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Pulling my hair out... Blog
25th October 2011
Today's been total utter chaos.

I wrote a bunch of little Badges (Awards?!) the other day, so I've spent today trying to wrangle the code together so that they actually work.

See inside for some oddly missing information.

The first chunk of badges require a specific amount of levels to be complete, within specific groups.
As the player plays, they get totted up within their groups, and added to the lovely growing list of awards.
A long long time ago when I first built my Framework, I assigned the GameMode a specific number.
This number was NOT multiplied by the number of elements for that part, and instead was multiplied by the MOST number of elements for the largest part.
I tend to do that a lot, as it fixes a lot of "too big!" array issues.
On this occasion, though, I ended up having to backtrack from the crazy number, back to the level, in order to figure out where it is, and how many times X/Y/Z has happened.

This proved to be very very difficult, and needed lots and lots of tweak/test/tweak/test recompilations.
As the game grows and grows, a simple compile and run the menu is also taking about 20-30 seconds.
20 seconds doesn't seem a lot, but when you're doing it over and over again.. it sure does!!

I'm really glad I'm not making a mega-massive game, 'cos testing that would really make me go crazy!

PS, sorry if that information's a little bit obscure!
Beta testers should be able to work out what I'm waffling on about!
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