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Y3:W17 - Nuffin :( Blog
8th February 2011
You know what they say. If one PC break down, they all decide to do it simultaneously.
That's exactly what happened this week.

A PC at work literally fried last week. Power supply and motherboard were both dead dead, and the guy at work ended up having to buy a new laptop.
Having spent most of the week reinstalling and organising files, I got through to friday hoping to do my AGameAWeek.
Then found my PC was screwed, too, due to something dodgy.
Was it the new drivers I'd put in the day before?
Was it the Steam install of Half Life from the day before?
Or was it the Windows Update that'd installed about 10 minutes before the system bluescreened for the first time, of about 30-odd times?
Yup, think we found the culprit!

Suffice to say, I spent the weekend doing exactly the same damn thing I'd been doing all smegging week, and I'm really not in the right frame of mind to be writing a game, this week.
So, game loss.
Sorry all!

AGAW Score : 17 weeks, 11 Downloadables (inc 1 advent containing 25 games), 3 PlayMyCode, and an iPhing game =
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Blog - Y3:W17 - Nuffin :( - AGameAWeek