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JNKPlat3D09 : Part 2 Blog
27th May 2009
I made a start on this game a few days ago, and things seem to be progressing at a decent enough rate.

The basic gameplay engine is in there, now. The test level (200x50 blocks) loads, platdude can run around, grab onto bars, jump around and use ladders. He can also work plungers and have the blocks open and shut accordingly.
So, that's all nice!

You might notice that the graphics are looking remarkably similar to JNKPlatDS08. That's because they ARE those graphics!
The engine loads them in at the start, and uses them as colour references for building all the blocks with.
Larger objects (ie bricks) are cheated in that they're just a cube with a texture, but the smaller things (plungers, ladders) are built up, piece by piece.
You'd think it'd be really complex, but.. it's not
And, so far, the celeron's still coping, which is good!

The most annoying part, at this stage, is that mods aren't going to work.
We're in Blitz3D again, with it's quirky little mod issues, so we're going to have to somehow avoid those.
I guess a nice big opening MP3 theme's in order!
But when I tried, this morning, my musical talent had all but escaped.


Maybe tomorrow!
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Blog - JNKPlat3D09 : Part 2 - AGameAWeek