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The 3 Week Panic! Blog
24th October 2011
This is the plan.

Week 1
This Friday I'm launching Beta2, so I have until Friday to add an alarming number of things.
I thought I was on track, but then realised I needed...
1. All the hats!
2. All the badges.
3. A couple of bits of music.
4. Scoring methods

This Beta will hopefully be, for the most part, the fully complete game.
Any extras after this point should be neatness-tweaks, and nothing major, but.. well.. things always get in the way!!


Week 2
Based on Beta2 feedback, fixes will be made, and I'll attempt to make everybody happy within the space of 7 days.
This shouldn't be as much of a task, because.. with any luck.. thing's shouldn't be broken by this point!

There will still be neat-tweaks to be made, and if I get time, I'd also like to attempt the pre-level AI thing that I've been avoiding doing.
.. I say that..
But in truth, I'd actually be happier if I continued to avoid doing it

For the most part, this appears to be a quiet week where I won't be doing much of anything.
That'll never happen.
Something always crops up at the last minute.

Week 3
The final week, and the final rush to do everything humanly possible to get the whole game done for release..
By this point, I've already passed the beta testing point.
I know that I can't expect beta players to do daily testing, so I'll have to rely on the previous beta's feedback to be as much information as I'm going to get.
All fixes will have to be done blindly, and *fingers crossed* no more of those annoying "Bugs you only see once in a blue moon" should pop up.
again, that'll never happen!

But I'll hope for the best, get it all bundled up, compile for all systems, and then on Sunday 13th November 2011, the game will be available for all.

Not long, now!!
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 88

Blog - The 3 Week Panic! - AGameAWeek