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Sorry folks, another game you probably can't play! Blog
15th June 2009
At the start of this week, I completed a nice quick game of Atoms for my phone, so here's that..

It's a classic Amiga PD game from many many years ago. Tap to place an atom, place too many to explode them, capture all the tiles you can.
Simple gameplay, but lots of fun!

You can Download Atoms here

For the rest of this week, I've been working on a mock board-game. Confined to the rules of board, it's been fun creating a game that could conceivably exist in the real world.
Unfortunately, that game's nowhere near ready yet. It's a fairly complex board game and has a great big bunch of rules to go along with it.
Crazy crazy stuff..

No matter. I still managed a game this week, and that's what it's all about, right?!
Next week, I'll probably have the board game done!
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Blog - Sorry folks, another game you probably can't play! - AGameAWeek