First up, be aware that these aren't working yet, so the bit where one of the achievements would appear to be mostly impossible without the others, is actually down to the fact that they're 6 items apart, and nothing to do with anything that's been earned yet!!!
.. having said that, here's the first screenshot of the Achievement table that I've been working on, today.
It "kinda" fits into the regular scoreboard sidebar, except it needed some extra padding around it

But it works, and it actually looks kinda nice, too.

You can probably tell I've been lazy with badge-drawing..
They're either Platdude, or they're nothing.
The achievements in the screenshot are only 1/3rd of the current total, and I've yet to add crazy awards, platform skill awards, item awards, hat awards, or anything else like that.
There's a LOT of achievements to go in there!!
So. yeah.. I took the lazy option, and didn't draw a badge for them all.
Would've taken me years!!