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Suggestion Box Blog
29th July 2009
Just a quick post, today.
There's now a suggestion box, over on the righthand side of the site.
|update| 2018 : This box has long since vanished. Tweet me your suggestions! |update|

A simple form.
Fill in name and suggestion, then blammo, gets sent to a huge file full of suggestions.

For now, it's a private box full of ideas that I may or may not choose to use, but perhaps in the future I'll start posting some of those suggestions!!

In other news, I've got a great big spreadsheet ready, filled with every game over the past year, and I'll be using it to create some sort of retrospective of my first year's AGameAWeek'ing.
Look out for that, shortly.

I'll probably post it in segments, lest I spend too much time on it!!!
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Site credits : Site built from the ground up, in php, using Programmer's Notepad 2, and a very bored Jayenkai.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 86

Blog - Suggestion Box - AGameAWeek