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I did nothing yesterday! Blog
29th October 2011
And I'll be doing nothing again, today.
.. well..

.. I say nothing..

What I mean is, I don't have a great big 12 item checklist to do, and I won't be struggling to type by the end of the day!!

After Thursday's insanely crazy marathon session, I think I just needed to stop for a bit, yesterday.
Instead, I took the time to make the G trailer, and posted the beta version to all our (hopefully) happy players.

A few snippets of feedback have been submitted so far, including Kaizen still complaining about a lack of run button.
I sent him a quick test thing, and .. apparently he somehow LIKES the run button.

From here on, it'll be bug fixes, badges, engine tweaks, and easter eggs.

I still need to fix a few of the odd little quirks that the level builder builds.
There's a bunch of badges to make.
The calendar oughta be filled up nicely with bonuses or something.
And then the "Level 1" thing also apparently needs to be tweaked, so it's not always "Level 1"..

Without resorting to "Today's Date / World 1-1", I'm not 100% sure what that'll be!

Still, give it a go, eh!
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Blog - I did nothing yesterday! - AGameAWeek