! In my head. Very clearly labeled.
[End credits roll]
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