Had another Migraine day, today, and thus managed to accomplish bog all.
'tis a bit of a downpoint, considering how productive I've been over the past couple of weeks, but I pretty much ended up reading forums, messing about on Twitter, and.. .. Relaxing a bit.
Because, apparently that's important, even when you're kicking ass making a really great platformer. Go figure!
I wanted to play Zelda.
I figured if I can't code, or do music, or even manage to draw little neon doodles (drawing pixel-width lines is insanely hard when your migraine's shoving random splodges all over your eyes!) then I may as well play for a bit.
You may add the following fact to my previous 3DS rant.
EVER try to play 3DS when you have a migraine!!!
I got about 3 minutes worth of play before things started getting about 600% worse in my head.
So, I just continued to sit around doing naff all.
Another very wasted day, and one that I hope I won't be repeating any time soon.
I have oodles of neon doodles to perform!
Progress report
Yesterday (pre-migraine!) I added "big" characters into the game.
These aren't the planned end-of-level boss characters that I probably shouldn't be mentioning, yet...
Instead, these are like the ones in NeonPlat, where, for reasons completely unspecified, some of the baddies are massseeeeef!
Took a few tweaks to get the collision detection to work nicely, and .. .. the collision detection crashed a few times 'cos I forgot to limit the sprite image numbers a bit.. but it all worked out nicely in the end.
I might need to add a new variable into the game, though.
Currently the "Is Bigger" variable is the multipurpose "has a special setting" variable.
As such, you can't freeze the bigger baddies. Frozen <> Big. ..
Either flags, or tweaks, or a new variable will have to be thrown in there, somewhere.
Not sure why I mentioned that, given that nobody'll give a munky about that fact, but there you go!
Tomorrow I shall, yet again, attempt to add a proper boss.
.. I've NEVER added an end-of-level baddy before.
Should be fun!